Releases: mittelmark/DGTcl
This is a bugfix version which should contain the missing utils.tcl file and which fixes a problem with the @character in the text.
This is a single build including the support of the FILTEREVAL environment variable. If set to 0 like this in a bash
The default will be to not evaluate the filters. You can reset this giving a value of 1.
pandoc-tcl-filter 0.8.0
This is a prerelease of the pandoc-tcl-filter as standalone Tcl script version 0.7.0 with embedded filters for
- {.tcl} Tcl code
- {.abc} ABC music
- {.cmd} Shell scripts, one liners, using many different tools
- {.dot} GraphViz dot/neato code
- {.eqn} EQN equations
- {.kroki} Kroki diagram code
- {..mmd} Mermaid diagrams
- {.mtex} LaTeX equations and graphic commands using many packages like tikz
- {.pic} PIC/DPIC diagram code
- {.pik} Pikchr diagram code
- {.pipe} R, Python and Octave code
- {.puml} PlantUML code
- {.sqlite} SQLite code
- {.rplot} R plot and non-plot code
- {.tcl} Tcl code
- {.tcrd} lyrics with chord code
- {.tdot} tdot package code
- {.tsvg} Tcl package tsvg code
The application can be as well directly as standalone application, use pandoc-tcl-filter.tapp --help
to see the options. Since version 0.7.0 there is as well a graphical user interface. Try pandoc-tcl-filter.tapp --gui
. Since version 0.8.0 the GUI supports as well code chunks in Markdown files.