If you use REVISE, please cite our paper (pdf)
title={REVISE: Robust Probabilistic Motion Planning in a Gaussian Random Field},
author={Alex Rose and Naman Aggarwal and Christopher Jewison and Jonathan P. How},
REVISE has been tested with Python 3.12.7 on MacOS and on Ubuntu 20.04.
Installing dependencies (using a virtual environment is recommended):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Replicating paper results:
python run_quadrotor_experiment.py
to regenerate belief roadmaps for the single-query and multi-query experimentspython run_monte_carlo_simulation.py
to generate random goals for the multi-query experiment and simulate closed-loop trajectories for both experimentspython run_metrics_evaluation.py
to evaluate final state MSE, Wasserstein distance between the planned and actual final state distributions, and plan cost for both experimentspython plot_results.py
to regenerate the plots used in the paper
Documentation is auto-generated based on the source code and hosted by Read the Docs. Our project page is online at https://acl.mit.edu/REVISE/.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant no. 2141064 and by the Draper Scholars program.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.