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Copyright (C) 2017 Ondřej Chrenko
email: [email protected]

This program is a modification of the 2D FARGO hydrodynamic
code (Masset 2000). FARGO_THORIN stands for FARGO with
Two-fluid HydrOdynamics, the Rebound integrator
Interface and Non-isothermal gas physics.

The code was introduced in Chrenko et al. (2017)
and its primary purpose is to study protplanetary systems,
specifically mutual interactions between a gaseous disk,
a disk of small solid particles (pebbles) and embedded protoplanets.


BEFORE using the code or any part of it:

1) Please make sure you read the license agreement
   (See the 'LICENSE' file distributed along with
   the program. In case you haven't received the license,
   please notify the author by email).

2) Please make sure that you are using the latest
   distribution of the archive which can be found at .
   The latest change of the code itself or of 
   the documentation is always listed on the
   given website.

3) If you have a research topic to be explored using
   FARGO_THORIN but you find the code too difficult
   to understand or modify, feel free to contact me
   and maybe we can start a collaboration.



This is the first (1.0) public version of the program and
corresponds to the one used in Chrenko et al. (2017). The
code is perfectly functional for simulations and verification
runs similar to those presented in Chrenko et al. (2017).
There are however several deprecated setup options which are leftovers
from the code development and some combinations of input parameters
were not tested. I did my best to point out the problematic cases
in the UserGuide (see the 'UserGuide.pdf' file) but it is probable
that I forgot to mention some of them. Please contact me by email if you
encounter bugs of any kind so I can remove them in the next versions.



Compilation & prerequisites:
	Go to /src_main. There are several primitive shell
	scripts (*.sh) which operate with the makefiles located
	in the /src* directories. These scripts cover
	the basic options you have when compiling the code
	for various CPU configurations (single, multicore
	or clusters).

	The most useful builds can be compiled by running:
	./	(this creates a sequential single-CPU build
			suitable for testing purposes, low-resolution
			runs or short-term runs)
	./	(this creates a parallel multi-CPU build
			with MPI support which is a very efficient
			form of parallelism. This should be preferred
			for numerically demanding, high-resolution

	The default setting of the shell scripts and makefiles
	is intended for any distribution of the Linux OS and for
	the gcc compiler. OpenMP and MPI support is not mandatory,
	it is however required for multithreading or for
	distributed-memory calculations.

	In case your machine architecture does not support the
	prerequisites above, you must manually modify the
	respective makefiles (e.g. change the compiler or/and
	the compilation switches).

	Go to /src_main and issue ./
	Then compile the code again according to your preferences.

	If the steps above were successful, you will find the
	./thorin executable in the parent directory.

Run an example:
	There are two example calculations prepared in this archive.
	These are stored in the /in_relax and /in_wplanet directories.
	The examples demonstrate how to proceed when one wants to
	include the disk of pebbles into the simulation.


	Simulation I:
	The directory /in_relax contains the setup to a preparatory
	simulation which evolves only the gas disk. By performing
	the simulation, the disk is relaxed into an equilibrium
	state in which the heating and cooling processes are balanced.

	The directory contains a parametric setup file named
	'in.par' and also a planet configuration file named
	'zeromass.planet.cfg' which includes a planet of negligible
	mass into the calculation.

	To start the simulation after compiling with ./, move
	to the parent directory and execute:
	./thorin in_relax/in.par

	The calculation will create a directory /out_relax
	and it will write 40 outputs. It takes about 80 minutes on
	a laptop.

	To start the simulation on a CPU cluster after compiling
	with ./, move to the parent directory and execute:
	mpiexec -np X ./thorin -m in_relax/in.par

		where 	'X' must be replaced by the number of available
 			'm' is a command line switch that will allow
			    the output files from various CPUs to be merged
			    on the master CPU

		(Depending on the cluster architecture and settings, you
		might want to provide the names	of available cluster nodes
		and numbers of cores on each of them in an MPI hostfile.
		To do so, change the command as
		mpiexec -np X -hostfile HOSTFILENAME ......
		where 'HOSTFILENAME' is the name of the hostfile.)
	The calculation takes about 25 minutes on a cluster
	of 4x5 CPU cores.


	Simulation II:
	The directory /in_wplanet contains the setup of a full
	simulation which evolves the gas disk, the pebble disk
	and a single embedded planet of the mass equal to 10 Earth
	masses. The planet accretes from the pebble disk and is
	also heated by pebble accretion. Parametric setup of the
	simulation is again named 'in.par', the planet configuration
	file is named 'embryo.10ME.cfg'.

	(!!!) The simulation can only be started if the following
	conditions are met:
		i) Simulation I is completed.
		ii) The final hydrodynamic fields gasdens40.dat,
		    gasvrad40.dat, gasvtheta40.dat and gastemper40.dat
		    from the output directory /out_relax are
		    translated into 1-column ascii files, moved
		    into the directory /in_wplanet and renamed to
		    gasdens.cfg, gasvrad.cfg, gasvtheta.cfg and
	The purpose of step ii) is to provide an initial steady-state
	gas disk description for the initialisation routines. The entire
	step ii) can be done by running an auxiliary python script
	named '' placed in the /in_wplanet directory.
	For the script to be succesfull, step i) must be fulfilled
	and your system must support python.

	To run the simulation, the commands are similar to the previous

	./thorin in_wplanet/in.par
	mpiexec -np X ./thorin -m in_wplanet/in.par

	The calculation will create a directory /out_wplanet
	and it will write 40 outputs. It takes about 80 minutes on
	a laptop.

	Note that this is only an example! For a given planet mass,
	the resolution is too small e.g. to properly recover the Type-I


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