The main entry point of Milobella. We send it text and it returns vocalizable answer.
- Having
installed instructions
$ go build -o bin/oratio cmd/oratio/main.go
$ bin/oratio
will be checked in the following paths
- /etc/oratio
- $HOME/.oratio
- .
A configuration example can be found in config.toml.
$ curl -iv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9100/api/v1/talk/text -d '{"text": "Quelle heure il est ? "}'
$ curl -iv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9100/api/v1/abilities -d '{"name": "clock", "intents":["GET_TIME"], "host": "localhost", "port": 10300}'
$ curl -iv -X GET http://localhost:9100/api/v1/abilities
$ curl -iv -X GET http://localhost:9100/api/v1/abilities?from=cache
$ curl -iv -X GET http://localhost:9100/api/v1/abilities?from=database
$ curl -iv -X GET http://localhost:9100/api/v1/abilities?from=config