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news of collapse 2 #55

milahu opened this issue Jan 23, 2024 · 16 comments

news of collapse 2 #55

milahu opened this issue Jan 23, 2024 · 16 comments


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milahu commented Jan 23, 2024

who does NOT see the end of the world, is reading the wrong news (blue pills)

what news do i read? who do i trust?

continue #32

see also #56 (german version)

2024-01-22 newsletter

Gab Stands Up to Censorship Requests from Europol

Dear Gab users,

We want to bring your attention to a recent development that highlights the importance of our ongoing commitment to free speech and our dedication to protecting your rights on our platform.

This morning, Europol, a European Union law enforcement agency, reached out to Gab, demanding that we censor links to a documentary called Europa The Last Battle. Europol claims that the documentary violates their laws and should be removed from our platform.

For those unfamiliar, Europol is a European Union agency responsible for coordinating the sharing of information and intelligence between law enforcement agencies across 27 EU member states. While Europol may have a significant role in maintaining law and order within the European Union, we must remain vigilant in ensuring that their requests do not infringe upon our users' rights to free speech and expression.

As a platform that values and upholds the principles of free speech, we will not be removing the documentary from Gab. We believe that the First Amendment protects the rights of our users to share and access information, even if it may be considered controversial by some.

We have chosen to stand up to Europol's censorship request. These decisions to stand up to foreign government requests incur a significant amount of legal costs to handle these situations. However, we believe that this is a worthy investment to ensure that free speech is protected from censorship by foreign governments.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our users who have supported us in our mission to provide a platform that respects and protects free speech. We encourage you to continue standing with us as we navigate these challenges together.

If you believe in our cause and would like to support our efforts to maintain a free and open platform, please consider upgrading to GabPRO, making a one-time donation or purchase from our shop, or running ads for your business or brand on Gab.

Thank you for your continued support and for helping us keep the spirit of free speech alive.


The Gab Team

Europol just emailed us and demanded that we remove a post someone made on Gab sharing a link to the documentary Europa The Last Battle. Not only will we not be removing it, but I’ll also share the link here and encourage you to watch the documentary that the EU cronies are terrified of you watching.

In our assessment, the content referred incites to hatred by either threatening, taunting, offending a targeted group and it involves, but might not be limited to, racism, anti-Semitism, transphobia, homophobia, or other forms of discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ collective.

[The content violates Article 1 of the EU Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms of expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law]

We appreciate your assistance in this matter.

Kind regards

"LGBTQIA+ collective"

At least they are open about their Marxist goals.

get fucked eurokikes

zionst centuries rule over EU nothing strange about this letter.whats worst is dumb Europeans who forget own history,and aceppting khszarians.

Excellent post, very good film that exposes some of the hidden history from WW2. Censorship sucks. I'm glad you are not honoring there request. Gab might be the last real FREE SPEECH site on the internet.

272 politicians of European Parliament were on (((György Soros))) payroll -it was revealed in a leak but this information has been erased from the Internet.
-"Last year, too, it was revealed that 22 of the 100 permanent judges of the ECJ had ties with organisations linked to Soros."

Evil people are bothered by a documentary spreading the truth.
Because with the Jewish lies deunked they no longer can market their satanic supremacy as "good side of the history".

The power that be are pissing their plants in fear that the masses are waking up! But a 12+ hour video requires a lot of stamina to get through it!

The EU along with any other Globalist operation has gotta get it through their thick heads that no one has the authority to control the free-flow of information, ideas, thoughts and opinions.

Fuck ‘em

The truth is a “threat” to their Jewish supremacy

Great movie.

I think I will watch it a third time.

I don't know why these people think that if you have refused 1000 censorship requests you will suddenly respond to 1001. Does Europol think it is somehow special in comparison to various national governments?

... and these people still have the audacity to call themselves "anti" fascists

we (males of the old population) are expected to shut up and keep working and keep paying taxes, while our countries are invaded by african males, financed by our tax money

this censorship is an overreach, because the contents per se are not illegal, but they claim: these contents are a danger to the public peace. makes sense, because if too many people "wake up", they will revolt

so this censorship is their way to prevent a bottom-up revolution ("insurrection"), and to protect their top-down revolution, to stay in control. no surprise, fascists are control freaks

reminds me of The Pirate Bay, who have published some of the legal threats against them

Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on Go fuck yourself. Polite as usual, anakata

Legal threats against The Pirate Bay

Article 1 of the EU Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA

Racism and xenophobia are direct violations of the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, principles upon which the European Union is founded and which are common to the Member States.

so we are enemies of: liberalism, democracy, humanism, legalism

These decisions to stand up to foreign government requests incur a significant amount of legal costs to handle these situations.

this should cost zero, otherwise they will use this trolling to steal your money

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milahu commented Jan 23, 2024

psychowar, propaganda, ministry of truth

because killing the 95% useless eaters is no picnic (depopulation is the ultimate goal)


BMJ Report Recommends “Behavioral Interventions” To “Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy Driven by Misinformation on Social Media”

These interventions include boosting the visibility of "reliable health information" and social media companies becoming "more proactive in dealing with the proliferation of misinformation on their sites."

By Didi Rankovic

The BMJ is not short for “Behavioral Medical Journal” – but it might as well be.

Now this publication, owned by the British Medical Association, is exploring how to deploy no less than “behavioral interventions” to bring about less “vaccine hesitancy.”

And the article doesn’t stop at medical arguments. The hesitancy here is specifically linked with social media driven “misinformation.”

The recommendations don’t differ greatly from what those Big Tech social subsidiaries have been including for years in their policies – and these “guidelines” were probably cooked in the same kitchen, so to speak.

Things like, boosting the visibility of “reliable health information” and more “pro-action” on these platforms “in dealing with the proliferation of misinformation.”

First, the authors of the piece seek to define the way in which social media affects vaccination campaigns. The take is basically entirely negative – asserting that this effect amounts to misinformation only.

Paying lip service to genuine safety concerns playing a role in low uptake, the BMJ instantly switches back to playing up the danger of hesitancy.

Thus – there’s been a “return of measles” as of late. And, the implication is, the World Health Organization (WHO) used that among other things to issue an extreme “decree” to the world – that vaccine hesitancy is “among the greatest threats to global health,” WHO said.

And while the article positions the concern about vaccination in general – including decades-long used and tested ones – the highly controversial Covid jab eventually makes an appearance.

And it is mentioned as that point where this general “hesitancy” gained momentum, with the social media – rather than the sketchy nature of these particular vaccines – to blame.

Now for the “solutions,” specifically those based on behavioral interventions methods, or let’s say, “reprogramming.”

Here’s what BMJ says are standard behavioral approaches: encouraging vaccination by “(including) mandatory vaccination and regulation for healthcare professionals, incentives, public health communication campaigns, and engaging trusted leaders.”

Don’t feel bad if the term “orchestrated campaign” occurs to you as you read the BMJ mentioning “pre-bunking” information as one way to deal with this problem of its own making. “Pre-bunking” enthusiasts are now cropping up all over the place.

And there’s more ways to inoculate people than just against viruses – there’s also manipulative “inoculation” against broad-minded consideration of all available information.

The BMJ says: “Other intervention types include warning (‘inoculating’) people about manipulation tactics using non-harmful exposure as a tool to identify misinformation, and using accuracy prompts to trigger people to consider the truthfulness of material they are about to share on social media platforms, without stopping them from posting.”

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milahu commented Jan 23, 2024


by Health Ranger Report (Mike Adams)

via newsletter

Treasonous SCOTUS orders full-scale migrant invasion of America in final act of national suicide

The U.S. Supreme Court just ordered Texas to allow the full-scale migrant invasion that's overrunning America, ruling that any defensive barriers are illegal.

Is this how the civil war begins? Texas is adamant that its borders must be protected against invasion. In fact, the U.S. Constitution demands that the federal government protect states from invasion, yet SCOTUS is acting in a way that is thoroughly complicit in an active, wartime invasion and occupation of the United States of America.

The intention is clear: To overrun America, exterminate all Americans and replace them with imported illegals who have no ties to the Constitution or American culture.

Plus today, we feature an interview with David Webb of "The Great Taking" who describes how the engineered mass theft of your financial assets has been carefully planned and is about to be activated.

  • US Supreme Court allowing Texas border invasion. (0:13)

  • Texas-Mexico border security and immigration policies. (5:01)

  • Immigration, government overreach, and secession. (10:04)

  • Food scarcity and government control in Western Europe. (13:37)

  • Depopulation and world war. (22:26)

  • Potential false flag event to escalate war with Russia. (26:00)

  • Financial subterfuge and property rights. (45:06)

  • Bankruptcy laws and financial institutions' rights. (55:48)

  • Totalitarianism, central planning, and financialization. (1:08:50)

  • Money creation, financial bubbles, and economic collapse. (1:14:40)

  • Central banking power and its impact on economies. (1:21:52)

  • Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro's support for Israel, and the importance of self-custody of assets. (1:35:31)

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milahu commented Jan 25, 2024

CBDC, fiat money, fake money, centralization, inflation, taxation is theft

privacy crypto: Firo, Monero, Mimblewimble, ...

but remember:

    • A Crypto nerd's imagination: Guy [[Holding Laptop]]: His laptop's encrypted. Let's build a million-dollar cluster to crack it. Other guy: No good! It's 4096-bit RSA! Guy: Blast! Our evil plan is foiled!
    • What would actually happen: Guy [[Holding money tag and wrench]]: His laptop's encrypted. Drug him and hit him with this $5 wrench until he tells us the password. Other guy [[taking the wrench]]: Got it.
    • Actual Actual Reality: Nobody really cares about his secrets. (Also, I would be hard pressed to find that wrench for $5.
  • - Careful with the New Crime Wave of Latin America
    • They figured out how to get access to his crypto. They stole $15,000, which if you're watching this, you're a wealthy individual, you might think, well, 15K, whatever. But if you have 15 million in your crypto account or your Binance account or in your bank account, they will figure out how to steal it from you. Scopolamine is a drug that basically makes you into a little slave, into a little servant, and you'll do whatever the attacker wants.


mike adams = health ranger = =

via Natural News newsletter

Trump wins again, crypto and gold beat counterfeit currency

Trump just clobbered Nikki Haley in New Hampshire and the GOP nomination is all but wrapped up now. It's Trump vs. whoever the Democrats decide to run, and a lot of people think that's going to be "Big Mike."

Today we also cover the superiority of private crypto and gold as systems that store value. They are valuable because governments cannot counterfeit them, and confiscation is also nearly impossible for governments to achieve.

Remember: Governments don't want you to use any system of money that they can't surveil, confiscate and counterfeit. That's why they oppose gold, silver and crypto while promoting dollar-denominated bank accounts, treasuries, IRAs and CBDCs.

  • Trump's New Hampshire win and Nikki Haley's campaign. (0:19)
  • Politics, transcription technology, and AI. (4:28)
  • Globalist agendas and potential false flag events. (22:26)
  • Potential Michelle Obama presidential run. (32:23)
  • Gender identity and absurdity in society. (42:53)
  • Censorship and hate speech on social media platforms. (52:49)
  • Intrinsic value of Bitcoin and gold. (1:02:38)
  • Financial survival, privacy coins, and gold. (1:10:00)
  • Bitcoin ETF's impact on decentralization and investment. (1:24:30)
  • Privacy coins and Bitcoin innovation. (1:29:15)
  • Bitcoin ETFs and their impact on transparency and accessibility in the crypto market. (1:42:52)
  • SEC approval of Bitcoin ETF and its implications. (1:47:47)
  • Crypto use cases and stable coins. (1:56:44)
  • Crypto education, risks, and business model. (2:10:04)


Mike, why do you continue to push Trump propaganda non-stop just like Alex Jones?

While in office, Trump:

  1. Took credit for and promoted Warp Speed even though publicly available studies exposed how every animal injected with mRNA DIED!!
  2. STILL brags about and promotes those shots even though a MOUNTAIN of studies, statistics and testimonials PROVE how deadly they are.
  3. He approved the final installation of deadly 5G towers on every street corner even though DECADES of studies and expert testimony reveal how harmful it is, especially to children.
  4. He signed Int'l agreements and EO's that give a future President and/or FOREIGN entities i.e. UN/WHO, the immediate power to remove what few God given rights we have left if an 'emergency' is declared.
  5. He ignored Assange being incarcerated AND tortured for simply receiving and publicly posting evidence of actions taken by evil, corrupt segments of the US gov't.

While he did say a lot of things that we liked hearing, everything he did supported and forwarded the Rothschild (formerly the Bauer family)/Rockefeller agenda against humanity. This is NOT a coincidence.

I won't even go into Trumps length friendship with Epstein (who still lives); how he announced "lock her up" referring to Killary, but then publicly stated that the Clintons were "good people"; or his lengthy collaboration with both the Rothschild and Rockefeller banks.

Trump is and always has been a Rothschild/Rockefeller puppet. THEY have followed the manual on 'Creating Controlled Opposition' to a T with how they've used Trump to trigger the left and manipulate the right, playing us all against one another. But I digress.

Please Mike, stop promoting Trump and his "successes". And stop posting stories about a PERCEIVED attack on him by the 'swamp'. You will notice that NONE of the legal or character attacks on him are fruitful. This is because they are intended to fail. They are part of creating controlled opposition. The left celebrates the attacks on Trump (even though they don't realize they are empty attacks), and the right thinks that their golden boy is unfairly attacked by a corrupt system that the left is manipulating. It is ALL theatrics.

Please wake up

Jana Irin

I saw VIVEK, who now supporting Trump saying, that NWO is simply an attempt to bring back a FEUDAL Global Sate. Is surely match on all points.Vivek is.a bright Brain, recognizing that.


Like Musk, which has been obvious from miles away, Trump is Jew-ISH, too, as are all these wolves in sheep's clothing. Evil never shows up with bared fangs and extended claws but with mellifluous promises and sweet nothings that lull their victims into a false sense of security so they can move in undetected for the kill.

From The Atlantic, "Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters"

From The Times of Israel, "Donald Trump, America’s first Jewish president"

From Jewish Business News, "PURIM BREAKING: Donald Trump Converting to Judaism"

It cannot be both ways: Trump cannot be President Warpspeed the Death Jab AND President save our ass.

Nor can he be "I support Israel all the way" AND, "I'll make America great again." Mmhm.

Anthony Lopez

Mike, you guys are having this discussion as if our government and world have NOT been captured. The SEC and every other governmental agency will do what they want. Sorry to break the news to you, but once they shove CBDCs down our throats, ALL cryptos will be outlawed. And when the grid goes down, or they completely take over the internet, your cryptos will be worthless. this is nothing more than an interesting storytelling exercise.

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milahu commented Jan 25, 2024

migrant invasion, civil war, usa


Texas Gov defies Biden's treason as pro-America states form battle lines to defend against invasion

The Governor of Texas has defied the lawless, unconstitutional SCOTUS order that demands Texas open its border and allow an unlimited invasion of enemy combatants into the country.

Gov. Abbott has invoked the U.S. Constitution to declare that the rights of Texas supersede the federal government's powers.

Treasonous democrats are calling for Biden to seize control of the Texas National Guard. But Oklahoma, Virginia, Florida and other states have declared they will stand with Texas.

We are rapidly advancing into a civil war scenario over illegal immigration, and the illegal Biden regime will stop at nothing to see America completely destroyed and all its citizens exterminated.

This is a fight for our very survival.

Today's broadcast covers this in great detail, featuring an emergency interview with Michael Yon.

  • US-Mexico border security and government overreach. (0:00)
  • State's right to self-defense and border security. (5:57)
  • Texas-US border conflict and potential civil war. (16:11)
  • Immigration and potential genocide in the US. (26:49)
  • Defending Texas from federal invasion. (31:45)
  • Trump, politics, and the upcoming election. (37:24)
  • Immigration and border security. (48:15)
  • Political candidates and election strategies. (53:25)
  • US-Mexico border security and Supreme Court actions. (1:08:22)
  • Potential number of foreign fighters in US. (1:22:11)
  • Israeli military incompetence and potential genocide in Gaza. (1:35:13)
  • Vaccine depopulation and war with Russia. (1:45:39)
  • Global politics, immigration, and depopulation. (1:49:26)
  • Election integrity and immigration enforcement. (1:57:15)
  • Political issues and conspiracy theories. (2:04:23)

Thomas Ross

When succession collectively occurs across the country , and the USA economy and dollar collapses simultaneously , the USA will be horribly weakened. That's when China with UN support will invade the continent , activate their sleeper cells that have poured across the border for 3 years straight and take us over .

This scenario is exactly what the globalists want .

To think that China will not take this opportunity to invade then your head is someplace where the sun don't shine.

Either way the USA, Canada and South America are thoroughly fucked .

Get locked, loaded, and stocked up with food and energy and protect your families.

Anthony Lopez

Hey Mike, I have said it a few times on this channel: Greg Abbott is a WEF member. Truth is, Abbott could have stopped all of this back in 2021. This is all part of “their” plan. This is how this finally destroys our country and breaks it up into regions just as they planned. This back and forth between Biden and Abbott is all show and used to kick off the civil war, which will lead to tens of millions of Americans dead, just as they planned. Once again, Abbott could have done something way before he allowed roughly 20 million invaders. The 6 million must be only from the TX border. Here is the current WEF link:

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milahu commented Jan 31, 2024

holodomor, death by hunger, man-made famine, manufactured famine
depopulation, great reset, collapse, crash

"you will starve, and you will be happy"


Mike Adams = health ranger = =

via Natural News newsletter

Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to wipe out U.S. farms and food production

by Mike Adams

A massive fire at Feather Crest Farms in Texas raises suspicions of more food sabotage, as multiple chicken houses burn down. More sabotage appears to be under way against the U.S. food infrastructure.

Meanwhile, agricultural commissioners representing 12 U.S. states have issued a huge warning to globalist megabanks, saying their ESG investing guidelines are essentially a war on farms and will result in the collapse of U.S. farming and food infrastructure.

Of course, that's the globalist plan, right?

Chicken Plant Fire in Texas: More Food Sabotage?

A massive fire at Feather Crest Farms in Texas raises suspicions of more food sabotage, as multiple chicken houses burn down, leading to a loss of life for many chickens. This adds to the ongoing concerns about the safety of our food supply chain, as well as the need for individuals to secure their own food supplies through means such as growing their own food or having backup plans in place.

The Satanists who wiped out the Buffalo in USA are now going to wipe YOUR food supply out. Enjoy eating za cardboard in your 15 minute Benedict Trump 'freedom city'..

Texas chicken farm engulfed for hours in massive blaze

Authorities said that over 100 firefighters were working to extinguish the blaze on Tuesday

Published January 30, 2024 8:00pm EST

A massive fire engulfed a chicken farm in Texas, demolishing the chicken coop, with firefighters still working to extinguish the blaze on Tuesday.

The Bryan Fire Department shared images of the fire, which showed huge flames and a giant plume of smoke at Feather Crest Chicken Farm, which is owned by MPS Egg Farms.

The sheriff's office said it received a call about the fire on Monday evening around 5 p.m., adding that multiple fire departments remained at the scene Tuesday.

According to authorities, on Tuesday afternoon over 100 firefighters were still working to put out the blaze.

Officials said multiple factors worked against the firefighters, who worked throughout the night to put out the massive blaze that had erupted throughout the metal buildings.

Authorities are still investigating the cause of the fire.

The farm, which is located over 100 miles north of Houston, is in a remote area without any nearby fire hydrants, forcing responding departments to rely on a water shuttle system.

Feather Crest Farms CEO Sam Krouse told Scripps News Waco said that no one was injured during the fire and that two chicken homes perished in the blaze.

"The fire affected two chicken houses on site, and we are very sad to say one house had chickens in it at the time that have been lost," Krouse told the local station.

"We are thankful for the swift actions of our entire team and that they are all safe. We also deeply appreciate the first responders who reached the farm quickly and helped to prevent any further damage," he said.

Texas Chicken Plant Catches on Fire


Last year, American Faith reported that 103 food manufacturing plants had been destroyed under the Biden administration.

Millions of chickens died, including 5,011,700 in Osceola, Iowa; 1,746,900 in Dixon, Nebraska; 1,380,500 chickens in Lancaster, Minnesota; 1,501,200 in Cache, Utah; 1,366,200 at Weld Colorado, and hundreds of thousands more.

50,000 hens were killed after a fire broke out at New Zealand’s largest egg farm in February 2023.

The fires come as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and C40 Cities have expressed an interest in reducing meat consumption for the sake of “climate change.”

C40 Cities is a network of mayors working to “confront the climate crisis.

American Faith reported that 14 cities in the United States are part of a plan to weed out meat and dairy products and private vehicle ownership.

American cities involved in the agenda include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Some of the “ambitious targets” described by C40 include 0kg of meat consumption, 0kg of dairy consumption, 0% household food waste, and 0 private vehicles.

List of 103 U.S. Food Manufacturing Facilities Destroyed Under Biden Admin

“There are currently no nationwide shortages of food,” claims the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


  • Although there are now more than a hundred food processing plants that have been destroyed across the country, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has repeatedly denied “disruptions.”
  • This denial comes despite the fact that while 135 million people faced acute food insecurity before the COVID-19 pandemic, that number has more than doubled to 276 million over the last two years.
  • It’s also despite U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) Chief Economist Arif Husain saying of food shortages around the world, “It’s the story that keeps getting from bad to worse” and “When the World Food Programme is setting records, that’s not a good thing for the world. And we have been doing that since at least 2021.”
  • In fact, one Associated Press (AP) news release reported that “tens of millions of Americans are already feeling the shortages and price hikes” and that these “alarming trends are expected to continue and worsen in 2023.”
  • And Quartz recently reported how a “recent survey from the Food Industry Association (FMI), a trade organization that represents food retailers and wholesalers, found that 70% of retailers said supply chain disruptions are negatively impacting their business, up from 42% the year before.”
  • “There are currently no nationwide shortages of food,” the department’s website nevertheless reads, “although in some cases the inventory of certain foods at your grocery store might be temporarily low before stores can restock.” “There are currently no wide-spread disruptions reported in the supply chain,” the agency reiterated.
  • The Department of Agriculture holds its position notwithstanding Joe Biden’s own warnings (here) of future food shortages.
  • An interactive map of each destroyed facility’s location can be found here.



  • Although gas prices have decreased, food prices have increased due to continuing inflation.
  • In the last month, food prices rose 0.8%.
  • Food prices were also 11.4% higher throughout the last year than the year prior.
  • In the first seven months of 2022, food prices rose 8.9%.

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milahu commented Feb 5, 2024

increase the death rate, collapse, depopulation, migrant invasion
weapons of mass migration, non-conventional warfare

Senate deal surrenders America to invading illegals as blue cities panic

by Mike Adams

A new "deal" in the US Senate allows 5,000 illegals per day to invade the USA, while sending insane billions of dollars to both Ukraine and Israel.

Astonishingly, the money for Ukraine is earmarked to "protect Ukraine's borders" while the U.S. borders remain wide open.

Denver is now at a "breaking point" according to its mayor, and NYC is headed for "collapse" due to the ongoing invasion. Yet almost no one in the Senate will demand ZERO illegals crossing the border.

We have been sold out by traitors. I'm seeing more people online calling for the arrest and prosecution of those in charge, for carrying out coordinated, premeditated treason against the United States of America.

  • Immigration in NYC and its impact on society. (0:03)
  • Immigration, Democrats, and globalism. (5:50)
  • The political divide in the US and the potential for civil war. (10:23)
  • Satellite phones and emergency messaging. (16:13)
  • Satellite phones for emergency communication. (20:50)
  • Satellite phones for emergency communication. (24:40)
  • Emergency preparedness and communication during infrastructure collapse. (30:04)

The Globalists want 95% reduction of world population and the 5% survivors as their slaves.

California has done it already. The cartels run. Over our law enforcement. They are afraid of CARTELS in California, Oregon, and Washington.

This is mainly about the destruction of nations with white populations that were built by white people. The globalists, who are invariably Zionists, hate white people and want to get rid of us. Read the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (for the destruction of the Europeran people through enforced mass third world immigration) Kalergi was one of the founding fathers of the European Union

When President Kennedy became President, he stated that he thought he was the top man. However, he quickly learned the opposite. He would order some bureaucracy to do something and he was just ignored. One of the most popular Presidents in history and the swamp ignored him when they so desired. A President in only a powerful as the tenured bureaucrats are willing to obey him. Those same bureaucrats now enforce every executive order because that is what they desire. Trump had four years and he was constantly on the defensive--both within and outside the government. The mass's hope in Trump is a false hope. A planned deception. A total diversion.

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milahu commented Feb 9, 2024

infowar ("weaponization of information")

censorship is getting more aggressive
militant pacifism
passive aggressive
bullies who are playing the victim

hate speech: "my feelings have feelings too"


WHO Report Proposes Working With Social Media Providers and Law Enforcement To Control “Disinformation”

The WHO is increasingly encroaching on online speech.

by Didi Rankovic

The United Nations (UN) in general has in the past years proved to be a fine yet unfortunate example of the degradation of an institution that was conceived as an international forum for settling disputes and establishing cooperation and mutual trust between countries – without denting their sovereignty or agency.

Yet from that, it has been turning into another “brick in the globalist wall” – instead of providing a level playing field and ensuring trust, the UN is prostrating itself and its various agencies – these last years very notably the WHO (World Health Organization) – before the global agendas.

Therefore, it’s really unsurprising that the World Health Organization continues to dabble in online information suppression and even censorship, and keeps talking about “disinformation.”

As well, a recent WHO statement gives away that the UN wouldn’t mind following in the footsteps of governments who collude with Big Tech. After all, the UN has been pejoratively referred to as “the world government.”

These days, WHO’s top-of-mind goes this way, as per the post. It’s not the actual health issues, but – “cyber-attacks on health care (and) disinformation.” And these are treated as “health security risks.”

So, not health risks – but “health security risks.” There is also talk about “enhancing cyber-maturity.” It will be a cold day in hell before most people catch up with corporate/globalist newspeak anyway, but this time in a post on the WHO blog, the agency at least listed everyone involved in this curious endeavor.

It’s no less that Interpol (a global police organization), the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the UN Office of Counter-terrorism, the UN International Computing Center (UNICC), the UN Inter-regional Crime and Justice Research Institute, and the CyberPeace Institute.

Wow. The post goes on to justify all this by asserting that during The pandemic, the IT infrastructure of healthcare institutions got targeted, apparently more so than usual.

“Disinformation” is, strangely, not defined here as – well, disinformation. Instead, it’s – possibly more tellingly than the WHO would have liked it to come across – described as, “a weaponization of information.”

And now for the proposed solutions. One is to raise awareness of disinformation and information manipulation (but does the WHO really want this, since its own activities just might get exposed as such?)

Inevitably, we come to (Big Tech’s, really) promotion of “trusted sources of information and voices of authority; supporting fact-checking activities which include the use of fact-checking technologies and human fact-checkers.”

As a matter of curiosity, here’s how the WHO post concludes:

“The reports (from previously here listed UN agencies) justify the critical need to build multisectoral alliances that can harness the benefits of new technologies for improved health and well-being while facing constantly emerging threats.”

Now – did some human actually write that globalist word salad?

We’ll only find out by living and learning. And by keeping tuned.

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milahu commented Feb 24, 2024

via Natural News newsletter


Suicide squad - G7 plan to steal Russia’s frozen assets will utterly destroy the U.S. dollar

by Mike Adams

The G7 nations are plotting a new lawfare attack to steal Russia's 300 billion dollars in "frozen" assets, essentially declaring that the dollar and all western banks will pillage and steal whatever they want.

If this takes place, the rest of the world will panic sell US dollar holdings and evacuate western banks as quickly as possible, leading to a cascading collapse of the dollar and western economies.

Yet the sheer stupidity and arrogance of the West is now pushing G7 nations toward exactly this maneuver. I call it a "suicide squad" move, because if activated, it will lead to the currency and economic suicide of western nations.

  • Learning new languages and dreams influenced by code. (0:00)
  • Learning, space exploration, and technology. (3:05)
  • Censorship and marginalization of alternative voices. (26:11)
  • US military aid to Ukraine with no maintenance plan. (39:50)
  • Seizing Russian assets in response to Ukraine invasion. (49:21)
  • US theft of Russian assets and its global implications. (52:33)
  • Russia's potential response to Western theft of $300 billion. (59:02)
  • Potential nuclear war and economic impact. (1:05:46)
  • US-Russia relations and Putin's response to Biden's comment. (1:19:35)
  • Russia's cleanliness and safety in the 1990s and 2000s. (1:33:31)
  • US politics, geopolitics, and media manipulation. (1:37:00)
  • Germany's economic decline and Russia-Ukraine relations. (1:54:20)
  • Ukraine conflict and Western involvement. (1:57:21)
  • Gold-backed currency and its verification process. (2:07:50)
  • Societal collapse, depopulation, and off-grid survival strategies. (2:15:31)
  • Preparing for infrastructure failures and economic collapse. (2:21:36)

David Hubbard

Why are we surprised by judicial rulings. Brighteon carried a video of a James Clapper interrogation where he said that the CIA formed a "dirty tricks squad" tasked to plant child porn on judges computer's in order to blackmail them.

Goat Moag

It isn't just happening on the macro level. The local township here in Ohio with the help and instruction of the corrupt prosecutor's office, repeatedly came out and robbed me of my vehicles, tools, trailers, etc., basically anything they could get their hands on, by abusing process without even going to court.

Then they charge your property taxes for the entertainment of stealing from you. They even condemned my house and tore it down, destroying a lifetime of my work (I always, like you, plowed my profits back into assets, and they ended up destroying and stealing a good deal of it, including many income streams I have been working on developing for most my adult life), and generational wealth. All through abuse of process and never going to court.

Then they haul you into court for the expense, and steal the land too AND try to collect the the expense on a personal level also, despite code saying they can only do one or the other (and that is just the tip of the iceberg as far as corrupt).

And I'm not the only one they have done it to. They abuse process to keep the entire county, and other counties do the same thing, from being able to function on their property, unless you are in the clique, then you can do whatever you want. Feudal serfs have more rights than we do as far as using our property. It is IMO how they are implementing agenda 2030, etc.

I'm sure they don't like that I'm not a lefty either and certainly have been vocal (and somewhat effective) for decades, though mainly on the net. They are not shy about telling you they are crooks either. I told the one worker who I thought still had some decency left what they were doing with abuse of process wasn't due process, and you could see the complete change in him go vile and demonic, and he said, "If Obama can do it, we can do it!"

Basically they would just send out vague process that you were some how in violation of some code, and then when you don't comply, because you have no idea how you are violation (and they won't tell you or put it in writing), they just use it as a writ of assistance or general warrant, to come out and rob you whatever they feel like, without ever going into court. Especially when they know you aren't there to stop them.

Good luck in finding a lawyer who will sue them. I had one that I went up and taught title 43, section 1983 code to that was going to sue them the first time, that was keeping them somewhat on a leash, but when he died it wasn't a week later they were out robbing us again, and it was down hill from there.

I have them in court over it doing the best I can, and I could win, but the court system isn't exactly honest either. This is the kind of crud we went to war the first time over.

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milahu commented Feb 27, 2024

infowars, psychowars, psychological warfare, ideological subversion
mind control, brainwashing, cult mentality, victim mentality
soft power, the real fascism, the hidden hand, mental slavery, prison for your mind
appeal to emotion, "help the weak"
rhetorics, talking all day, afraid of fighting
distractions, wasting time with pseudo problems


How Bad Therapy Hijacked Our Nation’s Schools

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. Today’s teachers are more likely to start the school day with an ‘emotions check-in.’ Abigail Shrier on the rise of ‘trauma-informed’ education.

By Abigail Shrier

American kids are the freest, most privileged kids in all of history. They are also the saddest, most anxious, depressed, and medicated generation on record. Nearly a third of teen girls say they have seriously considered suicide. For boys, that number is an also alarming 14 percent.

What’s even stranger is that all of these worsening mental health outcomes for kids have coincided with a generation of parents hyper-fixated on the mental health and well-being of their children.

What’s going on?

That mystery is the subject of Abigail Shrier’s fascinating, urgent new book: Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up [].

Longtime readers of The Free Press will surely know Abigail’s name from her groundbreaking reporting in our pages. She is also the author of the best-selling 2020 book Irreversible Damage, which tackled the difficult subject of the enormous rise of gender dysphoria among teenage girls. It was named by The Economist as one of the best books of the year and has been translated into ten languages.

In Bad Therapy, out today, Abigail heads into the breach once more. The book makes the case that the advent of therapy culture, the rise of “gentle parenting,” and the spread of “social-emotional learning” in schools is actually causing much of the anxiety and depression faced by today’s youth. In other words, Abigail argues that in our attempt to keep kids safe, we are failing the next generation of American adults.

The best journalists are fearless. And that adjective certainly applies to Abigail, whose bravery in following the evidence wherever it leads is what has made her work on some of the most important and controversial issues of the day so essential.

So read on for an exclusive excerpt from Bad Therapy. And if you want to hear my conversation with Abigail on the latest episode of Honestly, click below. —BW

Why the Kids Aren't Alright. Honestly with Bari Weiss. 2024-02-27. 1 hr 21 min

Most American kids today are not in therapy. But the vast majority are in school, where therapists and non-therapists diagnose kids liberally, and offer in-school counseling and mental health and wellness instruction. By 2022, 96 percent of public schools offered mental health services to students. Many of these interventions constitute what I call “bad therapy”: they target the healthy, inadvertently exacerbating kids’ worry, sadness, and feelings of incapacity.

Since a child’s first mental or behavioral diagnosis often comes from school, the Child Mind Institute—one of the premier nonprofits devoted to adolescent mental health—provides an online “symptom checker” specifically to help parents or teachers inform themselves about “possible diagnoses.”

I began to wonder what schools were doing in the name of improving kids’ mental health. I was in luck. Each year, the state of California sponsors a three-day public school teachers’ conference to showcase its vast array of emotional and behavioral services. Immediately, I registered. That is how, in July of 2022, I came to join more than 2,000 public school teachers at the Anaheim Convention Center, right next to Disneyland.

At the convention, ankle tattoos winked over fresh pedicures, Anne Taylor cardigans abounded, and the occasional mohawk sliced indoor air cool enough to crisp celery. We talked about “brain science” based on a YouTube video many of us had seen. It explained that the brain is like a hand, with the thumb folded into the palm. “Our amygdala is really important in serious situations,” said the voice-over. This sounded right. We felt like neuroscientists.

We lamented the burdens placed upon school counselors, now part of an expanded psychology staff, which oversees every public school the way diversity officers dominate a university. We were leery of these new bosses, but we had to admit, they had a big job to do. Our kiddos were bonkers. (The word we were careful to use was dysregulated.) Counselors now routinely monitored the social-emotional quality of our teaching, sniffed out emotional disturbance in our students, and decided what assignments to nix or grades to adjust upward.

We talked about the need to give kids “brain breaks,” the salvific power of “Mindfulness Minutes,” and the importance of ending each day with an “optimistic closure.” Our purview was the “whole child,” meaning we needed to evaluate and track kids’ “social and emotional” abilities in addition to academic ones. Our mandate: “trauma-informed education.” We pledged to treat all kids as if they had experienced some debilitating trauma.

Subsequent interviews with dozens of teachers, school counselors, and parents across the country banished all doubt: therapists weren’t the only ones practicing bad therapy on kids. Often traveling under the name “social-emotional learning,” bad therapy had gone airborne.

When I first heard the term social-emotional learning, I assumed a hokey but necessary call for kids to get a grip. Or maybe it was the new name for what they used to call character education: treat people kindly, disagree respectfully, don’t be a jackass. Proponents insist it arrives at those things, albeit through the somewhat circuitous route of mental health. Sometimes described by enthusiasts as “a way of life,” social-emotional learning is the curricular juggernaut that devours billions in education spending each year and more than eight percent of teacher time. (Many teachers say they try to ensure that social-emotional learning happens all day long.) Through a series of prompts and exercises, SEL pushes kids toward a series of personal reflections, aimed at teaching them “self-awareness,” “social awareness,” “relationship skills,” “self-management,” and “responsible decision-making.”

Morning Emotions Check-in

Forget the Pledge of Allegiance. Today’s teachers are more likely to inaugurate the school day with an “emotions check-in.”

School counselor Natalie Sedano advised our assembled conference room of teachers to ask kids: “How are you feeling today? Are you daisy-bright, happy and friendly? Or am I a ladybug? Will I fly away if we get too close?”

This prompted great excitement in the audience, and teachers jumped up to share their own “emotions check-ins.” One teacher said every day, she asks her kids if they feel it’s a “bones” or “no bones” kind of a day, borrowing the verbiage from a viral TikTok video in which a pug owner shares the mood of his 13-year-old pug, Noodle. If Noodle sits upright, it’s a bones day! If he collapses, it’s a no-bones day.

“That is so fun!” Sedano enthused. “Love it! Thank you!”

I asked Leif Kennair, a world-renowned expert in the treatment of anxiety, and Michael Linden, a professor of psychiatry at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, what they thought of practice. Both said this unceasing attention to feelings was likely to make kids more dysregulated.

If we want to help kids with emotional regulation, what should we communicate instead?

“I’d say: worry less. Ruminate less,” Kennair told me. “Try to verbalize everything you feel less. Try to self-monitor and be mindful of everything you do—less.”

There’s another problem posed by emotions check-ins: they tend to induce a state orientation at school, potentially sabotaging kids’ abilities to complete the tasks in front of them.

Many psychological studies back this up. An individual is more likely to meet a challenge if she focuses on the task ahead, rather than her own emotional state. If she’s thinking about herself, she’s less likely to meet any challenge.

“If you want to, let’s say, climb a mountain, if you start asking yourself after two steps, ‘How do I feel?’ you’ll stay at the bottom,” Dr. Linden said.

Ethical Violations

In 2022, California announced a plan to hire an additional ten thousand counselors in order to address young people’s poor mental health. A new law encourages California school districts to bill federal Medicaid for mental health services allocated to kids in school. Meaning, however much in-school therapy kids have already received, they likely will soon be getting much more. California school psychologist Michael Giambona provides individual therapy sessions to his middle school students during the school day.

Giambona also routinely runs interference with kids’ teachers on kids’ behalf. “My teachers have special training in working with individuals with behavior needs and mental health needs,” he told me. “And we meet weekly, and we talk about what’s going on with each student and how we can approach them and support them when they need it.”

There’s a problem with in-school therapy, an ethical compromise, which arguably corrupts its very heart. In a remarkably underregulated profession, therapists still have a few ethical bright lines. And among the clearest is—or was—the prohibition on “dual relationships.”

“The relationship in the therapy room needs to be its own, distinct and apart,” psychologist and author Lori Gottlieb explains in her book, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. “To avoid an ethical breach known as a dual relationship, I can’t treat or receive treatment from any person in my orbit—not a parent of a kid in my son’s class, not the sister of coworkers, not a friend’s mom, not my neighbor.” This ethical guardrail exists to protect a patient from exploitation. A patient may reveal her deepest secrets and vulnerabilities to her therapist, who could then rule over her like a czarina does her kulaks. Anyone possessing this much knowledge of a patient’s private life may be tempted to exert undue power. And so the profession makes “dual relationships” off limits.

Except that school counselors, school psychologists, and social workers enjoy a dual relationship with every kid who comes to see them. They know all of a kid’s best friends; they may even treat a few of them with therapy. They know a kid’s parents and their friends’ parents. They know the boy a girl has a crush on, what romantically transpired between them, and how the relationship ended. They know a kid’s teammates and coaches and the teacher who’s giving him a hard time. And they report, not to a kid’s parents, but to the school administration. It’s a wonder we allow these in-school relationships at all.

The American Counseling Association appears to have noticed the obvious problem. In 2006, it revised the ACA Code of Ethics. While still prohibiting sexual relationships with current clients, it decided that “nonsexual” dual relationships were no longer prohibited—especially those that “could be beneficial to the client.”

As school counselors and psychologists came to see themselves as students’ “advocates,” they slipped into a dual relationship with their students: part therapist; part academic intermediary; part parenting coach. Today, school counselors and psychologists commonly evaluate, diagnose, and treat students with individual therapy; meet with their friends; intervene with their teachers; and pass them in the lunchroom. A teen who has just spent a tear-soaked hour telling the school counselor her deepest secrets might reasonably be fearful of upsetting anyone with that much power over her life.

But are school counselors and social workers exerting undue influence over kids?

Over the past two years, I have been so inundated with parents’ stories of school counselors encouraging a child to try on a variant gender identity, even changing the child’s name without telling the parents, that I’ve almost wondered if there are any good school counselors. One parent I interviewed told me that her son’s high school counselor had given him the address of a local LGBTQ youth shelter where he might seek asylum and attempt to legally liberate himself from loving parents.

There are good school counselors; I have interviewed several. But the power structure’s all wrong. Grant a leader the powers of a monarch, and he may gift his subjects freedom—but what’s to tether him to his promises? That’s placing a whole lot of trust in an individual counselor’s conscience.

You might respond at this point: fortunately, my child has never been to see the school counselor. But more likely, you don’t know. In California, Illinois, Washington, Colorado, Florida, and Maryland, minors twelve or thirteen and up are statutorily entitled to access mental health care without parental permission. Schools are not only under no obligation to inform parents that their kids are meeting regularly with a school counselor, they may even be barred from doing so.

As long as a parent has not specifically forbidden it, a school counselor may be able to conduct a therapy session with a minor child without parental consent. School counselors are encouraged to make “judgment calls” about what information, gleaned in sessions with minor children, they may keep secret from the children’s parents.

School Staff Who Play Therapist

Ever since her school adopted social-emotional learning in 2021, Ms. Julie routinely began the day by directing her Salt Lake City fifth graders to sit in one of the plastic chairs she’d arranged in a circle. “How is each of you feeling this morning?” she would ask, performing a more intensive version of the “emotions check-in.” One day, she cut to the chase: “What is something that is making you really sad right now?”

When it was his turn to speak, one boy began mumbling about his father’s new girlfriend. Then things fell apart. “All of a sudden, he just started bawling. And he was like, ‘I think that my dad hates me. And he yells at me all the time,’ ” said Laura, a mom of one of the other students.

Another girl announced that her parents had divorced and burst into tears. Another said she was worried about the man her mother was dating. Within minutes, half of the kids were sobbing. It was time for the math lesson, but no one wanted to do it. It was just so sad, thinking that the boy’s dad hated him. What if their dads hated them, too?

“It just kind of set the tone for the rest of the day,” Laura said. “Everyone just was feeling really sad and down for a really long time. It was hard for them to kind of come out of that.”

A second mom at the school confirmed to me that word spread throughout the school about the AA meeting–style breakdown. Except this AA meeting featured elementary school kids who then ran to tell their friends what everyone else had shared.

Thanks to social-emotional learning, scenes of emotional melee have become increasingly common in American classrooms. In 2013, The New York Times reported on a near identical scene that took place after a California teacher conducted a similar social-emotional learning session with his kindergarteners. “With children especially, whatever you focus on is what will grow,” Laura said. “And I feel like with [social-emotional learning], they’re watering the weeds, instead of watering the flowers.”

Advocates of social-emotional learning claim that nearly all kids today have suffered serious traumatic experiences that leave them unable to learn. They also insist that having an educator host a class-wide trauma swap before lunch will help such kids heal. Neither claim is well-founded.

But the predictable result is precisely what Ms. Julie saw: otherwise happy kids are brought low and a child seriously struggling has his private pain publicly exposed by someone in no position to remedy it.

Sometimes when a kid plunks himself down on the rug for morning circle, he is in no mood to exhibit a painful experience no matter how much it might expand the class’s emotional horizons. This leaves teacher-therapists with a problem: How to get kids to dish about their emotional lives when they really don’t want to?

One presenter at the conference, Amelia Azzam, a regional mental health coordinator for Orange County Public Schools, told a story that seemed to answer this quandary. She knew of a teaching assistant who trailed a seventh grader to lunch. She “goes out to lunch where this young student sits, and she always says ‘hi’ to him. And she has casual interactions with him.” And one day, he told her that his dad was getting out of jail.

“Nobody else knew that,” Azzam said.

Good therapists know that it may be counterproductive to push a kid to share his trauma at school. Good therapists are trained specifically to avoid encouraging rumination, a thought process typified by dwelling on past pain and negative emotions. Rumination is a well-established risk factor for depression. But school staff who play therapist rarely seem aware that they might be encouraging rumination as they stalk a kid at lunch, waiting to see if he’ll open up about his father’s incarceration minutes before a history test.

Injecting Anxiety into Math Class

Social-emotional learning enthusiasts happily disrupt math or English or history because, to the true believers, education is merely a vehicle for their social-emotional lessons—the corn chip that carries the guac straight to a kid’s mouth. “I can’t think of a content area that needs more social-emotional learning than mathematics,” educational consultant Ricky Robertson told our assembled conference room.

But how would a teacher manage to make social-emotional learning the goal of a math class? To discover the answer, I sat through a presentation titled “Embedding SEL in Math.”

Our mock lesson commenced with—you guessed it—discussion of our feelings about math. “Anxiety!” more than one teacher volunteered. The presenters showed us a series of kindergarten-level “math problems” that asked us to look at a bunch of shapes and asked: “Which one doesn’t belong?”

At the end, they revealed the correct answer: they all belong. No wrong answers! Everyone wins! See, that wasn’t hard.

I turned to the high school math teacher next to me and asked her how she could possibly incorporate this sort of approach into Algebra II. She stared back at me, a frozen rictus pinned to the corners of her mouth. She seemed to think Big Brother was watching us.

The only feeling apparently never affirmed in social-emotional learning is mistrust of emotional conversation in place of learning. A decent number of kids actually show up hoping to learn some geometry and not burn their limited instructional time on conversations about their mental health. But from every angle, such children could only be made to feel errant and alone.

In the minds of social-emotional learning advocates, healthy kids are those who share their pain during geometry. That is how a teacher knows they are emotionally regulated. They are willing to cry for the benefit of the class.

Excerpted from Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up, by Abigail Shrier


“Advocates of social-emotional learning claim that nearly all kids today have suffered serious traumatic experiences that leave them unable to learn.”

Well yeah okay this is technically true since going to a government school where you are trained by communists to be an annoying jackass is probably pretty traumatic.

The economic incentives that take root, once these therapies are built into “medicine”, are impossible to tear out. They grow and envelop the society, and an entire class of medical practitioners’ livelihoods depend on its support and further growth. That means more “patients” will be pulled into the maw. If your career depends on growing your practice to feed your family, you WILL find more people to diagnose, treat, put on medication, and further entrench in the therapy mindset that will overwhelm our society.

This essay isn’t about “ medicine”. These are the lowest level hacks , “ counselors”,teachers, and bureaucrats who are indoctrinated the youth and dumbing down society. It’s a Marxist , Maoist tactic for cultural revolution for a power grab.

Yes, and.

Once a “disorder” is in the DSM-V, it enters an ecosystem with referral points, therapists, and ultimately medication. I support your belief that it is Maoist/Marxist in effect, but it is tangled up in our decadence as a culture.

Putin and Xi can sit back and watch the show, and that extends far beyond this conversation on therapy culture. It is how we roll as a people.

The DSM is a billing manual and a political treatise,having nothing to do with patient care. For example, they removed the word disorder from the diagnosis of gender dysphoria for political doctrine reasons. GD is as much a psychological problem as is anorexia nervosa, but the Trans cult and DEI has control over psychiatry and medical training in general.

Psychiatry is the least evidence based field in medicine and always has been.They do less and less “ talk” therapy and largely push pills and ECT the brain with no data to support their claims of safety and efficacy. It’s rotten , powerful, and stigmatizing

And the next step is legislation so that the funding is permanent, the prices non-negotiable and obfuscated, and the people who profit are untouchable. It's a problem with the whole medical industry and one reason why our health care is the most expensive in the world.

A clear conflict of interest.

We used to educate our children better, in little red schoolhouses.

Spending thousands per student to produce kids who have never learned to read or do math is not just a poor investment; it's abuse of our kids by the government.

John Taylor Gatto, who won NY Teacher of the year multiple times has long spoke out against public education due to the traumatizing effects it has on children:

As a millennial, we’re seeing that a lot of us have a hard time with reality due to the shortcomings we learned from schooling —hence the term “extended adolescence”

I don’t believe kids should be happy 100% of the time; they need to fail a test, get cut from a team and have fights with friend groups; this is when they acquire some resilience and once they get through it, they will recognize how to navigate through life’s hiccups and that is what will make them truly happy and confident adults.

How does a person’s body develop immunity? From experiencing illnesses. How can a child learn to face adversity? From experiencing it. It’s not the traumatic death sentence the pearl clutching nanny state makes it out to be.

"Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles."

I would call this child abuse.

This is a tough one for me. I entered teaching (HS lit) as a career change at age 48 in 2005, and taught for 14 years until retirement. I saw the whole phone/social media thing unfold right in my classroom.

On one hand I saw the normal trials of the teen ... good moods, bad moods, sad moods, mad moods. A girl might enter my class having been heartbroken by a boy, or a boy might come in with an attitude for whatever reason.

When should I intervene? If so, how? Or should I let it go and let the natural forces of emotional control take over? You know ... growing up.

Mostly, I was hands-off. Let emotional growth take its normal path. But at the same time, students sometimes revealed their most deepest darkest secrets in personal essays ... I read about abuse at home, divorce and custody issues, alcoholism (parents), parents in jail, neglect, homelessness, even abortion. What to do?

Phones and social media complicated things. Suddenly I was competing for their most precious asset ... attention ... and for many students I was losing it to the brainiacs in Silicon Valley. What to do?

It's easy to bang on teachers for stepping out of their lanes. But I get it, even though I grew up in a whole different time where the natural process of emotional growth took its course.

I lean strongly against "risk-aversion" and overprotection in child development. And I see Ms. Shrier's points as valid. Still ... what to do?

This is toxic femininity.

Hit the nail on the head. We are allowing totalitarian lunatics to run our schools.

I’m so, so happy and thankful I was able to homeschool my children. Then sent them to a Catholic hs (even though I’m agnostic) where they were less likely to deal with this crap. Both are not only very intelligent and insightful but mentally and psychologically healthy 20 somethings.

My favorite thing I have ever read about the CASEL Framework was that one of the core components is teaching “personal responsibility” and it was clear from the context that this just meant that you are personally responsible for helping to implement communism.


These people are such sacks of shit. Take your kids out of school immediately.

The more you convince young people that they are victims suffering from terrible trauma, the more they will believe and manifest that.

The more you tell young people to suck it up and tough it out, the more they will discover they are capable of facing their demons.

The trauma industry has a perverse incentive to create people who need them.

When parents, en masse, begin removing their children from public schools things will change. It's also about the money; fewer students, less money for the schools. We need more low cost private schools. They don't need football, baseball, basketball, tennis, track teams. Those activities can be experienced by the students on their own. Just provide the facilties. Up until and through the 6th grade we all played sports and we organized them ourselves. In Jr. high, (middle school) sports became organized and that eliminated those who weren't the best and they had nowhere to play. Begining in the 7th grade we could learn a musical instrument, learn to sing, play piano and learn to draw. That's all gone now and those who can't afford private lessons are left out. We all had friends that we could talk too about what was going on in our lives. It wasn't therapy, but it let off the steam. If your child is in one of the types of schools that the author talked about, if you can, get them out. It's it's interesting to compare education in the US with education in Thailand. In Thailand, though not the best, you can still get an education. Graduating students can read, write, do math and have excellent memories. The family is still the basis of the culture, and most young people still live at home, even when they have jobs. It's not unusual for grandparents, parents, and children to live together. In the US the family is not longer the center of the culture and we can see the damage that has come from that.

The other things that need to return are the shop classes. Back in the day in high school we had auto shop, wood shop, metal shop, and electrical shop. Even in junior high there was a construction class in which we built wall sections by framing with 2x4s, putting in the plumbing and wiring, and then putting up the sheet rock. That was nirvana.

The lack of cause and effect thinking is astonishing. Starting the school day by prompting kids to "SHARE" (ew) WHAT'S MAKING THEM SAD?

Narcissists ply their victims to believe that there's something wrong with them. This way, the narcissist gains control over the victim. "Let's begin a brand new day SAD!" And then see how well you can absorb your math lessons!

This seems like a microcosm of Progressivism generally. They start with some obviously-silly idea that nevertheless has a certain emotional limited surface appeal. The truth and wisdom of the idea is accepted blindly, and no supporting evidence is even sought. Soon it's vigorously imposed on everyone, because although people may not realize it, this is important, it's a crisis, if we don't do something now, a disaster is looming. The required solution requires the hiring of large numbers of Progressives, who are then granted ever more control over peoples' lives.

The program of course turns out to be a disaster, and usually ends up creating the very problem that it was nominally supposed to be addressing. The Progressives then point to this and say, see, look how bad the problem is, we told you so but you wouldn't listen, this shows how much we are needed. It is imperative that we do even more of it. And then the Progressives get to feel morally superior to everyone else because of all of the carnage they created.

I hate to tell you, but even most of the private schools in my area have been infiltrated by the woke disease. You can't assume anything any more. :(

As a boy, this emotions talk would have firmly cemeted the fact that school was not for me. If the teachers' anti-male sexism hadn't already, that is.

What kid under fourteen hasn’t had a social emotional serious issue when for a 12-year old girl or boy everything is an emotional storm. Do adults just forget what it was like when they were kids? Whatever happened to telling kids “it will be ok, sleep on it tonight and we can talk in the morning”?

We are seeing much evil that is deliberate. I get hysterics when I use the word evil, as if I'm advocating chasing down and harming people. But evil people are all around us and function in society as long as the majority keep them in check. The 1930's Germans and the 1990's Rwandans, among others, didn't keep them in check, jumped on the herd bandwagon and the rest is history. I've also been accused of "advocating violence" when I say that if my children were young today, I would do whatever is necessary to protect them from the evil oozing in society. I would say I'm preventing violence against my children. It's easy, keep the hands off my kids and if some evil sack can't stop, I will stop it. I do give warning shots. We tend to not know how to deal with the slow drip until it's too late. If I say that if I saw a stranger was trying to drag a child down the street and into a car, I would tackle the stranger, is that advocating violence? Obviously not. We have to stop the slow drip drawing children into a woodchipper.

Our educational systems became critical in indoctrination of generations to destroy our country. The bad therapy became another tool in brainwashing weapons. It is medical malpractice.

Isn't the bald truth that state schools are now beyond repair. "America has seen a sharp growth of parent anger and activist pushback against instances of classroom indoctrination - sometimes even at kindergarten age. The trigger was how covid pandemic lockdowns heightened parental awareness of the school curriculum. Opeds like this one are not uncommon: “When schools went remote, parents found out what was actually going on inside the classrooms. Teachers were coaching students to hate themselves, their country and their religious traditions and sexualizing young children.” ......

That vast infrastructure of buildings full of classrooms children and teachers. Kids spending their weekdays being taught by teachers – how could things possibly be otherwise? In this essay I try, firstly, to sketch an impressionistic snapshot of this ‘Schools in Crisis’ media flurry and then to dip a toe into the hazy waters of what could possibly replace them as the means by which society teaches its children."

I’m suggesting this is tied to the moral decay of our society/culture.

I’m afraid this is another step towards the government “owning” our kids and making them wards of the state.

School counselors are by far the most useless people in education. They waste time and money.

The educated idiots will destroy everything once they've sidelined common sense

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milahu commented Mar 8, 2024

lies, fake evidence, fake science, fake justice

via newsletter


DNA crime labs exposed as complete frauds - used by government to convict innocent people in the name of "science"

by Mike Adams

Today we have two bombshell stories to share with you. First, the WSJ has blown the whistle on DNA crime labs now being exposed as total frauds. Used by police and governments to convict innocent people, these crime labs altered DNA data to generate "guilty" verdicts.

The entire field of PCR-based DNA testing is a total fraud, as is much of the field of virology. "Expert" witnesses try to bamboozle people with confusing-sounding science, but it all falls apart at the slightest bit of scrutiny.

  • Biden's State of the Union speech and mind control techniques. (0:03)
  • Tire maintenance and COVID-19 prevention. (1:03)
  • Police state tactics in NYC subway system. (7:01)
  • 9/11 conspiracy theories and potential false flag attacks. (13:47)
  • Potential election interference and mass violence. (20:24)
  • Lead contamination in cinnamon products. (30:37)
  • Lab fraud and inaccurate results in various labs. (46:01)
  • DNA testing and privacy concerns. (51:42)
  • US government corruption, invasion, and cultural decline. (1:02:04)
  • Government corruption and conspiracies. (1:07:36)
  • Health freedom and effective nasal spray product. (1:12:16)
  • Xylitol's effectiveness in preventing infections. (1:18:13)
  • Suppressing ivermectin research and its potential benefits. (1:27:03)
  • Natural health products and FTC regulations. (1:37:32)
  • Using xylitol for COVID prevention and dental health. (1:43:57)
  • FTC regulations and health claims in the food industry. (1:51:23)

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milahu commented Mar 8, 2024

censorship by spam, abuse, sabotage
information flood, too much information, information overload
there is no free lunch, nothing is free newsletter


Social Media As We Know It Is Dead

Authenticity in today’s world has become a rare commodity.

The advent of AI and its ability to replicate human behavior in text-based conversations, posts, and comments has led to an influx of inauthentic content and interactions. The line between AI and human engagement has blurred, leaving users struggling to distinguish between genuine human interaction and AI-generated content.

Social media as we have always known it is dead. Platforms like X [Twitter] have been plagued by AI bots for years, flooding feeds with images of celebrities and other content that is not only inauthentic but also misleading. A quick scroll through your Facebook feed will yield dozens of AI generated posts that are loaded with comments of people who are seemingly unaware that they are viewing an AI image. Instagram is no different.

This phenomenon poses a real threat to the social media landscape, forcing users to question the legitimacy of the connections they form online. As AI continues to advance and infiltrate social media platforms, there is a growing need for authentic communities of real people.

The best solution to this problem is the implementation of a paywall on social media platforms, which is exactly what Gab and several other platforms are doing. While it is not a foolproof method, it can be an effective way to ensure that users interacting on a platform are, in fact, real people. By requiring a financial commitment from users, platforms can create an environment that fosters genuine connections and interactions. It also significantly raises the cost of bot operators conducting spam and psychological operations with AI, which will greatly reduce their attack surface and effectiveness.

Elon Musk’s plan to charge new users $1 on his social media platform X [Twitter] aims to combat automated spam bot accounts. This initiative requires new users in countries like New Zealand and the Philippines to pay a $1 annual fee to unlock basic features like posting and interacting with other users. Musk believes that this fee is essential to make it significantly harder for bots to manipulate the platform while maintaining accessibility for real users. The move is part of Musk’s broader strategy to revamp X [Twitter] as a subscription-focused platform.

Telegram also offers a subscription service called Telegram Premium, which allows users to support the platform’s development and access exclusive additional features. Telegram Premium provides benefits like doubled limits, 4 GB file uploads, faster downloads, exclusive stickers, and reactions. This subscription model aims to fund the development of resource-heavy features while ensuring free access to the core messenger service for all users.

Gab is taking a similar approach with our GabPRO subscription service which unlocks the ability to upload media, schedule posts, and get access to analytics on your posts among other features. Another perk is that when you see a GabPRO account you know it’s a real human being and not AI.

A few months back we experimented with AI profiles on the Gab platform. The overwhelming feedback from our community was that they wanted to interact with other people, not AI on social media. So we listened to the Gab community and moved the AI bots to their own dedicated platform called Gab AI. We agree with the Gab Social community that our platform should be reserved for real people.

As users become more aware of the prevalence of AI on these platforms, the demand for real, human-to-human connections will only grow. The implementation of a paywall for parts of social networks is the first step in preserving the integrity of social media and ensuring that users have the ability to engage with one another in an authentic and meaningful way. If you're interested in joining a social network of real human beings we invite you to get on Gab and upgrade to GabPRO.

I discussed all of this and more in today’s podcast episode which you can listen to here.

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milahu commented Mar 19, 2024 newsletter


Oregon unleashes small farm wipeout, making it a crime to irrigate crops or raise animals

The State of Oregon is at war with small, local farms and is issuing cease-and-desist letters to destroy small-scale farming across the state.

It's all part of the war against decentralized food production, so that famine can be weaponized against the people to enslave and terrorize them.

We have full, shocking details in today's Brighteon Broadcast News, plus a hard-hitting new emergency interview with Steve Quayle about the destruction of America.


Steve Quayle and Mike Adams: The whole world is watching as the West burns itself to the ground

  • Western civilization collapse and military developments. (0:00)
  • Geopolitics, economics, and social issues. (3:41)
  • US Coast Guard's role in Haitian immigration and impending civil war. (7:55)
  • Potential societal collapse and loss of freedom. (12:28)
  • The current state of America, including violence and human trafficking. (17:12)
  • Immigration, replacement, and war. (21:35)
  • Macron's policies and potential war with Russia. (30:10)
  • The decline of the US dollar and the rise of the BRICS currency. (35:42)
  • Zombies, cannibalism, and societal collapse. (41:30)
  • Emergency preparedness and communication tools during a grid down event. (50:06)
  • Communication and data privacy in a crisis. (54:50)
  • Financial collapse, gold and silver, and prepping. (59:56)
  • Impending global events and preparedness. (1:05:05)
  • Zombie apocalypse preparedness and survival. (1:11:14)
  • Vaccines and detox products. (1:13:23)

hyper-accelerated collapse of the west
so many events are coalescing
france declares war on russia
people were trained to believe lies
huties have hypersonic missiles
in africa, fiber optic cables are cut
germany wants to re-introduce mandatory military draft
western militaries are a joke
BRICS new currency
dollar has less than a year left, 2024 is the last year of the dollar
hyperinflation is here
intentinal destruction of the dollar
destruction of supply chain, food plants

USA is being turned into the largest graveyard ever
haiti is the voodoo capital of the caribbean
dictators, corruption, clintons
haiti is hell
haitians are invading florida
florida and texas are punished by the biden admin
million acres burned in texas
create a wave of refugees to assault florida
haitian cannibals landing in florida
federal government is doing nothing
US coast guard is complicit in this invasion

tribulation is here
appetite of demons
zombie movies all have one theme: cannibalism
diseases never seen
invaders are infectons
infectons are intentionally released in a target population,
with very dangerous diseases
venezuela has emptied their prisons,
worst criminals come as migrants to the US
US is under full-scale attack
we are at war, this is civil war
we are entering nuclear war
there is no more time, this is here and now

americans have no weapons
the new invaders will just slaughter them
pathetic american liberals
snowflakes with zero survival skills

replacement of americans
its not difficult
families lose their home, have no future
"illegal immigrants" are invasionary forces
strategically placed to take down america

chinese soldiers say:
we have already won

americans are spineless jellyfish

most americans dont understand
how lost they are

no one will save you
(not jesus, not trump)

the left have 400.000 trained revolutionary soliders
to takeover all the conservative villages

WEF slogan
"you will own nothing, you will be happy"
yeah, you will be dead!

battlefield america 2022-2024
battlefield america is HERE
faster than predicted

"old america" is dead
chinese will kill every man, woman, child in america

white lives dont matter

emergency broadcast

migrants are cheap workers

americans lose jobs

migrants get everything for free
migrants can do anything, all crimes

americans are always guilty
americans are killed

white genocide
whites are scapegoat for everything bad

old america is dead
there is no political solution to a spiritual problem
voting does not help
there is no military
there are no weapons

dollar, euro, ... will not survive
inflation to zero value

putin said:
USA is a vampire nation, eating human flesh


return of old gods

all invading soldiers get a free pass to do anything

zombie apocalypse
high vaccination rates in blue cities
people eat vaccinated people and turn into zombies

mike adams - vaccine zombie
everything came true
brain damage, CDC, censorship, nonsense

cannibalism and zombies go hand in hand

aztec religion
cutting out hearts
eating humans alive

wars on water

cities will die first

migrants are shitting everywhere
migrants consume all resources

cholera [bacterial infection of the small intestine]

shoplifting, stealing

sabotage of power grid

no one will help you
no one will save you

people are tracked by cellphones
january 6 prisoners were convicted by cellphone tracking

flash armies

wipeout of the financial system
dollars will have zero value
they will take your house

its time to go silent
its time to go off grid
its time to go where nobody is

mike adams - vaccine zombie
step 1: remove your brain
step 2: take the zombie vaccine
step 3: watch TV
i always do as requested
everything i know came from TV

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milahu commented Mar 20, 2024


Michael Yon warns: Biden administration is BANKROLLING the INVASION of America (interview)

invasion of the united states
migrant city in texas
colony ridge
"abbott city"
city constructed for illegals
city is huge, 35 or 40 square miles
governor greg abbott
WEF sector chief for texas
controlled opposition, distraction

rio grande valley
trade area
NAFTA realization

american people are replaced, slaughtered
vaccines, migrant invasion
10.000 migrants per day

free way into USA
migrant camps funded by US government
US flag is in the camps
they lie about everything

for a real pandemic, you want to be on an isolated island
secessionist movements
rich and elite will take hawaii

hawaii will always be owned by some empire

collapse is accelerating
cities are collapsing
military is collapsing

the government has become a terrorist organization

mike adams, alex jones
saying for years
conspiracy theories have come true
everybody with a brain accepts it
only question: when will it start?

predicting wars is impossible, its too complex
starting wars is easy, ending wars is hard
wars are like fires
conditions change

military special forces
in august, 9 recycling centers have gone up in flames

lots of sabotage training
dont blow up what you can burn down
cut off water supply
lahaina hawaii: no water, following the manual
priorities, resources are limited
protective mask can be a life saver

i can see it
we are clearly going into civil war
we can have factory fires
we can have train derailments

fire kills by wind
all smoke is toxic
especially black smoke from a factory fire

run away from fire, distance
after effects can be large
big explosion is not the first
see the warnings, act early

sabotage is obvious
black ops domestic sabotage
mysterious things
they pretend that nothing is happening
way above background noise

they are hitting the food supply

nitrogen fertilizer supply
BASF fertilizer plant in germany
if nordstream pipeline is cut, BASF is dead
that was before nordstream was cut

netherlands groningen
closed natural gas field
infowar attack

alex jones...
truthers are not smart
look, study
courage to see it
courage to say it
people are afraid to lose their job (or lose their life)
crimes are hidden in plain sight
its all right there, black and white

predicting a civil war is no magic
no prediction, its already here

ivermectin just works

chlorine dioxide dry powder formula
3 parts sodium chlorite
4 parts sodium bisulfate
small amount in water creates chlorine dioxide

flying without covid vaccine
just dont ask
audacity is a weapon system
just walk in and say "im in charge here"

world economic forum
election fraud
stolen elections

its predictable
they are not hiding
its obvious
hidden in plain sight

CCP assets in america, war on infrastructure
america's own government is destroying the infrastructure
who is worse?
gov: communists in washington did open the border
CCP: communists in china are sending soldiers and weapons

something is wrong with these fires
fires are arson
train accident, east palestine, amish area
will they take the amish land
land grabs
lahaina hawaii
they seize what they want, steal, take

american empire
destruction, terrorism, evil
what does "america" stand for?

they own the government
they own the military
destroying the world
gaddafi is dead
hussein is dead
destroyed the nordstream pipeline
destroying western european economies

these evils are not omnipotent or omniscient
they are vulnerable
civil resistance
not forwarding a letter
not returning a call
we have tripped them up, otherwise it would be over already

i am american, no citizen of the world
im not willing to give up

hawaii will always be owned by some empire
empires are too powerful
native population will never own hawaii

netherlands, rotterdam
biggest port in europe
railway to shanghai
bill gates is investing in netherlands
climate narrative: netherlands is supposed to be flooded...
tristate city
taking farmland away from farmers
control the food supply
consolidate power and take tristate city
tristate city will be the capital of europe
rhine river
china's belt road initiative
WEF and CCP cooperate for now

rio grande harbor is like rotterdam in netherlands

strategic location
hawaii will always be owned by some empire
poland always in wars
armenia versus big bad wolf turkey
turkey wants to rebuild empire, armenia is in the way
stalin is from georgia, not from russia

russia, ukraine
ukraine has lost

weaponized migration
weapons of mass migrations
morocco to spain
turkey to greece
africa to poland
africa to lithuania
poland is rejecting "migrant" invaders from africa
poland is taking "migrants" from ukraine
some fish dont mix well in one aquarium

something will happen with russia
precursor of war
there will be no happy end for the ukranians

we provoked russia
NATO expansion
russians are more rational than the US
communism is bad

you are doing the job that the media should be doing

i am american
we will not pass on this mess to our children
you can sit down and watch and be a loser
or you can stand up and be an american
we are not jellyfish
we do have will, we can do things

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milahu commented Mar 20, 2024

Health Ranger Report


Michael Yon joins Mike Adams to EMERGENCY WARNING over the INVASION and coming CIVIL WAR

  • Illegal immigration and border security in the US. (0:00)
  • Political corruption and potential criminal charges. (3:23)
  • US-Mexico border security and potential civil war. (4:45)
  • Potential terrorist threats in the US. (11:19)
  • Military incompetence in Israel and the US. (25:00)
  • Geopolitics, energy, and war in the Middle East. (30:27)
  • Depopulation, vaccines, and war with Russia. (37:25)
  • Global politics and power dynamics. (42:04)
  • Immigration and election integrity. (48:12)
  • Global threats and potential solutions. (56:45)
  • Decentralized social media and emergency comms during political turmoil. (1:01:23)

supreme court
invasion of the united states
they need to be in prison
treason is treason
governor greg abbott is playing games, abbott is a WEF puppett
i wanna see real action
he needs to close the border, he can do it, its in his power

distractions, theater

members of the supreme court should be criminally charged
(trump will save us...)
how aggressive will trump be? (trump is controlled opposition)
funding of invasion camps in south america
antony blinken

active treason, not just complicit
he is one of the bank robbers

Alejandro Mayorkas was a board member of HIAS
HIAS: hebrew immigrant aid society, they are everywhere

"san vincente" camp, "china camp"
the camp most chinese use for invasion of the US

hebrew group pushing the invasion of the US
while the US taxpayer is funding military to protect the border of israel

Mayorkas is a migrant from cuba
both parents are jewish
he is the perfect guy: white, jewish, migrant, ...
board member of HIAS
secretary of homeland security, invading the united states
destroying the united states
not a great advertiser for migration, this is invasion

secession of the state of texas
warnings of civil war
US supreme court has instigated a civil war over the border issue

everybody feels it
i spent most of my life overseas, in asia, etc
20 years before the pandemic
august 2020 i sensed that the united states is going into civil war
i study wars
i went to portland
watch the antifa monkeys do their things
red house in portland: kitchen, tents, fridge, ...
"veggie thing" -- they had cheese, eggs, meat...

august 2020 i sensed that the united states is going into civil war
this will be a kinetic civil war
i have done this too often in too many countries
and this is what it feels like

supreme court says:
texas must accept the invasion

war-time invasion
the real insurrection of america

origin of invaders? china?
two major camps in south america
most migrants come from venezuela
venezuela has close relations to china, russia, iran
manay people from hezbollah in venezuela
hezbollah is the most dangerous terrorist group for the US, smart, money
airplane was blown up, many jews were killed, 20 dead
80 dead
hezbollah leader owns a bar in venezuela
hezbollah people speak spanish fluent, you see no difference

"i will be famous"
i see people like that every day
can be very arrogant
syrians, middle east, very aggressive
active fighters, soldiers
auxiliary, support, civilians
100.000 soldiers?

500.000 soldiers
ready to activate
ready to take orders
acts of sabotage

large number from china, syria, ... many other places, chechens, ...
these people are clearly coming for crime, gang tattoos

how much damage can 500 soldiers do in one city like los angeles?
extreme... only 5 soldiers can do extreme damage
priorities, critical nodes of infrastructure

these people are experts, insiders, technicans
they can easily take us off-grid, thats childs play

police will over-react
people will turn against police

if you drop an apple, it will hit the ground

democrats will do ANYTHING to "stop trump"
these animals will do anything
LGBTQ stuff
massive child trafficking in large scale, 100.000s of children
they will do absolutely anything

they are a cult
serious cults
there is nothing they wont do
they are vaccinating their children
aztec-style child sacrifice of their own children

rule 1: you never see the cult youre in
rule 2: a cult will do absolutely anything (to stay in power)

how will it start?

it could be anything...
power grid goes down
someone kills 100s of people

people start taking things in their hands
do what the first amendment was designed to be

military is top heavy with woke
military is sick from the top
members of black lives matter
black racists
Charles Q. Brown
the first stupid US general
diversity hires

war in ukraine
over-confidence but a lack of competence
grossly miscalculated the whole situation
wanted to be done by summer 2023
underestimating russia's industrial output, even under sanctions
the woke idiot pentagon

they already have miscalculated catastrophically by hiring idiots
the higher the rank, the more idiotic they become
death jabs into our own troops
they pushed the ukraine war
no word on the US border

we are being invaded

not a single one of them stands up
israel will be lucky to survive this
(israel will not survive this)
too much energy in the system

israel have the best intelligence service in the world
but isreael gets attacked by hamas on october 7?
the media knew, but the military not?
they are liars (false flag attack)
they took 7 hours for a counter attack
a crew can launch a helicopter in 4 to 6 minutes
on target in 10 to 20 minutes

they cannot defeat hamas
incredible incompetence

israel is doing stupid things
war is not in israel
blocked canals are a big deal for world trade
israel can be crushed
levelling gaza is not the best solution
when you level a city, it makes it harder to clear
its clear, they are doing genocide in gaza

nobody can understand it, until you are in it

banned LNG (liquid natural gas) exports to europe

BASF, nordstream
cutting off energy to europe
being called "antisemite"

ben shapiro is an ethnic supremacist zionazi

highest form of war is information warfare

war with russia
draft young men in US, britain, europa
russia will reliably eliminate them
migrants will replace the white men
method of depopulation

we can see it
its clear they are setting up this

we tried for decades to keep germany separate from russia
russia needs access to the warm water ports

vaccine jab didnt kill enough people
at least not the current jab
famine, war, pandemics
now they are working on war and famine
third "booster" shot is the lethal shot
we dont know how serious the death jab is
they want it to be slow-acting to cover their tracks
its doing its magic (but slowly, slow kill)
maybe they release another virus
they want war
they will escalate in any way possible

german military is a joke
maybe poland and turkey
russia has the strongest military in the world

sweden is being raped to death
50% aliens: syrians, africans
luxemburg used to be the juwel of europe

drug gangs are running the street corners
shitting in the streets
doing drugs in public

all western nations are committing suicide
why? how?

information war
open borders
sex change for children
going on for generations
obama is just another poison fruit, a product
the problem is much bigger
collusion WEF, CCP
amalgam of interests
NATO of evil
bill gates, george soros, ...
money, power, depopulation, ...
WEF, davos, china
MICE = money, ideology, coercion, ego = four cheeses
epstein island
ideology: depopulate the earth

nexus of evil
money from US, germany, canada

trump promises to "build a wall"
trump promises to "deport millions of illegals"
simple plan:
road traffic enforcement
illegals drive like crazy, easy to spot
sounds good to me...

they stole the last election
they will do it again
"big mike" will be president, "michelle" obama

they are getting nervous
we must defund the UN (WHO, NATO)
stop giving money to red cross, catholic charities, HIAS, UN, ...
they are begging for money for "refugee stuff"
stop giving money to your enemies

they will do anything
if we play defense, we will lose
theyre not ready for a defense game
they dont know how to react

we need a government that really goes after them
they are soft targets
large attack surface
few big elephants

arrest border patrol if they refuse to do their work

the tree of liberty ...
("The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time
with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure.")
if you dont stand up for yourself, you will be taken

many people will gladly take up the defense of texas against this invasion
millions of texans are just waiting for that opportunity

they have to stop waiting

abbott should start arresting people
seize the busses

send them back to mexico
close the border
border inspection
many people will be angry
you cant get into a fight without getting hurt
afraid to take some economic hits?
we are already being destroyed
sending them to new york, injecting them deeper into our heart
only more will come

pushing the emergency to other states
in the hope that they will help to protect the border
(new york, chicago, los angeles, denver)
they are now seeing the problem that we had all the time
we will take the problem to you
new york is being overrun by illegals, welcome to the club

bad idea, only adding more enemy fish to our fishtank

we are on the verge of war, collapse, sabotage, ...

its serious
9/11 is nothing compared to this
this is literally the destruction of the united states
this is genocide
the CCP says, they want to kill everyone who is not chinese, across the globe

israel, zionism, ...
throwing "antisemite" and "anti jew" grenades all the time
why would i wanna debate a clown? "im so smart", but she pushed the jab...
ben shapiro, he talks so fast, he knows so many little things, but there is no wisdom to it
he pushed the jab, he pushed the ukraine war, now he is pushing genocide in gaza ...

what should people understand?

you will not get out of this without a fight
you must fight, there is no other way
where do you want to run?
where do you want to hide?

leave the cities, organize with other people
you are under attack
there is no sitting this out, no "let the men do it"
its coming to your door
they flooded our states

mexico too...
mexicans are as dumb as americans
there is lots of lithium in mexico (landgrab for mining)
they want mexico, not mexicans
they want america, not americans

they will hit you with things you never see
virusses, turn off your water, poison your water, take down the power grid...
we need mass deportations
when they call you "racist", tell them "shut up! we are done. we will fight back"
its time for mass deportations
we cant let them steal elections any more
you will not win on defense
this will last for generations

p2p communication
independent of DNS
they will takedown domains like
TCP/IP traffic will still work

end of interview

sponsor: goldbacks

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milahu commented Jul 2, 2024

false flag attacks in europe

NATO forces are preparing [to execute]
a massive false flag attack on a US military base in western Europe.
This will be blamed on either Russia or Iran.

Potential false flag dirty bomb attack on US military base in Europe, to be blamed on Russia or Iran.


Now, speaking of the military, this is actually...
I should get serious here for a minute.
Sorry, I get too loosey goosey with some of this stuff
because I just can't stop
mocking the insanity of the governments around us.

But here's a tweet from Nick Sortor.

The threat level at us military bases in Germany,
Italy, Romania and Bulgaria have been raised to Charlie,
which means, quote, an imminent threat of terrorism.
This is the highest threat level in at least ten years.

And let me show you this chart of threat levels.
So you can see.

All right, so as you can see from the bottom of this chart,
the green status is normal. No known enemy or threat.

Alpha is possible threat of terrorist activity.
That's condition blue.

Bravo is yellow, and it's
increased and predictable threat of terrorism.

Charlie is the imminent threat of terrorism.

And there's one more level here called Charley Horse.
That's also a very painful cramp experience
when anticipating an imminent threat of terrorism.
For some reason, they left that off this chart.
Charlie Horse is one of the worst.
You can't fight when you have Charlie Horse.

And then there's delta, which is red, and that's
localized specific terrorist threat or attack.

And as you can see, this is sort of alphabetical,
except for normal, the green one.
So other than that, it's ABCD. Got it?

So apparently we are now in
condition Charlie in these countries.
Germany, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria.
And this means that the US bases in these countries
are anticipating an imminent attack.

Now, of course, they say "terrorism".
What they mean by terrorism is basically just incoming enemy fire.
Okay, it's called war.
But, you know, the US just calls everything terrorism,
except when the US is attacking and bombing other countries, that's called "war".
But when those countries are attacking us, that's called terrorism.
Just so you're familiar with the terminology,

But we are apparently under condition Charlie.
Now, this tells me something as an analyst
who has 20 years [experience] in alternative media,
actually more than 20 years at this point.
Here's what's actually going to happen.

NATO forces are preparing [to execute]
a massive false flag attack on a US military base in western Europe.
This attack will likely consist of a radiological component, probably a dirty bomb,
or some kind of a drone attack with a dirty bomb payload.
The most likely scenario is, in fact, exactly that.
It's a drone with a dirty bomb payload
combined with a kinetic explosive weapon
to disperse the radioactive dirty bomb material,
and that this drone would fly over a US military base
and it would detonate it at some altitude
in order to achieve widespread dispersal,
rendering the base uninhabitable
because of the radioactive contamination, obviously.

This will be blamed on either Russia or Iran.
Most likely, if this happens in western Europe, it'll be blamed on Russia.
If it happens anywhere else, from Turkey on down, anywhere close to the Middle east,
then it's going to be blamed on Iran. I have no doubt.

In fact, I have predicted that this would happen,
that there would be a false flag attack on american assets, military assets,
in order to initiate an escalation into world war three
and to be able to blame it on Russia
so that the west can invoke article five.

So again, article five.
This is the agreement among NATO nations that says
if one of them is "attacked",
that the other NATO nations then have the option,
not the requirement, but the option,
to engage in a mutual military "defense" against the aggressor.

And so the west is trying to invoke article
five and then they're trying to demand that the
UK, France and Germany and, well, even Turkey,
they're trying to demand
that all these NATO countries get in with the war
and send troops to fight
Russia, which Turkey has, says we won't do.

Turkey is probably going to be busy
fighting Israel sooner or later here, by the way.

If Israel attacks Lebanon, which also seems imminent,
Turkey is probably going to bail out of NATO.
This is my prediction.
Turkey will quit NATO, Turkey will join BRICS.
Turkey will send troops to join Hezbollah
in working to defeat Israel.
And this will open up the entire southern flank of NATO,
which Turkey currently occupies.

And this is significant given that Turkey
has the largest land military force in
all of NATO in western Europe.

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milahu commented Aug 10, 2024

Brighteon Broadcast News
New warning: Get out of the cities or PERISH in the coming chaos

depopulation is coming

islam will conquer europe
cowards are traitors, dont let cowards into your inner circle
this is not a "three month problem"
we have systemic change
depopulation is coming
[because overpopulation is real you stupid fucks]

we are survivors of wars, but its our turn now

if you STILL are dependent on drugs, quit, stop

youre setting yourself up as a target

japan. most foods are imported

kinetic war. nuclear war

highly capable enemies

government is with the invaders, migrant invasion

the life you had is over

financial collapse

psychic warfare
false flag attacks

mass famine, because nobody is growing food

19:30 police will go crazy

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