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midenok edited this page Nov 16, 2013 · 8 revisions

The goal of this project is to influence Open Source Software (OSS) to go for higher standards.

Current state of things are not very pleasant. Everyone does what he wants. Many don't feel responsibility to make quality UI or even fix critical bugs. This is applicable not only to individuals but even to groups. They think: 'We do what we want, its our business, its our freedom'. They don't think that going for public puts some obligations on them. If you want full freedom then don't give your work to anyone! Making something publicly available (f.ex. through download) is synonym to 'give' here. For example, would you want to live on street full of garbage, dumpsters and foul shops? Don't need, don't take one may say. But will it make difference? We don't want to live in a dumpster in any case, do we? And now OSS is one big dumpster of half-finished, half-working, unreliable, creepy software! And this is not the worst thing. The worst thing is, that people who make it to be dumpster don't want to be responsible for that.

How this project works. The project examines real issues with real software and supplies solutions. Solutions can be of 3 types:

  1. Make developers aware of problem;
  2. Make analysis of software and supply owners detailed instructions about their code.
  3. Make modifications of software and supply owners with complete patch.

In all 3 cases it is essential to make owners to believe in importance of an issue. This is done through enlightenment via discussions with them. But not much of them are prone to listen. And this is another not insignificant part of this project -- persuasion. It is achieved through many of us. If owner doesn't want to listen to one person, another person appears and continues the story. This is called lobbying. We are lobbying our interest in quality software. And we don't stop until we achieve result!

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