A small Java project to connect to a Gigaset Elements base station: see
Inspired by the Python command line version that can be find under
The first release can simply query the status of the base, the sensors and list the last N events.
The base status can also be changed.
Basic Listeners can be registered.
No cron actions functionalities have bene added (yet).
The needed dependencies are given in Maven. The minimal Java version is 1.7.
There are two different implementations:
- for Jersey 2.17 --> Glassfish 4
- for RestEasy 3.0.10 --> Wildfly 8.2.0
Both versions work as standalone application (see JUnit test) or can be deployed to the Application Server.
- install
- jar:jar to generate target/GigasetElementsAPI-1.0.0.jar
- dependency:copy-dependencies to export the dependencies (jar) to target/dependency
The service method getBase() queries the status of your GigasetElements Base at home:
GigasetElements service = new GigasetElementsRestEasy(username, password);
Base base = service.setEventsCount(10).getBase();
for (Sensor sensor : base.getSensors()) {
for (Event event : sensor.getEvents()) {
for (Event event : base.getEvents()) {
Mode mode = base.getMode();
service.setMode(base, Mode.CUSTOM);
service.setMode(base, mode);
You can also register some Listener to the GigasetElements service; they are applied just after calling getBase():
- SensorEventListener
- SensorTypeEventListener
- ModeListener
- SensorListener
In Wildfly you have to add the file jboss-deployment-structure.xml in the META-INF dir of the .ear or in the WEB-INF of the .war. The GigasetElementsAPI-{version}.jar and all dependency jars have to be added to the lib dir, all resteasy jars and the two http*.jar have to be excluded because they are already part of the Wildfly modules.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<module name="org.apache.httpcomponents" export="true" />