docs: elections ee47cc6
refactor: apply treatment to campaigns as well 4b92eed
refactor: solidify observer side of elections a7ae3d6
prevent user errors in watcher event listeners from causing backoffs in the underlying stream cead70a
fix: buffers not allowed in typings Namespace.get(key) 69129eb
Merge branch 'pr/yujuiting/66' 0f7447c
docs: fix incorrect docs link (#139 ) 1c5b748
docs: fix usage example of defaultCallOptions 0a951cc
docs: update 964d7d8
style(election): docs and style b256a79
refactor(election): refine and handle error properly be5096f
refactor(election): listen newListener
instead of overriding ab56da4
fix(election): some minor fix 4de3d78
fix(election): fix test fail 7c3563f
fix(election): recreate lease after lost d48e834
fix(election): recreate lease after revoked 88c551a
refactor(election): emit or throw error c015360
fix(election): hide namespace and lease from election 914cf40
fix(election): correct logic of waitForElected abf5442
refactor(election): remove useless comment and add comma 2042ba1
feat(election): observe election df8b77d
fix(election): revoke lease after resign fail 137a906
fix(election): resign if error when waiting 40db9ab
fix(election): revoke lease if resign fail 4ae8e05
refactor(election): errors and remove redundant dc033ef
refactor(election): refine ed4bf1d
refactor(election): rename confusing variable fed1829
fix(election): only proclaim if value changed a56d18e
fix(election): allow custom ttl b6bb40d
test(election): more exception test ebabd57
feat(election): implmentation and unit test 6234c82
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