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tsl basics

Yatao Li edited this page Aug 7, 2017 · 1 revision

id: tsl-basics title: TSL Basics permalink: /docs/manual/TSL/tsl-basics.html prev: /docs/manual/TSL/index.html next: /docs/manual/TSL/RESTProtocol.html

Identifiers are case-sensitive in TSL. Any legal C# identifier is legal in TSL. Line comments starting with // and block comments surrounded by /* and */ are supported. The syntax of TSL is similar to that of struct construct in C/C++ or C#.

The reserved keywords in TSL consists of three parts: all C# keywords, TSL keywords, and primitive data types.

{% include tsl-keywords.html %}

{% include tsl-datatypes.html %}

TSL Script

A TSL script may consist of one or more following top-level constructs:

  • TSL script inclusion statement

  • Enum construct

  • Struct construct

  • Cell construct

  • Protocol construct

  • Server construct

  • Proxy construct

We can include other TSL files in the current TSL project by using "include" key word. For example, include anthertsl.tsl. Note, if a TSL file is already added to the current TSL project, it is not necessary to include it explicitly.

Enumerations are declared using enum keyword. They can be referenced in the current TSL project or the visual studio projects referencing the TSL project.


A struct specifies a user-defined type. It is composed of three types of fields: built-in data types, other user-defined structs, and container types. A container type stores a collection of data elements. GE currently supports three container types: Array, List, String/string.

TSL supports single-dimensional and multidimensional arrays. A single-dimensional array of type T can be declared in the following two ways: Array<T>(3) myArray; or T[3] myArray;.

For example:

Array<int32>(3) myArray;
int32[3] myArray;

Multidimensional arrays can be declared via: T[m,n] myMultiArray;

For example:

int32[3,5] mymultiArray;

Note TSL array does not support variable-length elements. Thus the following declaration is not allowed:

string [10] strings; // Not allowed!

A list of T can be declared via:List<T> mylist;

For example:

List<int32> mylist;

TSL String/string represents a sequence of characters.

Note that a modifier optional can be applied to any field of a struct. Optional modifier indicates the current field can be absent.

Defining a struct in TSL is pretty much like defining a struct in C/C++ or C#. For example:

struct MyStructA
    int32 Value;
    Guid Id;
    DateTime timestamp;
struct MyStructB
    int64 Link;
    List<float> Weights;
    bool[16] flags;
    string Name;
    bit[10] bitflags;
    MyStructA substruct;
    List<MyStructA> substructs;


A Cell is a user-defined type. It is composed of three types of fields: built-in types, other user-defined TSL structs, and container types.

The storage layer of GE is a key-value store. The schema of the value part of a key-value pair can be specified by a TSL cell. GE generates key-value store interfaces (SaveCell, LoadCell, and UpdateCell, etc.) and data access methods for each cell type. A corresponding cell 'accessor' will be generated for each TSL cell. A cell can be accessed and manipulated through its cell accessor interfaces. This is a simple TSL cell:

cell MyCell
  int32 Value;
  string Name;

After compilation, we can access and manipulate MyCell via its cell accessor:

long cellId = 1;
using(var cell = Global.LocalStorage.UseMyCell(cellId))
  Console.WriteLine("Value: {0}", cell.Value);
  cell.Name = "a new name";

The manipulation is thread-safe when a cell is accessed via its cell accessor.

At the storage level, a cell is just a blob of bytes in the main memory. From the point view of a developer, a cell can be considered as a flat structured data container. It looks very much like a struct in C/C++ or C#. A fundamental difference between a C/C++ struct and a GE cell is their way of organizing memory. All data fields in a cell are flattened in a continuous memory region, while a C/C++ struct may contain data field references pointing to other data fields located at a different memory region.

Data Modeling in TSL

Cells are the basic building blocks of data modeling. Here we use a simple graph modeling example to demonstrate the basic of data modeling techniques.

Note: any cell in GE is referenced by a 64-bit CellId, thus a list of cells can be represented by List<CellId> in the cell specification.

cell struct SimpleGraphNode
    List<CellId> Inlinks;
    List<CellId> Outlinks;
    string Name;

This cell type can be used to represent nodes of a simple directed graph. Each node in this graph has a name and a list of inlinks and outlinks.

What if the graph edges have additional data associated. Here is an example:

struct MyEdge
    long Link;
    float Weight;

cell struct MyCell
    List<MyEdge> Inlinks;
    List<MyEdge> Outlinks;
    string Name;

This script contains a 'Cell' and a 'Struct'. This time, each edge contains a weight. Sample code for accessing MyCell:


using (var ca = Global.LocalStorage.UseMyCell(132))
    ca.Inlinks.Add(new MyEdge(10, 11));
    ca.Outlinks.Add(new MyEdge(11, 12));
    ca.Name = "Hello, Cell Manipulator!";

using (var ca = Global.LocalStorage.UseMyCell(132))
    Console.WriteLine("Inlink.Count: {0}", ca.Inlinks.Count);
    Console.WriteLine("Outlink.Count: {0}", ca.Outlinks.Count);
    Console.WriteLine("Cell Name: {0}", ca.Name);


A protocol specifies a contract between a message sender and its receiver. It specifies three things: protocol type, request message, and response message. For example:

struct MyRequest
  string Value;

struct MyResponse
  int32 Result;

protocol myProtocol
    Type: Syn;
    Request: MyRequest;
    Response: MyRespone;

Possible protocol Type are: Syn, Asyn, and HTTP.

If the protocol is a Syn protocol:

  • Its Request can be: void or a user-defined struct.
  • Its Response can be: void or a user-defined struct.

If the protocol is an Asyn protocol:

  • Its Request can be: void or a user-defined struct.
  • Its Response MUST be void.

If the protocol is a HTTP protocol:

  • Its Request can be: void, a user-defined struct, or Stream.
  • Its Response can be: void, a user-defined struct, or Stream.

A Request or Response with Stream type can be manipulated via data stream interfaces.


We can bind a number of protocols to a server by defining a server struct in TSL. For example, if we have already defined two protocols named protocolA and protocolB, then we can bind them to a server struct called myServer:

server my_server
    protocol protocolA;
    protocol protocolB;

After compilation, an abstract base server named myServerBase supporting both protocolA and protocolB will be generated. Two abstract message handler protocolAHandler and protocolBHandler will be generated. We can implement our server logic by overriding the generated handlers.

A proxy can be defined similarly, except that the construct type "proxy" is used.

Note that a server/proxy cannot inherit protocols from another server/proxy instance. This is because within a server/proxy instance, the protocol Ids are numbered sequentially. When inheriting protocols from other servers/proxies, different servers/proxies may number the inherited protocols differently. GE relies on protocol Ids to dispatch messages. It causes message dispatching problems to number the same protocol with different Ids. If we want to make a group of protocols reusable, we can group them into a module struct:

module my_module
    protocol protocolC;
    protocol protocolD;

Then, we can "plug-in" the module into a server/proxy instance:

    my_server server = new my_server();

In this way, a client that understands the protocols of my_module can talk to the server.


An attribute is a textual tag associated with a construct in TSL. Attributes provide metadata about the construct and can be accessed at run time. An attribute can be a string or a pair of strings, where it is regarded as a key-value pair. A single-string attribute is regarded as a key-value pair with an empty value. Duplicated keys are not allowed on the same construct. A few attributes are reserved for built-in features, e.g. Inverted Index.

To tag a construct with an attribute, place the attribute above it. The syntax is akin to that of C# attributes:

/// Tagging the cell
[GraphNode, BaseType : Person]
cell Student
    /// Tagging the field
    [GraphEdge : Outlinks]
    List<CellId> friends;

The key and its value of an attribute is separated with a colon (:). Multiple attributes can reside within one pair of square brackets, separated with a comma (,). The attribute strings can be any literal strings with : and , escaped as \: and \,. Non-escaped spaces at the start and the end of a string are trimmed, so that [ a b : 123\ \ ] will be interpreted as [a b:123 ].

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