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Ethereum zkSync messages dapp (proof of concept)

zinc contract code

This contract should allow you to create an account and post short messages.

Later, once the contract starts getting into some stable phase, some frontend will be added here.



Trying to deploy first test version of the contract.


Started working on the contract as a zkSync learning.

ZINC installation

This is an example installation for macOS and zsh. You're free to do it in your way, but the concept stays the same - download, unzip and add directory to the PATH.

Check the latest release

Then download it and unzip in some place:

curl -L -o "" && \
  unzip -d ~/ && \
  rm -f

Then add this new directory to your PATH (zsh):

echo -n 'export PATH=~/zinc-0.2.3-macos:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc

Now this will be available for you:

  • zargo package manager
  • znc Zinc compiler
  • zvm Zinc virtual machine

Install VSCode zinc extension:

Useful resources:


Creating the "messages" contract:

The contract name needs to be unique on the network

zargo new --type contract messages

Checking all the contracts deployed to the network

zargo download --list --network rinkeby

Deploying the contract

if you don't have it, create a private_key file with a private key to your test account:

touch ./messages/private_key
code ./messages/private_key

Edit ./messages/Zargo.toml file to adjust contract details. Edit ./messages/data/input.json file to adjust contract arguments.

cd ./messages
zargo publish --network rinkeby --instance default