©2013 Michael Bach, [email protected], michaelbach.de
A simple multi-channel "oscilloscope" for MacOS.
This oscilloscope can have one or up to kOscilloscopeMaxNumberOfTraces traces (preset to 8). Most calls are availabe in both single- and multichannel mode.
The oscilloscope advances 1 point in device space per call (advanceWithSample(s))
Entire sweeps can also be displayed with setTrace:toSweep: / setSingleTraceToSweep:
0 is in the vertical center, the vertical scaling is addressed by calling setMaxPositiveValue:.
- In your controller class: create an Oscilloscope2* IBOutlet.
- In Interface Builder: instantiate a Custom View, set it's class to Oscilloscope3, then connect it with the appropriae IBOutlet.
- 2 movement styles: all content moves to the left (like old EEG plotters) or an update event moves left to right along the traces
- choose trace and background colours
- choose separator lines between traces
- dashed zero line
- The present version only runs in 10.8(+) due to use of the new method "CGColor"
- Difference to the former "Oscilloscope2": Oscilloscope3 is drawing with Core Graphics throughout rather than quartz. Was hoping for a little speed improvement. What really improves speed: going to opengel (see Oscilloscope2OGL for that)