- Projects done during my study of Harvard University's cs50, an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
- Files written in
Visual Studio Code 1.73
editor. - C files compiled using
gcc 9.4.0
. - C files wriiten according to the betty coding style. Checked using betty-style.pl and betty-doc.pl
- Files tested on
Windows 10
Directory | Description |
0x00-hello | Implements fundamental C syntax and algorithms |
0x01-arithmetic_operations | Implenting arithmetic operations in C using the build-in libriraries/header files |
0x02-loops | Implementing loops in C including the for and while loops |
0x03-functions | Constructing and implemting functions in C language |
0x04-floating_point_imprecission | Implements the floating point imprecission concept in C |
0x05-binary_search | Implements the binary search in C |
0x06-data_structures | Implementing data structures in C including linked lists and Arrays |
0x07-address | Algorithms to implement memory address in C |
0x08-pointer_arithmetic | Algorithms to implement pointer arithmetics in C |
0x09-dynamic_memory_allocations | Algorithms implememts memeory management and allocation |