A very minimal web push notification server using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Node (and Electron).
npm install @miafoo/fcm-web-push
- Firebase App ID
- Firebase Project ID
- Firebase API Key
- Firebase VAPID/Key Pair
You can find the first 3 in the Firebase Console when you create a new "Web app". The VAPID/Key pair can be found in the "Web configuration" section on the "Cloud Messaging" tab.
See examples folder for more complete examples than the one below.
import { register, FcmClient } from "@miafoo/fcm-web-push"
// Restore persistentIds from the previous session.
const previousPersistentIds: string[] = readPersistentIdsFromDisk()
const newPersistentIds: string[] = []
// Register the app with Firebase. Ideally you would store this registration
// and restore it next time you run the app.
// You can use the `encodeRegistration` and `decodeRegistration` functions
// to easily save and restore the registration as JSON strings.
// Note: Registration can take several seconds.
const registration = await register({
apiKey: "xxxx",
projectId: "xxxx",
appId: "xxxx",
vapidKey: "xxxx",
const client = new FcmClient({
client.on("connect", () => {
client.on("connected", () => {
client.on("disconnected", () => {
client.on("message", (message) => {
// Store the `persistentId`!
// Pass in the `previousPersistentIds` to mark them seen, otheriwse they
// will be received again every time the client connects.
await client.connect(previousPersistentIds)
// Note: The `connect` promise resolves when the socket is closed.
// You can also close the socket manually by disconnecting:
// Save the new persistent ids so we can mark them seen next time we run.
- push-receiver for the original implementation. Be sure to check out Matthieu Lemoine's blog post on how they built it.
- fcm-push-listener for a simple Rust implementation. Large portion of this code is based on it.
- Google & Chrome Developer blogs for the Web Push Protocol and Web Push Encryption.