Vim plugin to show the name of the current tag (usually function) in the status line.
Inspired by Michal Vitecek's pythonhelper.vim and my chelper.vim. Intended to replace both of them.
Needs Vim 8.0.0251 or newer, built with Python support.
Supports multiple languages:
- Python
- C
- C++
- diff files
- .ini files
- Robot Framework test files Vim help files
Doesn't actually use tags files -- instead it has its own hacky parsers.
I suggest you use a plugin manager like vim-plug:
Plug 'mgedmin/taghelper.vim'
Add %{taghelper#curtag()}
to your 'statusline', e.g.
set statusline=%<%f\ %h%m%r\ %1*%{taghelper#curtag()}%*%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
:call taghelper#showtags()
will print all the tags detected in a source
file. If you find that some code is parsed incorrectly (my parser is really
simple!), please file a bug on GitHub.
was written by Marius Gedminas <[email protected]>.
Licence: MIT.