12 languages in 4 weeks 1 week per language grouping 4 hours per language (non contiguous) Streamed live on twitch.tv/metameeee Recordings can be found on YouTube
Lisps: Scheme Common Lisp Racket
ML: Standard ML Haskell OCaml
Dependently-typed: Coq Agda Idris
- Getting started docs 15m
- Dev env setup: compilers, repls, editor config, etc. 15m to 1h
- Hello world web service
- Twitch chat bot: send only to start, command bot
returns text response of "Hello World!" - GET
returns json response of{"greeting": "Hello <name>!"}
takes a json payload of{"name":string}
and returns text response of "Goodbye "
- Each lang has it's own directory from root
- In the root directory, the README will contain links to the resources used
- Each lang directory will have a
subdir with the hello world web service and atwitch_bot
- Recompile emacs with native comp
- Add timer to obs scenes