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Fork of hyper-proxy, A HTTP proxy connector for Hyper-based crates


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A proxy connector for hyper based applications.



use std::error::Error;

use bytes::Bytes;
use headers::Authorization;
use http_body_util::{BodyExt, Empty};
use hyper::{Request, Uri};
use hyper_http_proxy::{Proxy, ProxyConnector, Intercept};
use hyper_util::client::legacy::Client;
use hyper_util::client::legacy::connect::HttpConnector;
use hyper_util::rt::TokioExecutor;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
   let proxy = {
      let proxy_uri = "http://my-proxy:8080".parse().unwrap();
      let mut proxy = Proxy::new(Intercept::All, proxy_uri);
      proxy.set_authorization(Authorization::basic("John Doe", "Agent1234"));
      let connector = HttpConnector::new();
      let proxy_connector = ProxyConnector::from_proxy(connector, proxy).unwrap();

   // Connecting to http will trigger regular GETs and POSTs.
   // We need to manually append the relevant headers to the request
   let uri: Uri = "".parse().unwrap();
   let mut req = Request::get(uri.clone()).body(Empty::<Bytes>::new()).unwrap();

   if let Some(headers) = proxy.http_headers(&uri) {

   let client = Client::builder(TokioExecutor::new()).build(proxy);
   let fut_http = async {
      let res = client.request(req).await?;
      let body = res.into_body().collect().await?.to_bytes();

      Ok::<_, Box<dyn Error>>(String::from_utf8(body.to_vec()).unwrap())

   // Connecting to an https uri is straightforward (uses 'CONNECT' method underneath)
   let uri = "".parse().unwrap();
   let fut_https = async {
      let res = client.get(uri).await?;
      let body = res.into_body().collect().await?.to_bytes();

      Ok::<_, Box<dyn Error>>(String::from_utf8(body.to_vec()).unwrap())

   let (http_res, https_res) = futures::future::join(fut_http, fut_https).await;
   let (_, _) = (http_res?, https_res?);



hyper-http-proxy exposes Cargo features, to configure which TLS implementation it uses to connect to a proxy. It can also be configured without TLS support, by compiling without default features entirely. The supported list of configurations is:

native-tls = ["dep:native-tls", "tokio-native-tls", "hyper-tls", "__tls"] native-tls-vendored = ["native-tls", "tokio-native-tls?/vendored"] rustls-tls-manual-roots = ["__rustls"] rustls-tls-webpki-roots = ["dep:webpki-roots", "__rustls"] rustls-tls-native-roots = ["dep:rustls-native-certs", "__rustls", "hyper-rustls/rustls-native-certs"]

  1. No TLS support (default-features = false)
  2. TLS support via native-tls to link against the operating system's native TLS implementation (default-features = false, features = ["native-tls"])
  3. TLS support via rustls using native certificates (default).
  4. TLS support via rustls, using a statically-compiled set of CA certificates to bypass the operating system's default store (default-features = false, features = ["rustls-tls-webpki-roots"])


This was forked from that originally forked from

Large part of the code comes from reqwest. The core part as just been extracted and slightly enhanced. Main changes are:

  • support for authentication
  • add non secured tunneling
  • add the possibility to add additional headers when connecting to the proxy