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_Query.js (UnderQuery)

jQuery + Underscore = UnderQuery [ _Q ]

A lightweight (~3KB minified) library that combines the power of jQuery-like DOM manipulation with Underscore-like collection handling.


npm install underquery

Core Usage

_('.button')       // DOM selection
_([1, 2, 3])      // Array wrapping
_({a: 1, b: 2})   // Object wrapping

// Class manipulation with shorter names
    .ac('active', 'primary')    // Add classes
    .css('color', 'blue')       // Set style
    .on('click', () => {        // Add click handler
            .tc('clicked')      // Toggle class
            .rc('active');      // Remove class


ES6 Module

// ES6 import
import _ from 'underquery';

// CommonJS require
const _ = require('underquery');

// Browser script tag
<script src="node_modules/underquery/dist/_query.min.js"></script>

Quick Examples

DOM Manipulation

// Select and modify elements
    .ac('active', 'primary')    // Add classes
    .css('color', 'blue')       // Set style
    .on('click', function() {   // Add click handler
            .tc('clicked')      // Toggle class
            .rc('active');      // Remove class

// Chain multiple operations
    .sel('.item')              // Select all items
    .each(el => {              // Iterate over each
            .attr('data-ready', 'true');

Collection Handling

// Array operations
_([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    .filt(n => n > 2)          // Filter numbers > 2
    .map(n => n * 2)           // Double each number
    .val();                    // Get final value: [6, 8, 10]

// Object operations
const users = [
    { id: 1, name: 'John', active: true },
    { id: 2, name: 'Jane', active: false },
    { id: 3, name: 'Bob', active: true }

    .where({ active: true })   // Find active users
    .pluk('name')             // Get their names
    .val();                   // Result: ['John', 'Bob']

DOM Methods

Method Description Example
html() Get/set HTML content _('div').html('content')
txt() Get/set text content _('p').txt('text')
attr() Get/set attributes _('img').attr('src', 'url')
ac() Add CSS class(es) _('.btn').ac('active')
rc() Remove CSS class(es) _('.btn').rc('active')
tc() Toggle CSS class _('.btn').tc('active')
css() Get/set CSS styles _('div').css('color', 'blue')
on() Add event listener _('button').on('click', fn)
off() Remove event listener _('button').off('click', fn)
sel() Select descendants _('div').sel('.item')
clos() Find closest ancestor _('span').clos('.container')
par() Get parent element _('li').par()
kids() Get child elements _('ul').kids()

Collection Methods

Method Description Example
each() Iterate over items _([1,2,3]).each(console.log)
map() Transform items _([1,2,3]).map(x => x * 2)
find() Find single item _([1,2,3]).find(x => x > 2)
filt() Filter items _([1,2,3]).filt(x => x > 1)
where() Filter by properties _(users).where({active: true})
findW() Find by properties _(users).findW({id: 5})
rej() Reject items _([1,2,3]).rej(x => x < 2)
evry() Test all items _([2,4,6]).evry(x => x % 2 === 0)
some() Test any items _([1,2,3]).some(x => x > 2)
cont() Check containment _([1,2,3]).cont(2)
pluk() Extract property _(users).pluk('name')

Array Methods

Method Description Example
frst() Get first element(s) _([1,2,3]).frst()
last() Get last element(s) _([1,2,3]).last()
init() Get all but last _([1,2,3]).init()
rest() Get all but first _([1,2,3]).rest()
comp() Remove falsy values _([0,1,false,2]).comp()
flat() Flatten array _([1,[2,[3]]]).flat()
val() Get raw value _([1,2,3]).map(x=>x*2).val()

Static Methods

Method Description Example
_.range() Generate range _.range(5) // [0,1,2,3,4]
_.memo() Memoize function _.memo(expensiveFn)