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Memfault Zephyr + ESP32 Example

This sample app is based on the Zephyr samples/net/wifi example. It demonstrates a Zephyr + ESP32 integration with the Memfault SDK. It has been tested on the following boards:

  • esp32c3_devkitm (default board)
  • esp32s3_devkitm

Getting Started

The Memfault Zephyr integration guide is an excellent reference, and documents how the Memfault SDK was added to the base example app:

To try out this example app:

  1. Set up the Zephyr prerequisites:

  2. Create a zephyr workspace and set it up with this project:

    mkdir zephyr-workspace
    cd zephyr-workspace
    west init -m
    west update
  3. Build the example app:

    west build zephyr-esp32-example --sysbuild

    --sysbuild will build the MCUboot image as well, which will also get flashed in the following step. To run sysbuild by default, you can configure your workspace with west config --local build.sysbuild True.

  4. Flash the example app:

     west flash
  5. Open a serial console and interact with the sample app shell. For example using PySerial:

    # select the correct serial port for your system
    pyserial-miniterm --raw /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102N_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_1cd857b4d5a0eb11bf35cdacdf749906-if00-port0 115200
    uart:~$ mflt get_device_info
    [00:09:21.911,000] <inf> mflt: S/N: DEMOSERIAL
    [00:09:21.911,000] <inf> mflt: SW type: zephyr-app
    [00:09:21.911,000] <inf> mflt: SW version: 0.0.1727a85c
    [00:09:21.911,000] <inf> mflt: HW version: esp32c3_devkitm
    # connect wifi
    uart:~$ wifi connect <ssid> <pw>
    # test memfault export over uart
    uart:~$ mflt export

Testing OTA

The payload to upload to Memfault is:


This file is set as "confirmed", so it won't revert after 1 boot cycle (not safe against bootloops!). See the Zephyr documentation for details.

Follow the normal Memfault OTA workflow:

  1. build and flash an image with a version like 0.0.1 (see the VERSION file for setting an application version).
  2. rebuild with a newer version, 0.0.2
  3. upload the zephyr.signed.confirmed.bin file to a Memfault Release named 0.0.2.
  4. deploy the 0.0.2 release to the cohort with the device (default unless changed)
  5. on the device shell, connect wifi with wifi connect <ssid> <pw>, and trigger the OTA with mflt get_latest_release
  6. when the device reboots, confirm the new version is set with mflt get_device_info


If this error occurs when applying the new image:

[00:10:07.255,000] <dbg> mflt: memfault_platform_log: Error requesting upgrade, rv=-14
[00:10:07.260,000] <err> mflt: Error upgrading firmware, rv=-1

It may be necessary to run mcuboot erase 2 one time before running the test, to wipe the secondary slot so it's ready to receive the new image.