A simple plugin to demonstrate how to add Block Patterns to Gutenberg.
This plugin contains three examples patterns for you to check out, ranging from a simple text pattern to a more complex pattern containing both images and text.
- Column block
- 80% column with 28px paragraph
- 20% empty column
- Column block
- 50% column with paragraph
- 50% column with paragraph
- Centered bold paragraph, 16px, for the category or topic
- Centered h1 for the article title
- Centered paragraph, 48px, for the byline
- Centered paragraph, 28px, for an introductory paragraph
- Column block
- 33% column with spacer bock, large image, and an image resized to 25%
- 33% column with image resized to 25%, and large image
- 33% column with spacer, h2, and paragraphs