This bot is highly inspired of nicolaspiet's github repo, jklm-word-bot, but slightly optimized. I found out that their code is slight buggy in terms of getting the mouse position, and word output is apparently typing random words. Hence, it seems to be not working. I optimized that using my own OOP programming.
- python
- pynput
- keyboard
- pyperclip
Step 1: Download the zip of this file and then extract.
Step 2: Once extracted, copy the file location of the file (e.g. C:/Users/admin/Downloads/jklm-word-bot)
Step 3: Open up the terminal, and then change your directory to that file location. For example, type
cd C:/Users/admin/Downloads/jklm-word-bot
Step 4: Run the code below. Make sure you have python installed before running this.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: Once installed, you're good to go!
Step 1: Run using a code editor or simply the same terminal earlier and run the code below.
python run
Step 2: Go to the JKLM game as soon as it starts. Place your cursor over the two letter text inside the bomb, and press 'Ctrl + F8'.
Step 3: Hover your mouse over the text box, and press 'Ctrl + F9'.
Step 4: When it is your turn, sit back, relax, and press 'Ctrl + F11.
Step 5: Enjoy!
- 'Ctrl + F8': This will copy your current mouse cursor position, so make sure it is accurately placed.
- 'Ctrl + F9': This will copy your current mouse cursor position of the text box, so make sure it is accurately placed.
- 'Ctrl + F11': This will immediately hover your mouse cursor to your previously recorded mouse position, and prompts the code to output the text automatically in the typing box by using pyperclip and keyboard.write with different delays in human-like typing speed.