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Kernel for extensible python program environment


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The mkernel project (pronounced em-kernel) provides the extensible kernel used by the meerk40t project for any other projects. While developed with that in mind it was developed generically, and as such can be used for any project which may require any of the robust environmental features provided by the Kernel.


The Kernel class provides a suite of functionality. It serves as a central hub of communication between different plugins within the system.

Features include:

  • Lifecycle based ecosystem of functionality.
  • Job scheduler to provide repeated and time delineated function calls.
  • OS independent context-path dependent persistent settings.
  • Tree/Path Context to provide path-dependent views into the kernel.
  • Internal console command system with easy registration of context based commands (Similar to Click).
  • Command context pipelines for user executable modular data manipulation (Similar to Vpype).
  • Centralized lookup for registered data across the program ecosystem.
  • service.providers register a standard method for starting a particular service (if needed)
  • Service provides direct reference-attributes to all contexts.
  • Service provides methodology for swapping lookup data between different instances for the same service namespace.
  • lookup_listener provide internal listening mechanisms for lookup changes.
  • signal() provide efficient centralized communication for specifically flagged data.
  • signal_listener to register a function to be called by the signals.
  • Channel to provide realtime lossless stream of data for debugging or utility that can be accessed by the user.
  • Modules to provide reusable, registered classes, with properly bound lifecycles.
  • plugin-based architecture to provide highly configurable plugin registration.
  • lifecycle-aware plugins for Modules and Services.
  • Manage lifecycle aware threads.
  • Translation information and functionality.


There are three different lifecycle aware types within the ecosystem: Modules, Services, and Kernel.

Plugins are called for all events in an objects lifecycle (see methodology). The lifecycles events are called as specific functions on the lifecycle-aware objects themselves. A Service will be notified of service_attach by calling (if it exists) a def service_attach() function.


Lifecycle aware objects can also call add_module_delegate() for Modules or add_service_delegate() for Services. This will then not only call the lifecycle events on the primary object but also on all delegates of that object. Delegates will also have their @signal_listener() and @lookup_listener() on their functions automatically registered.

Plugin Configuration

The lifecycle events include a few pre-processing and configuration calls.

plugins: All plugins are first polled for plugins. This should, if it returns anything, return a set of other plugins. service: Plugins are queried for service which should respond with the provider they are targeting. This service will be attached to the lifecycle of any and all services created from that provider. module: Plugins are queried for module which should respond with the path of the module they are targeting. This plugin will be attached to instances of that module that are opened. invalidate: Plugins are queried for invalidate which should return True if this plugin is invalid and should be removed from the list of plugins.

Kernel Lifecycle

By default, plugins are expected to be kernel-plugins and react to the lifecycle events of the kernel. These are in order:

  • preregister
  • register: Most register() calls and establishment of different parts of the ecosystem should be done here.
  • configure: Everything was registered but instances of other lifecycle objects are not started.
  • boot: Most lifecycle objects are started.
  • postboot
  • prestart
  • start
  • poststart
  • ready
  • finished
  • premain
  • mainloop: The console or various gui mainloops will be executed here, they should capture the thread.
  • postmain: All the holds of the mainloop have been released.
  • preshutdown: Everything should be unhooked and ready to be destroyed.
  • shutdown: The kernel is terminating. You cannot count on anything still existing. Do housekeeping.

All registered plugins call def plugin(kernel, lifecycle) this is called with the kernel object and the current lifecycle. This is done for each lifecycle event. Plugins are required to use these to register and execute themselves at the appropriate times within the overall program's lifecycle. The primary reason for many of these events are that sometimes code execution requires that other registrations and code has executed before the code being provided. If they are registered at the correct lifecycle event, that guarantee is met. For example, if you need to execute a console command this should be done after register since all console commands should be registered during that lifecycle event.

The kernel lifecycle is started by the __call__() namely kernel(). This will by default process the entire life cycle from preregister to shutdown the expectation is that something around mainloop like a gui or console will catch the thread and hold it there until a custom quit command is executed. However, there is also a kernel(partial=True) which will only execute part of the lifecycle and exit out of the function with a fully booted ecosystem. You are expected to issue a kernel() command to complete the lifecycle or allow some method to call quit internally to perform this, a GUI would be expected to capture and use the thread at the mainloop and console would do this accordingly. It depends on the current usecase.

def plugin(kernel, lifecycle):
    if lifecycle == 'register':
        @kernel.console_command('example', help="Says Hello World.")
        def example_cmd(command, channel, _, args=tuple(), **kwargs):
            channel(_('Hello World'))

In this example, we use the kernel.console_command to register a command called "example" which calls the channel with "Hello World" during the register lifecycle. See: examples/

Module Lifecycle

Modules are only expected to be started up and closed down. Their lifecycles are:

  • module_open
  • module_clos
  • shutdown


The scheduler is a thread which provides Job instances these can occur a number of times over a given duration. A scheduled job will skip run cycles if the job takes longer than the interval to complete. Refreshing guis and signals are processed through scheduled jobs.

The kernel scheduler is allowed for jobs to be scheduled. It launches a thread in the kernel which iterates through the different scheduled jobs, and running them when required. This thread is also used as during shutdown to terminate everything in a safe manner.


Threads are registered in the kernel and executed normally. These are tracked and viewed with the thread channel for diagnostic purposes. And are required to complete for kernel shutdown. Starting a thread requires using the threaded command on the kernel or a context.


Jobs are either called within a context for .add_job() or a module can extend the Job and call schedule() and unschedule().


Timers are user set internal commands that execute repeatedly. These can be executed by the user in the console. This is an internal kernel command.

 help timer
     	timer.* <times:str> <duration:float>
     	(None) -> timer.* -> (None)
     	Argument: str 'times':
     		Number of times this timer should execute.
     	Argument: float 'duration':
     		How long in seconds between/before should this be run.
     	Option: bool ('--off', '-o'):
     		Turn this timer off
     	Option: bool ('--gui', '-g'):
     		Run this timer in the gui-thread


Contexts are the usual method of accessing data within the kernel. kernel.get_context(<path>) will give a context with that specific path set. This path is used as a namespace to allow multiple similar aspects. For example, if you had a camera plugin, it could register in camera1, camera2, camera3 for identical but independent settings in the different namespaces.

Contexts also allow for simplified and shorthand commands compared to kernel. context("help") will call the help command in the console.

Signals, always provide origin as their first parameter. This is the context which issued the original signal.

Persistent Settings.

The Settings uses python ConfigParser to write our persistent settings to disk. This is used by the Kernel to save any settings data on a context to disk during shutdown

The individual settings are usually initialized by calling q = context.settings(<type>, <attr>, <default). If the setting was found in persistent settings then the persistent value will be used, else context.<attr> = default is set.

Persistent settings require a context to save. In most cases kernel.root, would serve as a reasonable context for saving settings that do not need to specifically subclassed.


Modules allow many copies of the same class. These are opened at the context and stored in the .opened dictionary at a context. These are given a name which can be dynamically assigned. They are not expected to change the context at which they are opened.

Modules are opened classes. They should be registered in the module/<module-name> path in the kernel. These are opened and attached to contexts. These are opened using the open() function on contexts and kernels. If the module, with the same namespace, is already opened, the opened module is returned and any initialization parameters are called on the restore() function on the given module (if it exists).


Channels are dataflows within the kernel. For example, if a plugin is communicating over usb, it can provide a log of this communication by opening a channel. Channels are .watch() and .unwatch().

The channels are an aspect of the Kernel. These allow channels to be opened and watched. These will convey every message sent to any watchers observing that channel. There does not need to be an open channel for that channel to be watched, or a watcher for that channel to be opened. Channels provide streams of information while being agnostic as to where the information will end up.


Signals are a lossy update-type dataflow within the kernel. Unlike Channels, if a signal is called many times very rapidly it will result in a single trigger of the signal for the signal_listeners. You are not guaranteed to see every signal call, you are guaranteed to see at least one signal with the latest update. The signals will always be called in the kernels' main thread. In GUI applications this would typically be the GUI thread, thereby allowing threadsafe graphics updating.

The signaler schedules itself within the Scheduler, and provides functionality for listen(), unlisten() and signal(). A @signal_listener() attached to a life-cycle object is life-cycle aware and will listen() when service_attach or module_open and will unlisten() when service_detach or module_close. So that a Service which is not currently active will, if flagged with a @signal_listener only receive signals while active. This allows non-duplicating signals to send, so other instances within the kernel ecosystem know they should update, if they listened for a specific signal. The signaler does not force every message to be delivered, only the last message.

When a listener is attached, it will get the last message for that signal if it exists. Regardless when that last signal was issued. The reason for this is that if they are used for GUI fields, they will always be given the last signal to allow fields that might not have been created when the signal was originally issued to have the most recent data.


Kernel for extensible python program environment







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