To install dependencies:
bun install
To run:
for MacOS users (ref.
brew install sqlite
export CUSTOM_SQLITE_PATH=$(ls -L $(brew --prefix)/Cellar/sqlite/*/lib/libsqlite3.dylib | head -n 1)
API_KEY=test bun run index.ts
This project was created using bun init
in bun v1.0.14. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.
Register on and set up flyctl.
Create an app.
fly apps create
Edit the app name in fly.toml.
Generate your API key and set it as a secret.
fly secrets set --stage "API_KEY=${YOUR_API_KEY}"
Create LiteFS Cluster on console and set the secret token as a secret.
fly secrets set --stage "LITEFS_CLOUD_TOKEN=${SECRET_TOKEN}"
Attach Consul to the app for LiteFS.
fly consul attach
Deploy the app.
fly deploy