Python application to analyze a fasta file containing eukaryotic nuclear ribosomal RNA and/or internal transcribed spacers (ITS1/ITS2) and generate a five column feature table that can be imported into gbench. Is it designed to work with any of these scenarios: SSU SSU-ITS1 SSU-ITS1-5.8 SSU-ITS1-5.8-ITS2 SSU-ITS1-5.8-ITS2-LSU ITS1-5.8 ITS1-5.8-ITS2 ITS1-5.8-ITS2-LSU 5.8 5.8-ITS2 5.8-ITS2-LSU ITS2-LSU LSU Plus or minus strand and partial or complete for every possible combination. Usage is python inputfile.fasta outfile.tbl there are additional files created by the script and saved in your directory. Some are intermediate files the script needs others are there for your reference if you need to investigate anything further. These include cmscan_final.tblout cmscan results file rna_found.seqs output fasta for any sequences where RNA was found rna_not_found_seqs output fasta for any sequences where an rRNA was not found misassembled_seqs output fasta for any sequences found to be misassembled final.tblout intermediate file input.fsa intermediate file my.seqlen intermediate file intermediate file tblout.both.txt intermediate file tblout.both.txt.deoverlapped intermediate file tblout.both.txt.sort intermediate file tblout.df.txt intermediate file
SET UP Configure your linux environment for python This is a linux command line application and it requires some set up to install. Running Python at NCBI.
Create the virtual environment in your home directory and it will be available in all your directories. Python Dependencies that must be installed before initial use. Pip install the following modules Pandas biopython Datetime For example >pip install pandas
Configure your linux environment to run CMscan (skip this if it was previously done) It is easiest if you run CMscan and the script in the same directory all the time. Recommend you set up a new directory for this. CMscan instructions and dependencies Set up your linux environment to use CMscan and test that it works Add infernal to the facilities line of your .ncbi_hints file Download the Rfam models If so, download and gunzip from here:
Then create a text file rrna.list.txt with 4 lines: RF00001 RF00002 RF01960 RF02543
And do these commands:
cmfetch --index cmfetch -f rrna.list.txt > cmpress
Execute a cmscan test job in your working directory. Do both these commands to be sure they both work.
cmscan cmscan --anytrunc --tblout myseqs.tblout
copy these files and install them in the directory where you are going to do run the script. Be sure they are executable. ~mcveigh/createITS cmsearch_tblout_deoverlap cmsearch_tblout_deoverlap-master
The script will write a number of intermediate files and some log files to your directory. The file names are hard coded and any existing files with the same names (i.e. previous run) will be overwritten. You need to be sure you do not run out of space in your linux directory or something rude will happen. Files needed or written Input file starting input Output file output feature table cmscan_final.tblout complete cmscan table misassembled_seqs report of any misassembled sequences rna_found.seqs report of all sequences where an RNA gene was found rna_not_found_seqs report of all sequences where no RNA gene was found (i.e. ITS1 or ITS2 only)
intermediate files the script reads and writes but the user doesn't need to look at. my.seqlen final.tblout input.fsa tblout.both.txt tblout.both.txt.deoverlapped tblout.both.txt.sort tblout.df.txt
NOTES: All Seqids must be unique! Any seqid is fine just be sure it is unique. The feature table created as a misc_RNA with a contains note or a rRNA for single rRNA genes. CMscan is not a very fast tool. Processing time is dependent on the size of the input file. If you have a larger file but only need to evaluate a few sequences I suggest you just pull out those few. The script will run a file of any size but you may get a nastygram from systems if you try to run a large file on a shared machine such as iebdev11. Processing time on a shared machine will also vary with the load on the machine. Large files should be run on the farm and I can help you set that up if you need to. A multithreaded version of the script is planned and you will want to use this for really giant files. CMscan needs approximately 20 bp of the RNA gene to detect it. Similar to ITSx. The script can only detect eukaryotic nuclear ribosomal RNAs (SSU, 5.8S and LSU). ITS only sequences and sequences without a RNA gene are reported and saved in rna_not_found_seqs with the original definition line. If minus strand sequences are found, these will be reverse complemented for the analysis and the feature table will show everything on the plus strand. Misassembly and error checking is built into the script and it will report any problems detected. Known issues. If the sequence contains internal Ns, the script will detect this and report a warning message. It will still run but the results for any sequence with internal Ns maybe incorrect depending on the location and size of the internal Ns. If the RNA gene has introns it will work and create the appropriate misc_RNA.
Giardia have unusual rRNA gene structure and require special handling. The script will sometimes make a mistake in reporting whether the 5.8S rRNA is complete as this gene is smaller than normal in Giardia. Some microsporidia also have unusual RNA gene structure and require special handling.