Work in progress!
- concept to input nucleotide sequence file containing at least two sequences in fasta format.
- Translate nucleotide sesquences to protein sequence (using correct translation table).
- Align both nucleotide and protein sequences.
- Score alignments
- Iterate through the nucleotide alignment looking for gaps < 3 bp long (i.e. possible frameshift)
- At each gap site, delete one nucleotide, retranslate and realign the protein translation.
- Score the new protein alignment and compare it to the orginal. If the revised alignment is better report this as a potentional frameshift.
- Alternatively if the alignment is worse delete two nucleotides at the orginal gap site and try gain.
- If the revised alignment is better report this as a potentional frameshift.
- If not move on to the next gap.
- Continue for all sequences in alignment.
- Need to consider internals stops (maybe ignored in the alignment?)
- Need to consider how this scales up to large inputs. May want to remove identical sequences or cluster the sequences to reduce the input file size.
- input file: missingcytb.fsa
- translated protein sequences:
- alignments in clustal format: misssingcytb_nuc.aln and missingcytb_pro.aln