This repository contains code to accompany the article The Plausibility of Sampling as an Algorithmic Theory of Sentence Processing. Jacob Louis Hoover, Morgan Sonderegger, Steven T. Piantadosi, Timothy J. O'Donnell. Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science (2023). DOI: 10.1162/opmi_a_00086. Preprint:
See here for Surprisal Explorer --- an interactive visualization of LM surprisals and human reading times on Natural Stories.
For replication instructions for results and figures in the paper see below.
Steps to replicate the results in the paper:
LM surprisal estimates used for our results are in ./data/LM_surprisals/
as naturalstories_surprisals_{LM}.csv
, where {LM} is the name of the LM with context amount (e.g. GPT3-davinci_bysent
is GPT-3 Davinci model with access to only within-sentence context). See ./data/LM_surprisals/
for model info.
Steps to replicate getting these surprisals:
directory. -
to get natural_stories data:
is just theall_stories.tok
file from languageMIT/naturalstories repo, with cols renamednatural_stories_sentences.tsv
are from vboyce/amaze-natural-stories which has broken down by sentencenatural_stories_words_and_sentences.tsv
adds word_num_in_sentence and word_num_in_story for each word.
Get surprisals from Huggingface transformers models using the python script
. WARNING: this requires downloading multiple pretrained LMs, so be sure to set cache location to somewhere with enough space (changeos.environ['TRANSFORMERS_CACHE']
hardcoded in the script). -
Get surprisals from OpenAI GPT3 models using their API with
. Note: you'll have to to set the bash environment variableOPENAI_API_KEY
to your OpenAI API key first (it's nice to automatically set it when in conda environment by exporting in$CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/
as described here).
Data prepared for GAMs (surprisals and SPRT data) are
├── surps_lms.RTs.rds
└── surps_lms.RTs.perword.rds
The first is by-observation data, and the second is perword-aggregated data across participants
To create these dataframes: cd
into data/
directory and run data_processing_surps.RTs.Rmd
, to output datasets of SPRT and surprisal data above.
- Functions to fit models is in
- Run models on cluster. Output models as .rds files to
(gitignored, since fit models are big)
- Run models on cluster. Output models as .rds files to
Copy necessary files to the cluster:
scp GAMs-get-gaulss.R $MY_CLUSTER_ADDRESS
scp data/surps_lms.RTs.rds $MY_CLUSTER_ADDRESS
scp data/surps_lms.RTs.perword.rds $MY_CLUSTER_ADDRESS
scp data/array_model_name_list $MY_CLUSTER_ADDRESS
scp utils/prepare_data.R $MY_CLUSTER_ADDRESS
Source the R script, and run the fit_gaulss
function defined in there, to fit a GAM.
To fit all the models on SLURM, loop over array of model names as follows:
#SBATCH --account={...}
#SBATCH --time=48:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=64G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=6
#SBATCH --job-name=6_64G_48H
#SBATCH --output=outs/%x-%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --array=1-26
module load r/4.2.1
mkdir COMPUTE-gams-array_64G_48H
MODELNAME=$(sed -n "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p" array_model_name_list)
Rscript --verbose \
-e 'source("GAMs-get-gaulss.R")' \
-e 'fitdata <- all_data'\
-e 'f <- formula_basic_fsk6' \
-e 'f_variance <- formula.1_fsk6'\
-e 'fit_gaulss('\
'modelnames = lm_names_wsuffixes$`'"$MODELNAME"'`, '\
'formula = list(f, f_variance), '\
'saveprefix = "COMPUTE-gams-array/"'\
Plot data from models
Data used for plotting GAM predictions are in data/GAM_predictions/data_to_plot*.csv
Steps to reproduce getting these files from fit models:
On cluster (or local dir if fit models are available), mkdirs
. To get the data to plot, sourceutils/GAMs-get-data-to-plot.R
, and then run the functionget_plotdata_and_save_csv
to make csv file of plot data for the specified set of models.This will create a csv with data to plot in
and default base Rplot.gam()
plots for each model in the location{save_plots}{id}_{modelname}.pdf
.For instance, to get data for the main models, run the following in R (v4.2.1):
source(file="GAMs-get-data-to-plot.R") get_plotdata_and_save_csv( rds_files = rds_files_wprevm, # list of saved model files defined in GAMs-get-data-to-plot.R fit_type = "smooth0var", id = "wprevm", save_plots = "data/GAM_predictions/plot.gam/")
will create
data/GAM_predictions/ ├── plot.gam/ │ ├── wprevm_{modelname}.pdf │ └── ... └── data_to_plot_wprevm_N200.csv
The csv data will be used by plotting functions in
to reproduce the figures in the paper. The contents of plot.gam are just for immediate inspection / convenience.
Note this section is about constant variance models, which are only in the appendix
- Code to fit models is in
. Run to save fitted GAM models as .rds files inCOMPUTE-gams/
. Fitted models are large (up to ~800MB each).GAMs-get_kfold
gets the models using k-fold CV. This replicates the above, but with cross validation.
jupyter notebook (Julia 1.8) to calculate/simulate algorithm runtime-
outputs dataframes to
copy output CSVs into data dir for plotting (see below)
cp sampling_analysis/plot_*_runtime_*.csv data/sampling_simulated/
- figures are in
dir. - to generate these figures, run
R notebook (quarto), this notebook is also included rendered ashtml
author = {Hoover, Jacob Louis and Sonderegger, Morgan and Piantadosi, Steven T. and O’Donnell, Timothy J.},
title = {The plausibility of sampling as an algorithmic theory of sentence processing},
journal = {Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science},
volume = {7},
pages = {350--391},
year = {2023},
month = {07},
day = {21},
issn = {2470-2986},
doi = {10.1162/opmi_a_00086},
url = {\_a\_00086},
eprint = {\_a\_00086/2138378/opmi\_a\_00086.pdf},
code = {}