This is a fork from, which builds github from the ground up as a virtual machine using vagrant.
I want to make the github specific part modular so it can be used with a puppet build alongsideother configuration.
The idea is to split sbadia's project into 3 parts.
- puppet-gitlab will provide only the gitlab specific stuff
- puppet-gitlab_prerequisites will provide all the prerequisites that gitlab requires. If it can be a bit modular that's good.
- vagrant-gitlab will provide a vagrant project which uses the above as sub-projects.
After cloning this repository, you will have to
git submodule init
git submodule update
in order to add the modules that puppet-gitlab depends on to your local copy.
$ vagrant up or $ GUEST_OS=debian7 vagrant up
$ GUEST_OS=centos6 vagrant up
$ GUEST_OS=ubuntu vagrant up
Providing the logging environment variable you can enable puppet verbose or debug log levels. Example:
$ logging=debug GUEST\OS=ubuntu vagrant up
- add the ip and name to your /etc/hosts file ( gitlab.localdomain.local)
- access via your browser under the hostname (e.g. http://gitlab.localdomain.local)
- Login: [email protected]
- Password: 5iveL!fe
- Add an ssh key to your account, or create another account
- Create a project
- Play !
Want to help - send a pull request.