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Powerful RPN interpreter

Reverse Polish Notation interpreter

This RPN interpreter is written in C.

It has been modularized so that it can use dynamic libraries (plug-ins) such as :

  • core (core functions)
  • math (mathematical functions)
  • stats (statistical functions)
  • strings (strings manipulation functions)
  • system (system functions)
  • json (JSON output functions)
  • ai (artificial intelligence functions : MNIST manipulation currently)

These modules currently contain 129 different operators and 356 different definitions of these operators (see catalog below). And there are more to come ...

This program manipulates various element types :

  • integer,
  • floating point numbers,
  • strings,
  • simple litterals,
  • vectors,
  • matrices,
  • lists,
  • texts, [work in progress]
  • hosts files (/etc/hosts format),
  • the MNIST database of Yann Le Cun
  • Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) [work in progress]
  • and soon many others.

Operators can be overloaded : for example, the + operator is an addition with integer and double operands (in the math module), but is a concatenation with string operands (in the strings module), and the * operator is a multiplication with integer and double operands, but means duplicate with a string and an integer.

Here is an example of some hand written digits from the MNIST database : MNIST_sample

The commands used to generate the 60 images of 1,000 digits each for the training set are :

./rpn <<- EOF
	1 60000

which roughly takes 1m35s on my PC (1m49s with a label on each graph).

And here is an image which contains only the digit '5' : MNIST_sample_5

For those who prefer to classify fashion items rather than digits, RPN can manipulate FASHION-MNIST as well (see A manual replacement of MNIST data files with FASHION-MNIST data files allows us to generate images of the contents of the base. Here are two examples of FASHION-MNIST images :

Example 1 : FASHION-MNIST_example_1

Example 2 : FASHION_MNIST_example_2

You can also use RPN to compute with litteral matrices :

RPN> import core
RPN> import math
RPN> 'a11' 'a12' 'a13' 'a21' 'a22' 'a23' 'a31' 'a32' 'a33' 3 3 mat
MATRIX    [3 x 3]
|  'a11'   'a12'   'a13'  |
|  'a21'   'a22'   'a23'  |
|  'a31'   'a32'   'a33'  |
RPN> 'b11' 'b12' 'b13' 'b21' 'b22' 'b23' 'b31' 'b32' 'b33' 3 3 mat
MATRIX    [3 x 3]
|  'b11'   'b12'   'b13'  |
|  'b21'   'b22'   'b23'  |
|  'b31'   'b32'   'b33'  |
RPN> m*
MATRIX    [3 x 3]
|  'a11.b11 + a12.b21 + a13.b31'   'a11.b12 + a12.b22 + a13.b32'   'a11.b13 + a12.b23 + a13.b33'  |
|  'a21.b11 + a22.b21 + a23.b31'   'a21.b12 + a22.b22 + a23.b32'   'a21.b13 + a22.b23 + a23.b33'  |
|  'a31.b11 + a32.b21 + a33.b31'   'a31.b12 + a32.b22 + a33.b32'   'a31.b13 + a32.b23 + a33.b33'  |

RPN> 'a1' 'a2' 'a3' vec3
 'a3' vec3
MATRIX    [3 x 1]
|  'a1'  |
|  'a2'  |
|  'a3'  |
RPN> t
MATRIX    [1 x 3]
|  'a1'   'a2'   'a3'  |
RPN> 'b1' 'b2' 'b3' vec3
 'b3' vec3
MATRIX    [3 x 1]
|  'b1'  |
|  'b2'  |
|  'b3'  |
RPN> m*
 'a1.b1 + a2.b2 + a3.b3'             ***

The script rpn_tool helps finding operators or modules :


Here is the current list of modules :


the list of the current functions in the AI module :


and the first functions of the catalog :


Here is the current catalog of operators :

===== 10 imported modules : =====
[ai]             2.0   /  651    Artificial intelligence
[core]           2.0   /  715    Core functions
[hosts]          2.0   /  561    Hosts files manipulation
[json]           2.0   /  615    JSON conversions
[math]           2.0   /  872    Mathematical functions
[regex]          2.0   /  463    Regular expressions management
[stats]          2.0   /  561    Statistics functions
[strings]        2.0   /  518    Strings functions
[system]         2.0   / 1162    System tools
[webstats]       2.0   /  347    Web server tools

=====  130 imported operators (358 definitions) : =====
[%]                     9 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     MATRIX        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     MATRIX        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Replace X with X percent of Y
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (9) [math]     Hadamard : replace X with X percent of Y

[*]                    13 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     MATRIX        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     MATRIX        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     INT           STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [strings]  Concatenate string Y X times
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (9) [math]     Hadamard : multiply matrix Y by matrix X
     LITTERAL      MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED         (11) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     MATRIX        LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (12) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     LITTERAL      LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (10) [math]     Multiply Y by X

[+]                    16 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Add X to Y
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Add X to Y
     MATRIX        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Add X to Y
     LITTERAL      INT           UNUSED        UNUSED         (11) [math]     Add X to Y
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Add X to Y
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Add X to Y
     MATRIX        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (9) [math]     Add X to Y
     STRING        STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [strings]  Concatenate string X to string Y
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Add X to Y
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Add X to Y
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED         (10) [math]     Hadamard : add matrix X to matrix Y
     LITTERAL      MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED         (13) [math]     Add X to Y
     INT           LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Add X to Y
     MATRIX        LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (14) [math]     Add X to Y
     LITTERAL      LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (12) [math]     Add X to Y
     LIST          LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Concatenate list X to list Y

[-]                    12 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Substract X from Y
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Substract X from Y
     MATRIX        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Substract X from Y
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Substract X from Y
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Substract X from Y
     MATRIX        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Substract X from Y
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Substract X from Y
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Substract X from Y
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (9) [math]     Hadamard : substract matrix X from matrix Y
     LITTERAL      MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED         (11) [math]     Substract X from Y
     MATRIX        LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (12) [math]     Substract X from Y
     LITTERAL      LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (10) [math]     Substract X from Y

[/]                    12 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Divide Y by X
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Divide Y by X
     MATRIX        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Divide Y by X
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Divide Y by X
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Divide Y by X
     MATRIX        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Divide Y by X
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Divide Y by X
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Divide Y by X
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (9) [math]     Hadamard : divide matrix Y by matrix X
     LITTERAL      MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED         (11) [math]     Divide Y by X
     MATRIX        LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (12) [math]     Divide Y by X
     LITTERAL      LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED         (10) [math]     Divide Y by X

[1/x]                   4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Reciprocal of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Reciprocal of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Reciprocal of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Reciprocal of X

[10^x]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     10 to the power of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     10 to the power of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     10 to the power of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     10 to the power of X

[^]                     1 definition
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Cross product Y ^ X

[acos]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Arc cosine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Arc cosine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Arc cosine of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Arc cosine of X

[acosh]                 4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Hyperbolic arc cosine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Hyperbolic arc cosine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Hyperbolic arc cosine of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Hyperbolic arc cosine of X

[asin]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Arc sine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Arc sine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Arc sine of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Arc sine of X

[asinh]                 4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Hyperbolic arc sine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Hyperbolic arc sine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Hyperbolic arc sine of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Hyperbolic arc sine of X

[atan]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Arc tangent of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Arc tangent of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Arc tangent of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Arc tangent of X

[atanh]                 4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Hyperbolic arc tangent of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Hyperbolic arc tangent of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Hyperbolic arc tangent of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Hyperbolic arc tangent of X

[better_units]          1 definition
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [system]   Transforms bps into kbps, Mbps, Gbps

[cat]                   2 definitions
     STRING        STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [strings]  Concatenate string X to string Y
     LIST          LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Concatenate list X to list Y

[chs]                   2 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Change sign
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Change sign

[clone]                 5 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Clone X
     TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [ai]       Clone X
     TEST_ELT      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Clone X
     TEST_SET      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [ai]       Clone X
     MIN_MAX       UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Clone min_max element

[clst]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Clear stack

[clx]                   1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Clear X register

[coef_a_b]              1 definition
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Convert Y and X into a coef_a_b element

[cos]                   4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Cosine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Cosine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Cosine of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Cosine of X

[cosh]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Hyperbolic cosine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Hyperbolic cosine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Hyperbolic cosine of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Hyperbolic cosine of X

[create_mlp]            1 definition
     LITTERAL      INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Create a Multi Layer Perceptron

[debug_mem]             1 definition
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Set memory debug level

[del_l]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Delete lastx element

[delta%]                9 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     MATRIX        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     MATRIX        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Percent change between X and Y
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (9) [math]     Hadamard : percent change between X and Y

[delx]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Delete X register content

[diagmat]               1 definition
     INT           ANY_TYPE      ANY_TYPE      UNUSED          (1) [math]     Create an X x X matrix, Z on the diagonal, Y elsewhere

[diff]                  3 definitions
     LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [hosts]    Display differences between a list of hosts files
     HOSTSFILE     HOSTSFILE     UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [hosts]    Display differences between two hosts files
     HOSTS         HOSTS         UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [hosts]    Display differences between two hosts files

[dim]                   4 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Dimensions of X
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Dimensions of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Dimensions of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Dimensions of X

[disp]                  1 definition
     HOSTS         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [hosts]    Display contents of an HOSTS element

[disp_name]             1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Display the name of X

[dispatch]              2 definitions
     TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Dispatch data set into different labels data sets
     TEST_SET      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Dispatch data set into different labels data sets

[double]                1 definition
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Cast int to double

[dump]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Dump element X

[dupl]                  1 definition
     INT           STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [strings]  Concatenate string Y X times

[dupx]                  1 definition
     INT           ANY_TYPE      UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Creates X copies of Y in the stack

[enter]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Copy element X in Y and extend the stack upward

[ere]                   4 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Returns extended regex global flag
     REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [regex]    Recompile regex using extended regex global flag
     INT           NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Initialize extended regex global flag
     INT           REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [regex]    Recompile regex with modified extended regex flag

[exp]                   4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Exponential of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Exponential of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Exponential of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Exponential of X

[exp_data_set]          1 definition
     INT           DOUBLE        MIN_MAX       COEF_A_B        (1) [stats]    Generate exponential data set

[expl]                  6 definitions
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Explode : extract elements of X
     LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Explode list element
     TUPLE         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Explode tuple element
     OPAIR         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [core]     Explode opair element
     COEF_A_B      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [core]     Explode coef_a_b element
     MIN_MAX       UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [core]     Explode min_max element

[filename]              2 definitions
     STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Convert string to filename
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Convert litteral to filename

[get]                   4 definitions
     TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Extract next element
     TEST_SET      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Extract next element
     INT           TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [ai]       Extract specified index element
     INT           TEST_SET      UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [ai]       Extract specified index element

[get_debug]             1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [webstats] Get debug level for webstats module

[hcat]                  1 definition
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Horizontal contatenation

[hostsfile]             1 definition
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [hosts]    Convert a filename into a hosts filename

[hrev]                  1 definition
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Horizontal reverse : reverse lines

[icase]                 4 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Returns icase global flag
     REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [regex]    Recompile regex using icase global flag
     INT           NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Initialize icase global flag
     INT           REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [regex]    Recompile regex with modified icase flag

[ignore]                2 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Ignore specified element
     INT           TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Ignore specified element

[index]                 4 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Return index of element in X
     TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [ai]       Return index of current element in the set
     TEST_ELT      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Return index of element in X
     TEST_SET      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [ai]       Return index of current element in the set

[int]                   1 definition
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Cast double to int

[ip]                    1 definition
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Cast int to IPv4

[iperf]                 4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [system]  
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [system]  
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [system]  
     OPAIR         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [system]  

[label]                 2 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Return label of element in X
     TEST_ELT      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Return label of element in X

[lastx]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Recall lastx element

[length]                1 definition
     STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [strings]  Replace X with length of string in X

[line_data_set]         1 definition
     INT           DOUBLE        MIN_MAX       COEF_A_B        (1) [stats]    Generate linear data set

[list]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Convert elements between BEGIN and X into a list

[litteral]              2 definitions
     STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Convert string to litteral
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Convert filename to litteral

[ln]                    4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Logarithm of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Logarithm of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Logarithm of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Logarithm of X

[load]                  2 definitions
     STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Load commands from file X
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Load commands from file X

[log]                   4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Logarithm, base 10, of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Logarithm, base 10, of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Logarithm, base 10, of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Logarithm, base 10, of X

[log2mat]               1 definition
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [webstats] Convert a WWW logfile into a matrix

[log_data_set]          1 definition
     INT           DOUBLE        MIN_MAX       COEF_A_B        (1) [stats]    Generate logarithmic data set

[m*]                    7 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Multiply Y by X
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Multiply matrix Y by matrix X

[mat]                   3 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Create a matrix from element in X
     TEST_ELT      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Create a matrix from element in X
     INT           INT           ANY_TYPE      ANY_TYPE        (1) [math]     Create a Y x X matrix with stack elements

[mat7seg]               1 definition
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Create a matrix of a 7 segments digit number in X

[match]                 4 definitions
     REGEX         INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Select int matching regex (NIL when not matching)
     REGEX         STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Select string matching regex (NIL when not matching)
     REGEX         LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [regex]    Select elements from list matching regex
     REGEX         TEXT          UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [regex]    Select elements from text matching regex

[mean]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [stats]    Average of values totaled by sigma+

[meanx]                 1 definition
     LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [stats]    Calculate mean of elements in list X

[mem]                   1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [system]  

[min_max]               1 definition
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Convert Y and X into a min_max element

[mmm]                   1 definition
     LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [stats]    Get minimum, maximum and mean of a list

[mnist_pic]             2 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Create an image from element in X
     TEST_ELT      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Create an image from element in X

[mnist_pics]            4 definitions
     TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Create images from set in X
     TEST_SET      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Create images from set in X
     INT           INT           TRAINING_SET  UNUSED          (3) [ai]       Create a subset of images from set in X
     INT           INT           TEST_SET      UNUSED          (4) [ai]       Create a subset of images from set in X

[name]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Push the name of X on the stack

[newline]               4 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Returns newline global flag
     REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [regex]    Recompile regex using newline global flag
     INT           NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Initialize newline global flag
     INT           REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [regex]    Recompile regex with modified newline flag

[nosub]                 4 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Returns nosub global flag
     REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [regex]    Recompile regex using nosub global flag
     INT           NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Initialize nosub global flag
     INT           REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [regex]    Recompile regex with modified nosub flag

[notbol]                2 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Returns notbol global flag
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Initialize notbol global flag

[noteol]                2 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Returns noteol global flag
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Initialize noteol global flag

[orig_index]            4 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Return original index of element in X
     TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [ai]       Return original index of current element in the set
     TEST_ELT      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Return original index of element in X
     TEST_SET      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [ai]       Return original index of current element in the set

[pair]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Create a pair with Y and X

[pause]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [system]  

[ping]                  1 definition
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [system]  

[pop]                   1 definition
     LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Pop first element of a list

[pow_data_set]          1 definition
     INT           DOUBLE        MIN_MAX       COEF_A_B        (1) [stats]    Generate power data set

[prstk]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Display elements of the stack (without types)

[prx]                   1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Display X

[push]                  1 definition
     ANY_TYPE      LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Push X at the end of a list

[rcl_x]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Recall X

[rdn]                   1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Roll the stack down

[read_mnist]            1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Read the MNIST database

[regex]                 3 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Display global flags
     STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [regex]    Convert string to regular expression
     REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [regex]    Recompile regex using global flags

[rup]                   1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Roll the stack up

[sdev]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [stats]    Standard deviation

[seq]                   1 definition
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Create a sequence of numbers between Y and X

[seq2]                  2 definitions
     MIN_MAX       MIN_MAX       STRING        UNUSED          (1) [math]    
     MIN_MAX       MIN_MAX       LITTERAL      UNUSED          (2) [math]    

[set_debug]             1 definition
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [webstats] Set debug level for webstats module

[set_name]              2 definitions
     NIL           ANY_TYPE      UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Clear name of element Y
     STRING        ANY_TYPE      UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Set name of element Y

[sigma+]                4 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [stats]    Sum X and Y into statistics registers
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [stats]    Sum X and Y into statistics registers
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [stats]    Sum X and Y into statistics registers
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [stats]    Sum X and Y into statistics registers

[sigma-]                4 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [stats]    Substract X and Y from statistics registers
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [stats]    Substract X and Y from statistics registers
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [stats]    Substract X and Y from statistics registers
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [stats]    Substract X and Y from statistics registers

[sigmoid]               4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Sigmoid of X (1/(1 + e^-X))
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Sigmoid of X (1/(1 + e^-X))
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Sigmoid of elements of X (1/(1 + e^-X))
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Sigmoid of X (1/(1 + e^-X))

[sin]                   4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Sine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Sine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Sine of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Sine of X

[sinh]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Hyperbolic sine of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Hyperbolic sine of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Hyperbolic sine elements of of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Hyperbolic sine of X

[sqrt]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Square root of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Square root of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Square root of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Square root of X

[stk]                   1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Display elements of the stack (with types)

[string]                4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [strings]  Convert X to string
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Convert litteral to string
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Convert filename to string
     REGEX         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [regex]    Convert regular expression to string

[sw_off]                1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Disable stopwatch (operators timing)

[sw_on]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Enable stopwatch (operators timing)

[t]                     1 definition
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Transpose matrix in X

[tan]                   4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Tangent of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Tangent of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Tangent of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Tangent of X

[tanh]                  4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Hyperbolic tangent of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Hyperbolic tangent of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Hyperbolic tangent of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Hyperbolic tangent of X

[tuple]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Convert elements between BEGIN and X into a tuple

[types]                 1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Display types

[use]                   2 definitions
     TRAINING_ELT  UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [ai]       Ignore specified element
     INT           TRAINING_SET  UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [ai]       Ignore specified element

[vcat]                  1 definition
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Vertical concatenation

[vec2]                  4 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Create a 2-dimensional vector with Y and X
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Create a 2-dimensional vector with Y and X
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Create a 2-dimensional vector with Y and X
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Create a 2-dimensional vector with Y and X

[vec3]                  9 definitions
     INT           INT           INT           UNUSED          (1) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     DOUBLE        INT           INT           UNUSED          (5) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     INT           DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED          (3) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED          (7) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     INT           INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     DOUBLE        INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     INT           DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X
     LITTERAL      LITTERAL      LITTERAL      UNUSED          (9) [math]     Create a 3-dimensional vector with Z, Y and X

[vrev]                  1 definition
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Vertical reverse : reverse columns

[write]                 2 definitions
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Write Y to file X
     TEXT_FILE     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [core]     Write text file

[write_json]            7 definitions
     NIL           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [json]     Write NIL in JSON format
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [json]     Write double X in JSON format
     STRING        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [json]     Write string X in JSON format
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [json]     Write matrix X in JSON format
     FILENAME      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [json]     Write Y to file specified by X
     LIST          UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [json]     Write list X in JSON format
     OPAIR         UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [json]     Write opair X in JSON format

[x<>l]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Swap X and LASTX

[x<>t]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Swap X and T

[x<>y]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Swap X and Y

[x<>z]                  1 definition
     UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [core]     Swap X and Z

[x^2]                   4 definitions
     INT           UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Square of X
     DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Square of X
     MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Square of elements of X
     LITTERAL      UNUSED        UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Square of X

[y^x]                   9 definitions
     INT           INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (1) [math]     Y to the power of X
     DOUBLE        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (4) [math]     Y to the power of X
     MATRIX        INT           UNUSED        UNUSED          (7) [math]     Y to the power of X
     INT           DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (2) [math]     Y to the power of X
     DOUBLE        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (5) [math]     Y to the power of X
     MATRIX        DOUBLE        UNUSED        UNUSED          (8) [math]     Y to the power of X
     INT           MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (3) [math]     Y to the power of X
     DOUBLE        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (6) [math]     Y to the power of X
     MATRIX        MATRIX        UNUSED        UNUSED          (9) [math]     Hadamard : Y to the power of X

[zmat]                  1 definition
     INT           INT           ANY_TYPE      UNUSED          (1) [math]     Create a Y x X matrix filled with Z

Differences between hosts files

Below is an example of differences between three hosts files (but you may specify more than three files) :

$ export RPN_LIBPATH=/DATA/softwares/rpn/v2.0/rpn_modules
$ diff_hosts hosts1.v6 hosts2.v6 hosts3.v6 | less -RX

(colors are automatically generated by hl with the diff_hosts configuration).


and here are the hosts test files :

$ cat hosts1.v6                A       B       C     D      H       I       J     LB
2001:0db8:3c4d:0015:d234::3eee:0000 toto

$ cat hosts2.v6                B       B2     E     F      I       J       L
2620:cc:8000:1c82:532c:cc2e:f2fa:5a9b titi

$ cat hosts3.v6                A       C     F       G      H       I       K
::1                     local-v6


If you find this software useful, please consider donating here or just buy me a coffee !

Donations will encourage me to continue working on this software, fix bugs, enhance the user interface, and create new modules (and, believe me, I have a lot of ideas !).

This software is only developed during my free time, and my contributions would be greater if I had more free time.

Anyway, I would be happy if it can help you.

Thank you.


Multi-applications Reverse Polish Notation interpreter







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