Welcome to the official Digital.ai Release content repository! This repository is dedicated to storing officially published release templates and workflow templates by Digital.ai.
We highly value contributions from our community! If you have a release template or workflow template that you'd like to share or enhance, we encourage you to follow these simple steps:
- Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
- Switch to the relevant release branch:
git checkout release/24.1.x
. - Create a new branch for your modifications:
git checkout -b feature/new-template
. - Implement your changes and commit them:
git commit -m "Add new template"
. - Push your changes to your GitHub fork:
git push origin feature/new-template
. - Open a pull request (PR) against this repository, targeting the appropriate release branch.
Our dedicated team will carefully review your PR and collaborate with you to incorporate it into the official content. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!
To release a new version of the content, follow these steps:
- Ensure all changes are thoroughly tested and documented.
- Update the version number and changelog as needed.
- Create a new release on GitHub with the appropriate version tag.
- Include release notes detailing the changes made.
- Publish the release.
This repository is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.