This is a pet project of mine, exploring Solana Web3 libraries and related DeFi ecosystem. A crypto Forbes, with net worth and anonymity.
To get a list of top accounts Solana native getTokenLargestAccounts
was used for all tokens in official Solana token list. This is not ideal and most likely missed few accounts here and ther, but for MVP it was good enough.
For token estimates 2 sources were used
Both would be only partially reliable, because again for both official Solana token list was used. Coin Gecko extensions.coingeckoId
was used as a primary reference, and for Raydium symbol
was used for pair matching.
Token list is not verified, and does not guarantee uniqueness of data, so both symbol or coingeckoId can be repeated as many times as possible.Anyone can state any coingeckoId and create a token on mainnet-beta, without any verification.
Some additional correction for token worth estimate was made, based on market capitalization of the token.
- If market capitalization is 0, maximum estimate token worth is $100 000.
- If person holds significant percentage of specified Token, this percentage in capitalization is taken in account.
Without thouse corrections some accounts were counted to trillions of dollars.
There is no direct way to estimate NFT price on Solana, so to solve this few marketplaces were scrapped for collection floor prices, and best matched to the NFT. Matching mechanism is based on collection, family, name or symbol. List of scrapped NFT marketplaces follows.
To distinguish accounts of contracts from those of real people, average slot difference was used to calculate average transaction frequency, which is expected to be much higher for a machine.
The project is written in:
- for monorepo
- Hasura as a data layer (hasura folder)
- React with next.js
- Node for updating NFT collection prices, wallet evaluation