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ExchangeRatesClient Class

Maurizio Basaglia edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 4 revisions

ExchangeRatesClient Class

Namespace: BIExchangeRates.Client
Assembly: BIExchangeRates.Client.dll

Provides a wrapper for the REST API of the currency exchange rates.

public sealed class ExchangeRatesClient : HttpClient, IExchangeRatesClient

Inheritance: Object → HttpMessageInvoker → HttpClient → ExchangeRatesClient
Implements: IExchangeRatesClient


Constructor Description
ExchangeRatesClient() Initializes a new instance of the ExchangeRatesClient class using a HttpClientHandler that is disposed when this instance is disposed.
ExchangeRatesClient(HttpMessageHandler) Initializes a new instance of the ExchangeRatesClient class with the specified handler. The handler is disposed when this instance is disposed.
ExchangeRatesClient(HttpMessageHandler, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the ExchangeRatesClient class with the provided handler, and specifies whether that handler should be disposed when this instance is disposed.


Method Description
GetAnnualAverageRates Returns the annual average exchange rates for a specific year.
GetAnnualTimeSeries Returns the annual average exchange rates of a currency for a specific year range.
GetCurrencies Returns the list of all the available currencies.
GetDailyRates Returns the daily exchange rates for a specific date.
GetDailyTimeSeries Returns the daily exchange rates of a currency for a specific date range.
GetLatestRates Returns the latest available exchange rates for all the valid currencies.
GetMonthlyAverageRates Returns the monthly average exchange rates for specific month and year.
GetMonthlyTimeSeries Returns the monthly average exchange rates of a currency for a specific month range.
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