Streem is a stream based concurrent scripting language. It is based on a programming model similar to the shell, with influences from Ruby, Erlang, and other functional programming languages.
Note: Streem is still in the design stage. It's not working yet. Stay tuned.
- bison
- flex
- gcc / clang
In Streem, a simple cat
program looks like this:
stdin | stdout
You can try it out by (firstly cd
to streem top directory):
$ bin/streem -e 'stdin | stdout'
$ bin/streem examples/01cat.strm
Streem is a (sort of) DSL for data flows. Above code means
building data-flow connection between stdin
and stdout
Actual data processing will be done in the event loop
invoked after program execution.
For another example, a simple FizzBuzz will look like this:
# seq(100) returns a stream of numbers from 1 to 100.
# A function object in pipeline works as a map function.
# stdout is an output destination.
seq(100) | map{x->
if (x % 15 == 0) "FizzBuzz"
else if (x % 3 == 0) "Fizz"
else if (x % 5 == 0) "Buzz"
else x
} | stdout
The second part in the pipeline ({x ->...}
) is a function
object. If a function object is connected in the pipeline,
it will be invoked for each element in the stream.
There are more examples under folder examples/
. Just play with them!
Send a pull request to We consider you have granted non-exclusive right to your contributed code under MIT license. Use for discussion.
MIT license (© 2015-2016 Yukihiro Matsumoto)