Powershell scripts for testing OpenVPN on Windows. The Test-Openvpn.ps1 script can test OpenVPN in cmd.exe, OpenVPN-GUI and openvpnserv2. Success and failure are based on simple ping tests to one or more hosts. A typical use-case for these scripts is smoke-testing an installer prior to a major release.
The Test-Installer.ps1 script currently tests how OpenVPN reinstalls and full uninstall/install cycles affect the service states. The script was motivated by the need to test the changes in openvpn-build pull request #80. Later the script can be extended to other things and integrated with Test-OpenVPN.ps1.
The Test-Installer.ps1 script will use the management interface to cleanly shut down OpenVPN instances launched from cmd.exe. Similarly, in OpenVPNService-based tests, OpenVPN instances are cleanly shut down using exit-events implemented in OpenVPNService itself. However, there's currently no way to signal OpenVPN GUI to shut down itself, or the OpenVPN instances it manages.
Test-Openvpn.ps1 tests only one VPN connection:
Usage: Test-Openvpn.ps1 -Config <openvpn-config-file> -Ping <hosts> [-Openvpn <openvpn-exe>] [-Gui <openvpn-gui-exe>] [-TestCmdexe] [-TestService] [-TestRespawn] [-TestGui] [-Help] Parameters: -Openvpn Path to openvpn.exe (defaults to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe) -Gui Path to openvpn-gui.exe (defaults to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui.exe) -Config Path to the OpenVPN configuration file -Ping Target host(s) inside VPN to ping (should succeed). Separate multiple entries with commas. -Suspend Test suspend and resume [UNIMPLEMENTED] -TestCmdexe Test connection from the command-line -TestGui Test OpenVPN-GUI -TestService Test openvpnserv2.exe -TestRespawn Test if openvpnserv2 is able to respawn a dead connection properly -Help Display this help Example: .\Test-Openvpn.ps1 -Config "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\company.ovpn" -Ping -TestCmdexe -TestService -TestGui
To verify that the connections do not succeed because of a bug or by accident, -Ping a fake IP that can only fail.
Note that Windows may prompt for user feedback at certain points, e.g. to allow connections through the firewall. The answers can typically be cached, so that the script can run without user interaction.
To test several connections in a row copy run-sample.ps1 to run.ps1 and adapt it to your needs. This way you can verify that your particular version of OpenVPN works with all of your VPN connections.
Note that right now OpenVPN might mess up IPv6 routes if OpenVPN instances are killed forcibly, as this script does in most cases. This can cause IPv6 ping tests to fail after an initial connection.
OpenVPN inside cmd.exe:
Connect -> ping test -> disconnect
Connect -> ping test -> disconnect
Connect -> ping test -> kill openvpn -> openvpnserv2 restart openvpn -> ping test -> disconnect
The test-openvpn.ps1 script brutally kills every openvpn.exe and openvpn-gui.exe process it finds at startup, as well as stops OpenVPNService. As described above, in OpenVPN GUI tests OpenVPN GUI and the OpenVPN instances it manages are killled without signaling.
The openvpnserv2-based tests move irrelevant .ovpn files out of the way to the current working directory before launching the service. After the test the files are put back where they belong. If the script is stopped in the middle, some .ovpn files may have to be moved back manually.
While this script seems to work fine, it can potentially cause issues. At minimum make sure that your VPN configurations are backed up.
Test-Installer.ps1 is straightforward to use:
Usage: Test-Installer.ps1 -Installer <installer-file> [-Verbose] [-TestUpgrade] [-TestCleanInstall] [-Help] Parameters: -Installer Path to the OpenVPN installer you wish to test -Verbose Show what is happening, even if there is nothing noteworthy to report -TestUpgrade Test reinstalling on top of old installation -TestCleanInstall Test full uninstall -> install cycle -Help Display this help