@mattjmoran's 2021 MacBook Pro 14" | Apple M1 Pro | macOS Ventura 13.1
Terminal color scheme: Snazzy
Desktop wallpaper: created by me using Adobe Photoshop
- Window Manager: Raycast w/ Rectangle Keyboard Shortcuts
- OS: macOS Ventura 13.1
- Terminal: Fish w/ Starship
- Terminal Emulator: Kitty
- Fetch: Neofetch
- Bar: Spacebar
- Editor: Vim / VSCode
- App Launcher: Raycast
- Font: Meslo LG Nerd Font
- Spotify: Spicetify
Homebrew being installed prior to the installation is recommended.
The installation scripts should install Homebrew if it isn't found. Due to it being a critical part of the installation, I recommend both installing and testing it to be safe.
If you do not have Homebrew installed, follow the instructions here: Homebrew Installation Documentation
If you are using a system with an Apple Silicon CPU, run the following command prior to further setup:
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
Install the latest version by using:
git clone https://github.com/mattjmoran/dotfiles.git --recursive && cd dotfiles && ./install.sh