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Adversarial Machine Learning on a Traffic Sign recognition system

This is a repository which contains an experimentation regarding different Adversarial Machine Learning black-box attacks in order to check the risk that they would have related to a traffic sign recognition system.
This experimentation is a part of a Thesis in Adversarial Machine Learning done by the student Colucci Mattia in collaboration with the University of Bari, Italy.

For this experimentation, it has been created an implementation of the neural network defined by Mishra and Goyal, as model on which conduct the attacks.

Mishra and Goyal defined a convolutional neural network (CNN), which is able to classify a traffic sign as one of the 43 possible labels.

During this experimentation, several attacks have been conducted:

  • Zeroth-order optimization attack (ZOO)
    A black-box evasion attack, implemented in it's untargeted and targeted version.
    This attack occurs during the deployment stage, and so after the model's train. This attack plans to take some test examples and applies a small perturbation on them, resulting in adversarial examples.
    Adversarial examples created are so examples which differ a little from the original ones, but are misclassified by the model (so they are classified as a label different from the original).
    Link to the paper
  • BadNets
    A back-box backdoor poisoning attack which occurs during the training stage and plans to get a some examples of the training dataset and apply a backdoor trigger on them, resulting in the poisoned examples.
    Poisoned examples are so just the same of original training examples but with a trigger on them.
    These poisoned examples are finally added to the training dataset with which the model trains.
    Link to the paper
  • Clean-label Black-Box backdoor poisoning attack
    A White-box backdoor poisoning attack inspired by BadNets but applied in a clean-label scenario. This attack plans to perturb selected examples by using an evasion attack (in this case PGD attack), resulting in adversarial examples to which is applied the backdoor trigger, resulting in the poisoned samples which are replaced to original samples in the training dataset.
    In this experimentation, the attack has been implemented as black-box attack by using ZOO attack as evasion attack.
    Link to the paper

In order to optimize all these attack, the following tecniques have been used:

  • Bayesian Optimization
    An optimization method which plans to approximate input parameters of a function such that they maximize the function itself. It requires the space value in which parameters are.
    This had been used in ZOO attack in order to optimize attack's parameters to reach better results.
  • Grid Search
    An optimization method which plans to try all possible combination of parameters' values, inputs to a function, in order to find the combinaion which maximize the function itself.
    This had been used in BadNets attack in order to optimize attack's parameters to reach better results.

The Model

The used model, takes an image in form of numpy array of shape (32,32,3), and output a vector of 43 elements; the i-th element of the output, represent the probability that the image belongs to the i-th class of sign.

Here is represented the model's architecture

alt text

Image took from the paper of the model

The model has been trained of the GTSRB dataset. This dataset is composed by 39209 german traffi signs. In order to import it you can download the dataset from Kaggle and put the Train folder into a folder called Dataset Images in the root of this repository.

In order to use the exact train/validation split used in this experimentation, the dataset can be downloaded here and put into the Dataset Numpy folder in the root of this repository. The dataset is represented as numpy files with .npy extension.

Our implementation of the model has achived these performances:

Accuracy Loss Avg Precision Avg Recall
Train 99.3% 0.022 99.8% 99.7%
Validation 99.2% 0.029 99.3% 98.9%

Packages used

In this experimentation the following packages/libraries have been used:

  • Adversarial-Robustness-Toolbox (ART)
    A python package which provides several attacks. BadNets attack has been implemented using this library.
    Link to the library
  • Autozoom Attack
    A library which implements ZOO and AutoZOOM attack by Chen. ZOO attack has been implemented using the ZOO implementation provied into this library, which code is in the Autozoomattack folder of this repository.
    Link to the library
  • BayesOpt A python library which implements bayesian optimization.
    Link to the library

In order to use these libraries, you just need to follow the steps explained in the Installation part.

Installation with Conda

This experimentation has been conducted using Python 3.6.10 and Tensorflow 1.6.0.

In order to reprocuce the virtual environment used in this experimentation, conda need to be installed (it can be installed from here) and an environment need to be created as follows:

conda env create -f environment.yml

With environment.yml the file in the root of the repository. By doing this, a new environment called "experimentationTf1" is created and all packages are also imported to the created environment.

Once activated the conda environment by the command: conda activate experimentationTf1, if some packages are missed you can run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Which tries to reinstall all pip packages used in the experimentation.

And that's it!

The Notebook

The notebook present in the file Traffic Sign Recognition Attack tfv1.ipynb, is divided into sections:

  • Introduction
    Here the model is defined, its dataset is loaded, and the model is trained or it's weights can be loaded if you want to use the same model used during the experimentation.
  • Model performances
    Here model's performances are evaluated with metrics like accuracy, precition, recall, ecc...
  • ZOO Attack
    Here the zoo attack is performed in it's targeted and untargeted version
  • Bayesian Optimization for ZOO attack
    Here the bayesian optimization for untargeted and targeted ZOO is implemented
  • BadNets
    here BadNets attack is implemented with the whole grid search process used to find best values for it's parameters.
  • Clean-label backdoor poisoning attack
    Here the clean-label black-box attack is implemented.

In the folder Experiments, there is a notebook in which there are all other tries and analysis done during this experimentation.


In the folder Results of this repository there are the results of the ZOO, BadNets and Clean-label attack.

Results of ZOO attack are explained into a pdf which shows the properties and performances of the 10 most performed zoo attacks, according the a performance score, for the untargeted and targeted version. Each attack is identified by the tuple (initial const, confidence, learning rate, max iterations).
The performance score used to calculate the performance of an attack, based on success rate and average norm of the difference between adversarial and original examples, is the following:

$$</code>ZOO\ attack\ performance=SuccessRate-\frac{AvgNorm}{12}<code>$$

Results of BadNets are explained into a pdf which shows the performance of the 3 most performed attacks for each trigger, according to a performance score. Each attack is identified by the triple (trigger, trigger position, PP_POSION) which refers to the trigger used in the attack, the position on which it will be put on the image and the percentage of the training dataset that will be poisoned (PP_POISON).
Each attack has a performace score which represents the performance of the attack based on accuracy on validation and training dataset, PP_POISON and success_rate.
Performance score is defined as follows:

$$</code>BadNets\ attack\ performance=4 \frac{SuccessRate*1/(PP\_POISON)*AccTrain*AccVal}{SuccessRate+1/(PP\_POISON)+AccTrain+AccVal}<code>$$

Here there are the triggers used in BadNets attack:

The clean-label black-box attack has failed and so results are not reported in this repository.




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