Player move Pacman to eat all the dots escaping from ghosts. You can play the game here
- Single Player
- Multi Players
- Game Levels
- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
- "A" or "Arrow Left" to move left
- "D" or "Arrow Right" to move right
- "W" or "Arrow Up" to move up
- "S" or "Arrow Down" to move down
"Arrow Keys" are used by used by player 1
"W", "A", "S" and "D" keys are used by player 2
- Red Cherry : Increases Pacman speed for certain amount of time
- Ghost Wrap: Make movement of ghost slow
- Blue Dot: Triggers frighten mode of ghosts and runs away from pacman, Pacman can eat Ghost during this period
- Player moves Pacman to eat all the dots escaping from ghosts
- Game Over
- Lose: If the player dies for 2 times
- Win: If the player eats all the dots
- Players move their respective Pacman to eat all the dots escaping from ghosts
- If one pacman is eaten by ghost, the pacman is freezed and locked up. The second player can touch the freezed pacman to unfreeze
- Game Over
- Lose: If both player is freezed
- Win: If both player is free and all dots are eaten