Repository of useful payloads and tips for pentesting/bug bounty.
{% hint style="info" %} WEB IN CONTINUOUS UPDATE {% endhint %}
I want to warn that I am not the owner of the information on this website, most of the tricks and payloads collected are from other websites and the content belongs to them. At the end of this page you have a compilation of resources where I have got information / tips for this repository.
If you want to contact me you can do it both on Twitter and Telegram.
If you want to contribute to this repository, you can do it by contacting me or making a PR to GitHub. The people who have contributed to the creation / maintenance of this wiki are listed below.
Thanks to all contributors and thanks to the owners of the websites where I have been able to gather all this information.
{% embed url="" %} PayloadAllTheThings {% endembed %}
{% embed url="" %} HackTricks {% endembed %}
{% embed url="" %} Six2dex Pentest Book {% endembed %}
{% embed url="" %} JorgeCTF Resources {% endembed %}
{% embed url="" %} Pentest Monkey {% endembed %}
{% embed url="" %} Morph3 Blog {% endembed %}
{% embed url="" %} S0md3v - Awesome XSS {% endembed %}