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The Bluetooth PTS automation framework


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The Bluetooth Profile Tuning Suite (PTS) is a Bluetooth testing tool provided by Bluetooth SIG. The PTS is a Windows program that is normally used in manual mode via its GUI.

auto-pts is the Bluetooth PTS automation framework. auto-pts uses PTSControl COM API of PTS to automate testing.

Over 630 test cases have been automated for Zephyr OS and Mynewt OS which reduced testing time from 'one man - 2 months' to 15 hours. auto-pts has been used to automate testing of three Bluetooth stacks thus far:

  • BlueZ
  • Zephyr BLE
  • Mynewt NimBLE


2 setups are available:

Linux + Windows


auto-pts server: Implemented in Python 3. Runs on Windows and provides over-the-network XML-RPC interface to PTS.

auto-pts client: Implemented in Python 3. Runs on GNU/Linux or Windows, communicates with the auto-pts server (to start/stop test cases, to send response to PTS inquiries) and communicates with the Implementation Under Test to take appropriate actions.

Implementation Under Test (IUT): It is the host running Bluetooth stack to be tested, this could be an emulator or real hardware. The IUT is controlled by using Bluetooth Test Protocol.

Bluetooth Test Protocol (BTP): Used to communicate with the IUT. See doc/btp_spec.txt

Linux Prerequisites

For auto-pts client under Linux:

  1. socat that is used to transfer BTP data stream from UART's tty file.

     sudo apt-get install python-setuptools socat
  2. Additionally, install required Python modules with:

     python3 -m pip install --user -r autoptsclient_requirements.txt

The rest of the setup is platform/mode specific:


See ptsprojects/bluez/

Zephyr BLE

See Zephyr with AutoPTS step-by-step setup tutorial

Mynewt NimBLE

Perform setup from Apache MyNewt, typically:

  1. Install Newt
  2. Instal toolchain and J-Link
  3. Test setup with Blinky project

Windows Prerequisites

For auto-pts server:

To be able to run PTS in automation mode, there should be no PTS instances running in the GUI mode. Hence, before running these scripts close the PTS GUI.

  1. Install required modules with:

     python.exe -m pip install --user -r autoptsserver_requirements.txt

For auto-pts client:

  1. Install required modules with:

     python.exe -m pip install --user -r autoptsclient_requirements.txt
  2. Download socat.exe from and add to PATH socat.exe directory.

The rest of the auto-pts client setup is platform/mode specific:

Zephyr BLE

Check out Zephyr with AutoPTS step-by-step setup tutorial

MyNewt NimBle (WIP)

PTS Workspace Setup

Before running any scripts you have to create a workspace in the PTS, add needed projects to the workspace and configure PICs and PIXITs.

Alternatively, you can use auto-pts workspaces. Auto-pts provides ready PTS workspaces with readily configured PICS in the "workspaces" directory. The list of available workspaces:

  • bluez
  • Mynewt Nimble Host
  • zephyr-master
  • zephyr-v1.14
  • zephyr-v2.2.0

Running in Client/Server Mode

The auto-pts framework uses a client server architecture. With this setup the PTS automation server runs on Windows and the client runs on GNU/Linux.

The command below starts AutoPTS server on Windows:


There are separate autoptsclient-*.py scripts to lunch AutoPTS Client depending on the tested stack.

Testing Zephyr Host Stack on QEMU

Start a proxy for Bluetooth adapter by using btproxy tool from BlueZ:

sudo bluez/tools/btproxy -u -z

Then start the AutoPTS Client using e.g. own workspace file:

./ "C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Profile Tuning Suite\PTS_PROJECT\PTS_PROJECT.pqw6" zephyr.elf -i SERVER_IP -l LOCAL_IP

Testing Zephyr combined (controller + host) build on nRF52:

./ zephyr-master -i SERVER_IP -l LOCAL_IP -t /dev/ttyACM0 -b nrf52

Testing Zephyr Host Stack on native posix:

./ zephyr-master <path>/zephyr.exe -i SERVER_IP -l LOCAL_IP --hci 0

Testing Mynewt build on nRF52:

./ "Mynewt Nimble Host" -i SERVER_IP -l LOCAL_IP -t /dev/ttyACM0 -b nordic_pca10056

Testing BlueZ on Linux:

See ptsprojects/bluez/

Running AutoPTSClientBot

AutoPTSClientBot has been added to automate running test cases on various configurations and reporting the results.

Key features

  • Fetching recent project sources
  • Applying changes to project configuration files via "iut_config" with "overlay" that need to be applied for "test_cases"
  • Building ZephyrOS/MynewtOS image
  • Flashing board
  • Running all the test cases
  • Archiving test execution logs
  • Storing the results in Excel spreadsheet file
    • test case statuses
    • pie chart
  • Sending the files to the Google Drive
  • Sending e-mail


The Bot configuration file is located in bot . Sample files bot/ and bot/ are provided. The file contains setup and project-specific configuration.

This may contain few sections:

  • name - AutoPTS project name
  • auto_pts - AutoPTS configuration
    • client_ip - AutoPTSClient IP address/es
    • server_ip - AutoPTSServer IP address/es
    • cli_port - AutoPTSClient port(s)
    • srv_port - AutoPTSServer port(s)
    • project_path - path to project source directory
    • workspace - PTS workspace path to be used
    • board - IUT used. Currently nrf52 is supported only
    • enable_max_logs - enable debug logs
    • retry - maximum repeat count per test
    • stress test - repeat every test retry number of times, even if result was PASS
    • bd_addr - IUT Bluetooth Address (optional)
    • rtt2pty - enable RTT logs
    • recovery - enable recovery after non-valid result (optional)
    • superguard - force recovery when server has been idle for the given time (optional)
    • ykush - reconnect board/PTS dongle during recovery, if YKUSH Switchable Hub is used (optional)
  • git - Git repositories configuration (optional)
    • path - path to project repo
    • remote - git remote repo name
    • branch - branch selected at git checkout
    • stash_changes - stash changes if local repo is dirty
  • mail - Mail configuration (optional)
    • sender - sender e-mail address
    • smtp_host, smtp_port - sender SMTP configuration
    • name - to be used in message footer
    • passwd - sender mailbox password. When Google account is used allow less secure apps to access account
    • recipients - list of e-mail addresses
    • start_tls - put SMTP server into TLS mode
  • gdrive - GDrive configuration (optional)
    • root_directory_id - Root Directory ID, can be obtained from URL,<GoogleDriveDirID>
    • credentials_file - path to credentials file to access Google Account. Read more here.
  • iut_config - IUT configuration overlay. This is used to apply test case specific changes in IUT configuration. It consists of dict of configuration names and related key: value pairs:
    • overlay - changes in config to be applied
    • test_cases - test cases to be ran with this config
  • scheduler - Scheduler configuration (optional)
    • weekday: "time" dictionary.


Install required Python modules with:

pip3 install --user -r bot/requirements.txt



Zephyr with AutoPTS step-by-step setup tutorial

Check out the guide how to set up AutoPTS for Zephyr + nRF52 under:

More examples of run and tips

Run many instances of autoptsserver on one Windows

Run in first console:

$ python

and in second console:

$ python -S 65002

or both in one console

$ python -S 65000 65002

Run many instances on one machine

Under Windows, run in first console: (-S 65000 -C 65001 by default)

$ python ./ zephyr-master -t COM3 -b nrf52

and in second console:

$ python ./ zephyr-master -t COM4 -b nrf52 -S 65002 -C 65003

and more. Note that IP is default, so there is no need to specify with -i and -l options.

Under Linux, run in first console: (-S 65000 -C 65001 by default)

$ ./ zephyr-master -i -l -t /dev/ttyACM0 -b nrf52

in second console:

$ ./ zephyr-master -i -l -t /dev/ttyACM1 -b nrf52 -S 65002 -C 65003

Example run of autoptsclient-zephyr for MESH testing:

In some test cases 2 instances of PTS are needed. So run autoptsserver with 2 instances:

$ python -S 65000 65002

Under Windows, run in second console:

$ python ./ zephyr-master -t COM3 -b nrf52 -c MESH -S 65000 65002 -C 65001 65003

Under Linux, run in one console:

$ ./ zephyr-master -i -l -t /dev/ttyACM0 -b nrf52 -c MESH -S 65000 65002 -C 65001 65003

Recovery tips

This feature was created to enable long runs of bot without supervision, because in continuous development some regressions on IUT or PTS side sometimes loop a test case somewhere.

Recover autoptsserver after exception

After python exception caught, kills all existing processes of PTS.exe, Fts.exe on Windows machine, cleans temporary PTS workspaces, and tries to restart autoptsserver. So if you need 2 autoptsserver instances, e.g. for MESH tests, this is the proper way to run them with recovery:

$ python -S 65000 65002 --recovery

If you have YKUSH hub, you can run with option --ykush, so recovery steps will include re-plugin of PTS dongles:

$ python -S 65000 65002 --recovery --ykush 1 2

where 1 and 2 are numbers of YKUSH USB ports (More about YKUSH hub).

Helpful --superguard option will blindly trigger recovery after given amount of time in minutes:

$ python -S 65000 65002 --superguard 15

Recover autoptsclient after exception

Recovery of autoptsclient is triggered after python exception or test case result other than PASS, INCONC or FAIL. It sends recovery request to autoptsserver, so server has to run in recovery mode too.

$ python ./ zephyr-master -t COM3 -b nrf52 --recovery

Options --superguard and --ykush works on autoptsclient same as on autoptsserver. So when run with --superguard 15, after 15 minutes of unfinished test case, superguard will force recovery. With option --ykush <port> the IUT board will be re-plugged during recovery.

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The Bluetooth PTS automation framework







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