JavaScript bookmark to hide the column to create more space and room for the DebugView.
Create a new bookmark If you use Google Chrome use CTRL+D or click the ⭐️ icon on the right of URL
Click more and change the URL Change the name to ("GA4 DebugView Size") and copy and paste the script in the URL field
Go GA4 Debug View and click the bookmark Now you can hide the property column if you click the bookmark
javascript:function DebugViewFull(){document.querySelector('body > ga-hybrid-app-root > ui-view-wrapper > div > app-root > div > div > ui-view-wrapper > div > admin-home').style.maxWidth = 'none';document.querySelector('.admin-nav-columns.with-selection').style.minWidth='0';document.querySelector('.admin-nav-columns.with-selection').style.width='0';}DebugViewFull();