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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Commands & Key's

Shark's commands and key's for repetitive tasks. All shortcuts follow the same structure to unify the system.



pkill [software] - Kill a frozen Page clear - Clear the Terminal man [software] - List Syntax of Software chmod +x [directory/of/file] - File permission to be executable mkdir [foldername] - Creates Folder in cd touch [filename] - Creates File in cd pacman -Qm - List packages installed cp [filename] - Copy File in cd mv [filename] - Rename File in cd rm [filename] - Remove File rm -r [directory] - Remove Directory lsusb - List all USB Devices pacman -S [package] - Install from Arch Repository pacman -Syyu - Update System & Packages pacman -Qdt - Autoremove Reqiuerements that are no longer required date MMDDhhmmYYYY - Set Time usr/bin/ - The directory for Scripts where [script] - Find Location of Script ps aux | grep [utilitie] | awk '{print $2}' - Find process PID's of utilitie sudo kill -9 [process] - Kill process of utilitie


cd ~/.local/src/dwmblocks/; sudo make install && { killall -q dwmblocks;setsid dwmblocks & } - Recompile dwmblocks cd local/src/dwm/ && sudo make install && { killall -q dwm; setsid dwm & } - Recompile dwm


yt [URL] - download youtube videos


ffmpeg -i -vf "transpose=1" - Turn Video 90 Clockwise ffmpeg -i in.mkv -vf "scale=trunc(iw/10)*2:trunc(ih/10)*2" out.mkv - Resize Video to a fitfth ffmpeg -i input.jpg -q:v 10 output.jpg - Compress Picture (Level 10 of 31 (worst)) ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "crop=iw-96:ih:96:0" output.mp4 - Crop video 5% on the left site


ssh [email protected] - Connect to your Server sshfs name@server:/path/to/folder /path/to/mount/point - Mount Serverfolder to Local


rsync -vrP --delete-after ~/Websites/example/ [email protected]:/var/www/example/ - Push Website to Server rsync -avz --delete-after [email protected]:/var/www/dokuwiki/data/pages ~/Dokuwiki/ - Pull Dokuwiki to Local Machine rsync -vrP --delete-after ~/Dokuwiki/ [email protected]:/var/www/dokuwiki/data/pages - Push to local Machines



git clone htpps:// - clone a repository make && sudo make install - installs a cloned repository

Verknüpfung mit Repository:

cd ~/ort/des/ordners - Wechsle zum Ordner git remote add origin - Verknpüfe lokalen Ordner mit Github-Repository git add . - Füge änderungen zur Warteschleife hinzu git commit -m "Nachricht" - Beschreibe deine Änderung


useradd -G mail -m [user] - Add a user called user passwd [user] - Give user a password


a - create A - mkdir enter - open backspace - go back one directory D - delete C - copy X - Cut P - paste r - rename / - search q - quit
m - mark

h, j, k ,l - to move around and enter directories and open files. g, G, ctrl-d, ctrl-u - movement like in vim.

  • w -- drop into a terminal in the current directory. If you exit or press ctrl-d in the termianl, you will return to lf.

  • ctrl-n -- new directory.

  • V -- new file with nvim.

  • space

    -- select files:

    • d -- cut files to lf's clipboard.
    • y -- yank files to lf's clipboard.
    • p -- paste/move copied/cut files.
    • C -- copy selected files to a bookmarked directory.
    • M -- move selected files to a bookmarked directory.
    • Y -- copy text names of selected files to the system clipboard.
  • Renaming files:

    • c -- rename the selected file.
    • A -- rename the selected file, starting at end.
    • a -- rename the selected file, starting after the extension.
    • I -- rename the selected file, starting at beginning.
    • i -- rename the selected file, starting before extension.
    • B -- bulk rename: use vidir to mass edit all files in the directory.
  • s -- sort files by a different metric.

  • z -- show extra data or hidden files.


alt + j/k/alt + Up/Down/alt + mouse wheel - scroll up or down in the terminal history. alt + u/d/alt + pageup/pagedown - faster scroll. alt + shift + j/k - decrease or increase font size. alt + c - copy selected text to clipboard. shift + insert - paste clipboard contents. alt + l - open a link/URL: pulls all URLs from terminal and allows you to pick one to open via dmenu. alt + y - copy a link/URL: same as above, but copies the URL. alt + o - copy the output from a recent command. alt + a/s - decrease/increase transparency.


:e - reload :q - quit :q! - quit without saving changes :w - write file :x exit :%d - Deleting everything in file :PlugUpgrade - Upgrade Plugins :r [file] - insert from file :[line],$d - Delete till end of file from line :2,$s/^/ / - Insert x infront of every line beginning from 2

navigation: k - up h - left l - right j - down w - next start of word W - next start of whitespace-delimited word e - next end of word E - next end of whitespace-delimited word b - previous start of word B - previous start of whitespace-delimited word 0 - start of line $ - end of line gg - go to first line in file G - go to end of file gk - move down one displayed line gj - move up one displayed line a - append after the cursor A - append at the end of the line

edit: i - insert before the cursor I - insert at the beginning of the line o - create a new line under the cursor O - create a new line above the cursor R - enter insert mode but replace instead of inserting chars u - undo yy - yank (copy) a line y {motion} - yank text that {motion} moves over p - paste after cursor P - paste before cursor x - delete a character dd - delete a line



Mod j/k – Cycle thru windows Mod r-click - Make Window float Mod l-click - Change Window Size Mod Space – Make selected window the master Mod h/l – Change width of master window Mod z/x – Increase/decrease gaps Mod a – Toggle gaps Mod Shift Space – Un/Make a window float Mod Shift 1-9 - Send window to workspace Mod r-click shift 1-9 - Take Window with you Mod b – Toggle statusbar meta f - Fullscreen a Window meta q - Cloze a Window


meta k - Start KDElive meta w - Start Browser meta e - Start File Browser meta s - Start Syncthing


strg , - Settings strg h - search for input strg alt c - Convert to Code strg 1-6 - Convert to Heading 1-6


f - toggle Fullscreen w - Zoom Out e - Zoom In o - show progress s - Screenshot the current Frame


? - show help f - show quick keybinding's j - scroll down k - scroll up s - youtube fullscreen / - Enter Find Mode n - cycle trough Find Mode words r - reload tab t - new tab x - close tab o - open searchbar strg tab - Cycle trough open Tabs strg shift s - make a screenshot strg shift h - Look for search history / downloads strg shift k - Developer console alt left - Go one step back alt right - Go one step forth


strg y - Youtube strg g - GrapesJS strg d - Deepl


strg k - Open Shortcut Menu strg alt left - Select to Beginning of Line strg e - Export directly as PDF strg 1-6 - Convert to Heading 1-6 strg o - Optimal View


b - hide bar W - fit image to windowRotation: < - Rotate image by 90 degrees. ? - Rotate image by 180 degrees. + - Zoom Out - - Zoom out q - Quit sxiv strg shift b - Buchstaben kleiner stellen


strg space - Change Language input