Neat-O python app to control your fancy MSI steelseries keyboard backlight. I learned the protocol by reading the code in this node project
Note that you must have permission to talk to your hid devices. Otherwise, you have to run this code with sudo
sudo pip install msikeys
You'll likely have to create a new udev rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-msikeys.rules so that your user can talk to this device
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1770", ATTR{idProduct}=="ff00", GROUP="input", SYMLINK+="msikeyboard_backlight"
Note that your user must be a member of the group in the above rule.
Then reboot or do something like
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
To initialize your config:
To apply your config at startup:
Green keyboard:
import msikeys
kb = msikeys.get_keyboard()
kb.colors = msikeys.Color.GREEN
Team amurica keyboard:
import msikeys
kb = msikeys.get_keyboard()
kb.colors = [msikeys.Color.RED, msikeys.Color.WHITE, msikeys.Color.BLUE]
Load keyboard at login (in your ~/.bash_profile):