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Repository files navigation


CLI commands

java -jar engine/target/scala-2.12/immutabledb-assembly-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -q "select id, age from test_100 where (age > 18 and age < 30) limit 10" -d "/Users/marcin/immutable3"
java -jar loader/target/scala-2.12/loader-assembly-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -t test_100m --cols id:DENSE_INT,state:DENSE_STRING:size=2,age:DENSE_TINYINT -d /Users/marcin/immutable3 -i data_100m.csv --block-size 1024 --segment-size 1000

Native Image

native-image --verbose --no-fallback --allow-incomplete-classpath -H:IncludeResources='.*' -H:-UseServiceLoaderFeature -jar engine/target/scala-2.12/immutabledb-assembly-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar immutabledb-sql


  • Table Stores information about what columns are in the table.

    • path to directory with columns/segments
    • returns columns belonging to table
  • Column Representation of a column.

    • path to directory with Segments
  • DataType Supported data type and operations

  • Codec Different implementations of data encoding/compression.

    • integer compression for sorted values
    • snappy compression for most other data
    • no compression (dense array)
  • SegmentReader/Writer Segment is a physical file of column data consisting of fixed number of blocks.

    • needs to store information about location of each block. Blocks are compressed so size of each block will be different.
  • BlockReader/Writer Block is the smallest unit of column data. Each block is compressed individually.

    • return vector of decoded values
  • Vector Vector is the unit of data in processing pipeline.

  • SegmentManager Loads segments into memory

  • Operators

    • Scanner Reads blocks from segments

    • RangeFilter For numeric columns. Work on vector of data marking columns that match range of values

    • MatchFilter Match exact value.

    • Project Returns tuples of values.

  • Loaders Load data from other formats into table.

    • CsvLoader
  • IO Collection of tools to read/write data

Data projection

  • row iterator interface
  • raster map tile interface

Loading and encoding data is a task that may require maintaining some data in memory while loading is in progress. It would be good to load data in batches of records for data locality.


Columnar query engine







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