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My dotfiles

My dotfiles for Arch Linux.


← 2020 dotfiles

Setup Information


Pywal is configured for most of these to switch between the light (solarized) and dark (onedark) mode automatically: Bspwm, Neovim, Alacritty (zsh), Rofi, Polybar, Dunst, GTK.


This repository contains the following directories of interest:

  • ~/.local/bin: my custom scripts. This includes setup-freeze, which makes a snapshot of the system's currently installed programs, files and specs and saves it into ~/.local/share/setup-freeze. It also supports custom scripts to e.g. make a quick backup of Spotify.
  • Documents/Cheatsheets: some useful guides/cheatsheets I use.


The dotfiles are managed with git, as described in this article.

Do note that this repository may contain censored parts after being published online. If you are importing my dotfiles, do a grep -r '\[REMOVED\]', which are parts that have been manually removed for privacy reasons. Just replace these with whatever you consider fits right.

Here's the list of things I usually do after installing the Operating System:

  • pacman -S base base-devel git

  • Install yay

  • A run with reflector for an optimal mirrorlist

  • Import the dotfiles into the system:

    git clone --bare [email protected]:marioortizmanero/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
    cp ~/.dotfiles/.zshrc ~ && source ~/.zshrc
    dots submodule init && dots submodule update
    dots checkout
  • Install all the listed programs in ~/.local/share/setup-freeze/out/installed.txt

  • Configure ZSH: chsh -s "$(which zsh)"

  • Configure makepkg in /etc/makepkg.conf:

    MAKEFLAGS="-j$(($(nproc) + 1))"
  • Uncomment some lines in /etc/pacman.conf:

    IgnorePkg         = jdk8
    ParallelDownloads = 5
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
  • Configure lightdm:

    sudo ln --force ~/.config/background.png /usr/share/backgrounds/main.png
    sudo ln --force ~/.config/avatar.png /usr/share/pixmaps/tux.png
    sudo ln --force ~/.config/lightdm/{lightdm.conf,lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf,} /etc/lightdm/

    Patch the theme

    And set the Icon option in /var/lib/AccountsService/users/<USER> to /usr/share/pixmaps/tux.png.

  • Defaults handlers:

    xdg-mime default firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/http
    xdg-mime default firefox.desktop x-scheme-handler/https
  • Activate some services:

    • ntpd to synchronize the time automatically.

    • Dark and light mode setters:

      systemctl --user enable {light,dark}-theme.{service,timer}
  • Configure Firefox:

    • General settings:
      • Enable Use autoscrolling
    • about:config:
      • Disable
      • Set security.dialog_enable_delay to 0
  • Symlinks:

    • ln -s ~/Downloads ~/Desktop
  • Configure MegaSync excluded patterns (until meganz/MEGAsync#412 is implemented):

  • Configure GRUB in case suspend doesn't work properly (

    $ sudo nvim /etc/default/grub
    # Update this line:
    $ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  • Configure Thunar "Open Terminal Here":

    • Edit > Configure Custom Actions
    • Config button for "Open Terminal Here"
    • Change command to alacritty --working-directory %f
  • Configure Font Manager:

    • Settings > Sources
    • Add source with fonts directory
    • Activate the toggle for the new source


My public Arch Linux setup on 12/09/2021






No releases published
