This project was intended to be a way to show the progress of a evolutionary algotithm in a very visual way and easy for anyone to run the code. Because of this I chose the P5.js JavaScript framework, since it's easy to create graphical animations and, since it runs on browser, it would be simple and acessible to use.
The population (blue circle) has a simple goal: reach the goal (yellow circle). When a individual hit the corners or the obstacles (red circle), they die. Every individual gets a evaluation at the end of the iteraction - when the frame counter reach the maximum.
The evaluation (fitness) is calculated based on how close the individual reached the goal and how much it moved - the less, the better.
The indiviudals' DNA is a bidimensional array, referent to a diferent vector force pushing the individual, one for every frame. In the beginning, all array's elements are a random number.
In the end of a interaction, all population's DNA goes through a crossover process. The individual DNA is summed up with the DNA referencing the best fitness achived, then divided by two, for every array's position. And then, a mutation value is added, a pair of numbers between -0.1 and 0.1.
The individual with the best fitness is a green square.
User's settings at the Code/main.js
This project was made in Firefox, some functions like the usage of .ico files may broke in other browsers.