An example of predicting breast cancer using existing data to learn with decision trees (scikit-learn/python)
The collected data sample has been divided into test and training samples. Using the scikit's decision tree generator and the traning set, is used to generate a tree based on ID3.
The test data can then be used to cross verify the accuracy of the tree generated.
This small program also generates a pdf to visualize the generated tree.
This program is only for demonstration/experimentation purposes ONLY.
python numpy scipy scikit-learn pydotplus graphviz
install python version 2.7
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install scikit-learn
pip install pydotplus
#NOTE pip has to be installed to use these commands (For installation, please read instructions online)
#Note to install graphviz in ubuntu OS, follow the command below (For windows, please read instructions online)
sudo apt-get install graphviz