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Hi! buddy's Here i'm going to teach how to create a personal Desktop hotspot app(bat file) using Text Document.
procedure I :Download the .bat file and run in administrator rights.
procedure II:
step 1: Open a new text document file and then type the following command or copy and paste.If you want to change your hotspot user name and password please change the code below.
User name: MK-WiFi
Password: superuser456 (key) 
@echo off
echo select what you want from me(on-N/off-F/details-D)
set /p "cho=>"
if %cho%==on goto on
if %cho%==N goto on
if %cho%==n goto on
if %cho%==F goto off
if %cho%==f goto off
if %cho%==off goto off
if %cho%==details goto details
if %cho%==ON goto on
if %cho%==OFF goto off
if %cho%==DETAILS goto details
if %cho%==d goto details
if %cho%==D goto details
if %cho%==C goto connected clients
if %cho%==connected clients goto connected clients
if %cho%==CONNECTED CLIENTS goto connected clients
if %cho%==c goto connected clients
goto invalid choice.
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i status
echo SSID Name
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i " ssid "
netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MK-WIFI key=superuser456
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
echo select what you want from me(off-F/connected clients-c)
set /p "cho=>"
if %cho%==off goto off
if %cho%==F goto off
if %cho%==f goto off
if %cho%==d goto details
if %cho%==D goto details
if %cho%==C goto connected clients
if %cho%==connected clients goto connected clients
if %cho%==CONNECTED CLIENTS goto connected clients
if %cho%==c goto connected clients
if %cho%==OFF goto off
goto invalid choice.
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
goto end
:connected clients
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i status
echo SSID Name
netsh wlan show hostednetwork | findstr -i " ssid "
netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting=security
echo Connected clients
arp -a | findstr -i 192.168.173 | findstr /V 255 | findstr /V
echo select what you want from me(off-F)
set /p "cho=>"
if %cho%==off goto off
if %cho%==OFF goto off
if %cho%==f goto off
if %cho%==F goto off
goto invalid choice.
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
goto end
step 2: Then save As to bat file format (file name end with .bat) in desktop.
step 3: Now you seen a new file looking like a settings icon.
step 4: Then you run the file with administrator privilege.This option found on right click the file(run as administrator)
step 5: Now new command prompt(cmd) prompted. Then you start the hotspot, type on,ON,N,n anything in the showed prompt format.


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