The Portfolio folder showcases my personal portfolio website. It is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to highlight my skills, projects, and experiences. The website is hosted on Netlify and can be accessed at
- Responsive Design: The portfolio website is designed to be responsive, ensuring optimal viewing experience across devices of all sizes.
- Project Showcase: Showcases my projects with detailed descriptions, technologies used, and links to live demos or repositories.
- Skills Section: Highlights my technical skills and proficiency in various programming languages, frameworks, and tools.
- Experience: Provides information about my professional experience, including past internships, projects, and roles.
- JavaScript
The portfolio website is hosted on Netlify and can be accessed at
Feel free to explore my portfolio website to learn more about me, my projects, and my skills. You can navigate through different sections to get a comprehensive understanding of my background and capabilities.
The content of this portfolio website is available under the MIT License.