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This is the source code for the above website. It hosts role descriptions for the Mafia format played by Cornell Mafia Club.


The website is a static site hosted on github pages. The master branch is auto-deployed. The site uses javascript to render json lists into the tabs viewed on the main page. There are two main manifest files and one important folder:

  • roles.json lists all of the roles the site knows about
  • tier-manifest.json lists the tiers that should be displayed on the main page
  • tiers contains json files for each tier describing the roles in that tier

Stack-wise the site is relatively simple. We use:

  • bootstrap for the UI to make the site look ok
  • popper.js to render the tooltips that show you what the role does
  • jquery to find/replace nodes in the domain
  • custom Javascript implementing our domain logic
  • Everything is tied together in index.html which is just a skeleton that loads data from the json files


This section describes common tasks that you might want to do.

Add a new role to a tier

  1. Add the role to roles.json. For example this could describe a role:

        "name": "1-Shot Bulletproof Mafia",
        "description": "Protected from one kill during the night.",
        "team": "Mafia"

    Roles must have a name, description, and team, but can have any other fields (just for metdata purposes) if you want to. I recommend also including author.

  2. Add the role to the file corresponding to the tier you want to add it to. For example if we wanted to add 1-Shot Bulletproof Mafia to Basic, we'd add:

    "1-Shot Bulletproof Mafia",

    to tiers/basic.json.

Create a new tier

  1. Create a new file in tiers following the pattern of an existing tier. Notably:
    1. Update the name
    2. Update the description
    3. Make sure the version is unique, it should be the same as the filename (minus .json)
    4. Make a list of the roles you want to include in the tier. Note: these roles must be in roles.json.
  2. Add the tier to tier-manifest.json

Get rid of an existing tier

  1. Delete the entry corresponding to the tier from tier-manifest.json.
    • The items in tier-manifest.json correspond to the filenames in tiers but the names displayed on the site is the name declared in the file for that tier (under the tiers folder)
    • Generally these should be the same, but sometimes they might not be exactly the same
    • If you need to search through all the files in the tiers folder to find the right tier name to delete from tier-manifest.json
  2. Conventionally we move tiers not in use to retired lists, just to keep things a little more organized


Roles/tiers don't render on the site

  • Make sure you comma separate the roles properly
    • there should be exactly one comma between every pair of roles, i.e. { ... }, { ... }
    • there shouldn't be an extra comma at the end of the list, this is a relatively common mistake
  • Make sure the json files are otherwise syntactically valid. You can run the files through an online checker like if you don't have tools to do this on your computer.