This package will permit you to automatically create an HTML page with all your projects uploaded to Surge
If you want, you can also upload the page direcly from the CLI
You can see my generated site here
Install using npm
npm install -g surge-uploader
or you can use npx
npx surge-uploader
You can find your generate HTML in your home directory under the folder surge-uploader
The CLI will also display the location at the end
You can modify the file and upload it to surge or anywhere you want
if you want to edit the template HTML, just run the module once and in your home_dir a file named surge-uploader-template.html will appear, you can freely edit that file and it will override the base template, to re-obtain the default template simply delete that file.
Add your styles in the head, CSS files will be supported later...
In case you want to customize the links, they are organized like this:
<ul id="project-list">
<li class="li-project">
<a class="a-project" href="#" target="_blank">project</a>
(The path to the template file will also be displayed in the CLI)
You can also edit where the link will be generated (and the title)
<<LINKS>> placeholder for the links
<<TITLE>> placeholder for the page title