Add compliant APIs to your Laravel 5 application. Based on the framework agnostic packages neomerx/json-api and cloudcreativity/json-api.
If you've ever argued with your team about the way your JSON responses should be formatted, JSON API is your anti-bikeshedding weapon.
By following shared conventions, you can increase productivity, take advantage of generalized tooling, and focus on what matters: your application. Clients built around JSON API are able to take advantage of its features around efficiently caching responses, sometimes eliminating network requests entirely.
For full information on the spec, plus examples, see
We're in the process of adding full documentation to the wiki. We'll also be adding a demo app.
This repository is under development but is considered relatively stable. Tagged versions exist and we have live applications that are using the repository.
We want to get to v1.0 as soon as is possible. However, one of the base packages that we use -
- is not yet on at 1.*. As they could in theory make breaking changes to their package, we can't yet tag this package as 1.0.
Apache License (Version 2.0). Please see License File for more information.
Installation is via composer
. See the wiki for complete instructions.