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mdtk is a task runner using code block of Markdown.


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mdtk: Markdown CodeBlock Task Runner

mdtk is a task runner using code block of Markdown.



Download the appropriate binary for your environment and move it to $PATH directory such as /usr/local/bin/.

[mdtk command help]

  • command:
    • mdtk group-task
    • mdtk group-task [--options] -- args...

* How to write each command

  • group-task -> group task, group:task, task
    • Can write without group. In this case, all groups will be searched.
    • Special group-task names are as follows.
      • '_' group : Searchs only empty-name group.
      • 'help' task : Show task help. If write group, show only written group's tasks.
      • empty : If 'default' task is defined, run it. Otherwise, run 'help'.
  • args -> arg_name=arg_value
    • Write after two hyphens.
    • {$} and <$> are special variables, replaced by positional parameter $1...$9.

* options

--file, -f  [+value]      Select a task file. Task is run in working directory.
--File, -F  [+value]      Select a task file. Task is run in taskfile directory.
--nest, -n  [+value]      Set the nest maximum depth of embedded comment (embed/task).
                           Default is 20.
--use-tmp, -t             When run task, make tmp file temporarily.
--quiet, -q               Task output is not sent to standard output.
--all-task, -a            Can select private groups and hidden tasks at the command.
                           Or show all tasks that include private groups and hidden tasks at task help.
--script, -s              Display script.
--no-head-script, -S      Display script (No shebang, etc.).
--path                    Get file path of selected task.
--dir                     Get directory of taskfile in which selected task is written.
--make-cache, -c          Make taskdata cache.
--lib, -l  [+value]       Select a library file.
                           This is a special version of --file option.
                           No need to add an extension '.mdtklib'.
--make-library  [+value]  Make taskdata library.
                           Value is library name.
--debug, -d               View debug log of task embedding.
--version, -v             Show version.
--groups, -g              Show groups.
--help, -h                Show command help.
--manual, -m              Show mdtk manual.
--write-configbase        Write config base file to current directory.

[mdtk manual]

* Basics of Task Definition

The definition of a task is written in the following code block.
Commands in the code block are not independent and run as a single script (run in your SHELL environment).
In other words, you are merely writing a shell, bash, or other script within the code block.

```task:<group>:<task> -- <description>

# Write your script...


<group> and <description> can be empty. (ex: ```task::<task> ~)
'_' group is as same as empty.
Group that first is '_' and the length is over two is a private group.
Private groups cannot run from command directly.

'--' before <description> is not necessary, but it is better for visibility.
Also, the number of '-' need not be two, but any number of one or more.

It can also be written with language aliases added, as follows.

```bash  task:<group>:<task> -- <description>

# Write your script...


** Available Characters

The characters that can be used in <group> and <task> are as follows.

  • Lower Alphabets, Upper Alphabets, Numbers, '_', '-' and '.'
  • First character is only Lower Alphabets, Upper Alphabets and '_'

** Attributes

You can write attributes in the beginning of <description> using '[...]'.

  • format: as follows
```task:<group>:<task> -- [attr1 attr2 ...] <description>
# Write your script...
  • Set space between each attribute
  • Attributes List
    • hidden : The task gets same effects as private group.
    • t : In the task help, the task will be written on the upper side of the group.
    • b : In the task help, the task will be written on the lower side of the group.
    • weak : Attach to task that may be replaced later.
    • priority : Set selection priority in case of name conflicts. Write as priority:x.
      • Value x is integer and its range is -9 ~ +9. Default priority is 0.


```task::hello_world -- [t] This is Detail Text.
echo "Hello $THIS World!"

# -> Hello mdtk World!

* Variables

No special configuration is required to use task variables.
The variables given in the command are expanded at the beginning of the script as just variable definitions.
You simply use the variable in your script.

In the command, as follows, write the variables and its values after '--'.

  • mdtk <group> <task> -- arg1=value1 arg2=value2 arg3=value3 ...

mdtk does not check for the existence of variables during script generation.
It leaves this to the SHELL environment at runtime.

arg={$}, arg=<$> (value is {$}/<$>) are special variables, replaced by positional parameter $1...$9.
It may not work depending on the environment, so please use the one that is available.
(ex: shell environment -> use {$}, pwsh emvironment -> use <$>)
{?}, <?> are the optional version. Use after {$}/<$>.

* Embedded Comments

Some comments written as '#xxxx> comment' have a special behavior.
You can also use '//' instead of '#'.

#embed>  <group>:<task>                  : The selected task is directly embedded.
#task>   <group>:<task> -- args          : The selected task is embedded as a subshell.
                                            Reset config-once flag temporarily.
#func> <funcname> <group>:<task> -- args : The selected task is embedded as a subshell type function.
                                            Reset config-once flag temporarily.
                                            If you want the function to have arguments, 
                                            pass positional parameters to the task with <args>.
                                            (ex: #func> hello g:t -- arg1=$1 arg2=$2)
#config> once                            : When called multiple times, it is called only the first time.
#desc>   comments                        : Show comments as additional description in task help.
#args>   comments                        : Show comments as arguments in task help.

* Filename

mdtk uses in the current directory unless you select a file path with --file/-f flag.
Instead of, you can use *
In this case, however, only one * file should be placed in the same directory.

Search Order: --file path > > *

* Sub Taskfile

You can read sub taskfile in the following code block.
There must be no duplicate group/task combinations throughout all read files.


# Write sub taskfile path...


* Taskfile config

** Group Order

You can set integers that control the order of groups in the following code block.
This configuration is used in task help.
In task help, the higher the order value, the higher its group is displayed.
The order value is zero, if not set.
However, '_' (nameless) group will be the top of task help unless set number explicitly.

<groupname>: <integer> 

In this configuration, only what is written to the root file is used.

* Task Cache

** Cache

You can make a taskdata cache by setting --make-cache option.
The cache 'may' speed up task reading.
If the cache already exists, it will be read automatically with no option.
However, note that if taskfiles have some updates at this time, the cache will be remade and run-speed is slower than it without cache.
Good to use for taskfiles that are being updated less frequently.
To disable the cache, simply delete the relevant cache.

** Library

You can also make a taskdata library. It is similar to cache and use --make-library option.
Differences of the library and the cache are as follows.

  • The library is not read automatically and not remade automataically.
  • Select library file directly using --file/-f or --lib/-l option.
  • Therefore, can use it alone. Not need to hold '.md' taskfiles at the same place.
  • Embedded comments of all public tasks will be expanded.
  • All private tasks will be removed.
  • All file-path data of tasks will be removed.

In 'taskfile' code block, you cannot read the cache/library.
Please use mdtk command in task when you use them at outside.

*For Windows

Cannot run in Command Prompt environment.
Please use PowerShell.